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import re
import os
import datetime
import requests
from distutils.version import LooseVersion as V
from .python import PythonBuildPack
from ._r_base import rstudio_base_scripts, DEVTOOLS_VERSION, IRKERNEL_VERSION
class RBuildPack(PythonBuildPack):
Setup R for use with a repository
This sets up R + RStudio + IRKernel for a repository that contains:
1. A `runtime.txt` file with the text:
Where 'year', 'month' and 'date' refer to a specific
date snapshot of
from which libraries are to be installed.
2. A `DESCRIPTION` file signaling an R package
If there is no `runtime.txt`, then the MRAN snapshot is set to latest
date that is guaranteed to exist across timezones.
Additional R packages are installed if specified either
- in a file `install.R`, that will be executed at build time,
and can be used for installing packages from both MRAN and GitHub
- as dependencies in a `DESCRIPTION` file
- are needed by a specific tool
The `r-base` package from Ubuntu apt repositories is used to install
R itself, rather than any of the methods from
The `r-base-dev` package is installed as advised in RStudio instructions.
def runtime(self):
Return contents of runtime.txt if it exists, '' otherwise
if not hasattr(self, "_runtime"):
runtime_path = self.binder_path("runtime.txt")
with open(runtime_path) as f:
self._runtime =
except FileNotFoundError:
self._runtime = ""
return self._runtime
def r_version(self):
"""Detect the R version for a given `runtime.txt`
Will return the version specified by the user or the current default
version_map = {
"3.4": "3.4",
"3.5": "3.5.3-1bionic",
"3.5.0": "3.5.0-1bionic",
"3.5.1": "3.5.1-2bionic",
"3.5.2": "3.5.2-1bionic",
"3.5.3": "3.5.3-1bionic",
"3.6": "3.6.1-3bionic",
"3.6.0": "3.6.0-2bionic",
"3.6.1": "3.6.1-3bionic",
# the default if nothing is specified
r_version = "3.6"
if not hasattr(self, "_r_version"):
parts = self.runtime.split("-")
if len(parts) == 5:
r_version = parts[1]
if r_version not in version_map:
raise ValueError(
"Version '{}' of R is not supported.".format(r_version)
# translate to the full version string
self._r_version = version_map.get(r_version)
return self._r_version
def checkpoint_date(self):
Return the date of MRAN checkpoint to use for this repo
Returns '' if no date is specified
if not hasattr(self, "_checkpoint_date"):
match = re.match(r"r-(\d.\d(.\d)?-)?(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)", self.runtime)
if not match:
self._checkpoint_date = False
# turn the last three groups of the match into a date
self._checkpoint_date =
*[int(s) for s in match.groups()[-3:]]
return self._checkpoint_date
def detect(self):
Check if current repo should be built with the R Build pack
super().detect() is not called in this function - it would return
false unless a `requirements.txt` is present and we do not want
to require the presence of a `requirements.txt` to use R.
# If no date is found, then self.checkpoint_date will be False
# Otherwise, it'll be a date object, which will evaluate to True
if self.checkpoint_date:
return True
description_R = "DESCRIPTION"
if not self.binder_dir and os.path.exists(description_R):
if not self.checkpoint_date:
# no R snapshot date set through runtime.txt
# set the R runtime to the latest date that is guaranteed to
# be on MRAN across timezones
two_days_ago = - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
self._checkpoint_date = self._get_latest_working_mran_date(
two_days_ago, 3
self._runtime = "r-{}".format(str(self._checkpoint_date))
return True
def get_path(self):
Return paths to be added to the PATH environment variable.
The RStudio package installs its binaries in a non-standard path,
so we explicitly add that path to PATH.
return super().get_path() + ["/usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/"]
def get_build_env(self):
Return environment variables to be set.
We want libraries to be installed in a path that users can write to
without needing root. This is set via the `R_LIBS_USER` environment
variable, so we set that here.
return super().get_build_env() + [
# This is the path where user libraries are installed
("R_LIBS_USER", "${APP_BASE}/rlibs")
def get_packages(self):
Return list of packages to be installed.
We install a base version of R, and packages required for RStudio to
be installed.
packages = [
# For rstudio
# For R 3.4 we use the default Ubuntu package, for other versions we
# install from a different PPA
if V(self.r_version) < V("3.5"):
return super().get_packages().union(packages)
def _get_latest_working_mran_date(self, startdate, max_prior):
Look for a working MRAN snapshot
Starts from `startdate` and tries up to `max_prior` previous days.
Raises `requests.HTTPError` with the last tried URL if no working snapshot found.
for days in range(max_prior + 1):
test_date = startdate - datetime.timedelta(days=days)
mran_url = "{}".format(
r = requests.head(mran_url)
if r.ok:
return test_date
"Failed to get MRAN snapshot URL %s: %s %s",
def get_build_scripts(self):
Return series of build-steps common to all R repositories
All scripts here should be independent of contents of the repository.
This sets up:
- A directory owned by non-root in ${R_LIBS_USER}
for installing R packages into
- RStudio
- R's devtools package, at a particular frozen version
(determined by MRAN)
- IRKernel
- nbrsessionproxy (to access RStudio via Jupyter Notebook)
We set the snapshot date used to install R libraries from based on the
contents of runtime.txt.
mran_url = "{}".format(
scripts = []
# For R 3.4 we want to use the default Ubuntu package but otherwise
# we use the packages from a PPA
if V(self.r_version) >= V("3.5"):
scripts += [
echo "deb bionic-cran35/" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/r3.6-ubuntu.list
# Use port 80 to talk to the keyserver to increase the chances
# of being able to reach it from behind a firewall
apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9
apt-get update && \
apt-get install --yes r-base={R_version} \
r-base-dev={R_version} \
r-recommended={R_version} \
libclang-dev && \
apt-get -qq purge && \
apt-get -qq clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
mkdir -p ${R_LIBS_USER} && \
chown -R ${NB_USER}:${NB_USER} ${R_LIBS_USER}
scripts += rstudio_base_scripts()
scripts += [
# Set paths so that RStudio shares libraries with base R
# install. This first comments out any R_LIBS_USER that
# might be set in /etc/R/Renviron and then sets it.
sed -i -e '/^R_LIBS_USER=/s/^/#/' /etc/R/Renviron && \
echo "R_LIBS_USER=${R_LIBS_USER}" >> /etc/R/Renviron
# Install a pinned version of IRKernel and set it up for use!
R --quiet -e "install.packages('devtools', repos='{devtools_version}', method='libcurl')" && \
R --quiet -e "devtools::install_github('IRkernel/IRkernel', ref='{irkernel_version}')" && \
R --quiet -e "IRkernel::installspec(prefix='$NB_PYTHON_PREFIX')"
devtools_version=DEVTOOLS_VERSION, irkernel_version=IRKERNEL_VERSION
# Install shiny library
R --quiet -e "install.packages('shiny', repos='{}', method='libcurl')"
# We set the default CRAN repo to the MRAN one at given date
# We set download method to be curl so we get HTTPS support
echo "options(repos = c(CRAN='{mran_url}'), download.file.method = 'libcurl')" > /etc/R/
return super().get_build_scripts() + scripts
def get_preassemble_script_files(self):
files = super().get_preassemble_script_files()
installR_path = self.binder_path("install.R")
if os.path.exists(installR_path):
files[installR_path] = installR_path
return files
def get_preassemble_scripts(self):
"""Install contents of install.R
Attempt to execute `install.R` before copying the contents of the
repository. We speculate that most of the time we do not need access.
In case this fails we re-run it after copying the repository contents.
The advantage of executing it before copying is that minor edits to the
repository content will not trigger a re-install making things faster.
scripts = []
installR_path = self.binder_path("install.R")
if os.path.exists(installR_path):
scripts += [
"Rscript %s && touch /tmp/.preassembled || true" % installR_path,
return super().get_preassemble_scripts() + scripts
def get_assemble_scripts(self):
"""Install the dependencies of or the repository itself"""
assemble_scripts = super().get_assemble_scripts()
installR_path = self.binder_path("install.R")
if os.path.exists(installR_path):
assemble_scripts += [
# only run install.R if the pre-assembly failed
"if [ ! -f /tmp/.preassembled ]; then Rscript {}; fi".format(
description_R = "DESCRIPTION"
if not self.binder_dir and os.path.exists(description_R):
assemble_scripts += [
("${NB_USER}", 'R --quiet -e "devtools::install_local(getwd())"')
return assemble_scripts