
604 wiersze
20 KiB

import textwrap
import jinja2
import tarfile
import io
import os
import re
import logging
import docker
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
FROM buildpack-deps:bionic
# avoid prompts from apt
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
# Set up locales properly
RUN apt-get update -qq && \
apt-get install -qq --yes --no-install-recommends locales && \
apt-get purge -qq && \
apt-get clean -qq && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" > /etc/locale.gen && \
# Use bash as default shell, rather than sh
ENV SHELL /bin/bash
# Set up user
RUN adduser --disabled-password \
--gecos "Default user" \
--uid ${NB_UID} \
RUN wget --quiet -O - | apt-key add - && \
DISTRO="bionic" && \
echo "deb $DISTRO main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list && \
echo "deb-src $DISTRO main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list
# Base package installs are not super interesting to users, so hide their outputs
# If install fails for some reason, errors will still be printed
RUN apt-get update -qq && \
apt-get install -qq --yes --no-install-recommends \
{% for package in base_packages -%}
{{ package }} \
{% endfor -%}
&& apt-get purge -qq && \
apt-get clean -qq && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# This apt-get install is *not* quiet, so users see their packages being installed
{% if packages -%}
RUN apt-get update -qq && \
apt-get install --yes \
{% for package in packages -%}
{{ package }} \
{% endfor -%}
&& apt-get purge -qq && \
apt-get clean -qq && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
{% endif -%}
{% if build_env -%}
# Environment variables required for build
{% for item in build_env -%}
ENV {{item[0]}} {{item[1]}}
{% endfor -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if path -%}
# Special case PATH
ENV PATH {{ ':'.join(path) }}:${PATH}
{% endif -%}
{% if build_script_files -%}
# If scripts required during build are present, copy them
{% for src, dst in build_script_files.items() %}
COPY {{ src }} {{ dst }}
{% endfor -%}
{% endif -%}
{% for sd in build_script_directives -%}
{% endfor %}
# Copy and chown stuff. This doubles the size of the repo, because
# you can't actually copy as USER, only as root! Thanks, Docker!
USER root
COPY src/ ${HOME}
RUN chown -R ${NB_USER}:${NB_USER} ${HOME}
{% if env -%}
# The rest of the environment
{% for item in env -%}
ENV {{item[0]}} {{item[1]}}
{% endfor -%}
{% endif -%}
# Run assemble scripts! These will actually build the specification
# in the repository into the image.
{% for sd in assemble_script_directives -%}
{{ sd }}
{% endfor %}
# Container image Labels!
# Put these at the end, since we don't want to rebuild everything
# when these change! Did I mention I hate Dockerfile cache semantics?
{% for k, v in labels.items() %}
LABEL {{k}}="{{v}}"
{%- endfor %}
# We always want containers to run as non-root
# Make sure that postBuild scripts are marked executable before executing them
{% if post_build_scripts -%}
{% for s in post_build_scripts -%}
RUN chmod +x {{ s }}
RUN ./{{ s }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
# Add start script
{% if start_script is not none -%}
RUN chmod +x "{{ start_script }}"
ENTRYPOINT ["{{ start_script }}"]
{% endif -%}
# Specify the default command to run
CMD ["jupyter", "notebook", "--ip", ""]
{% if appendix -%}
# Appendix:
{{ appendix }}
{% endif %}
class BuildPack:
A composable BuildPack.
Specifically used for creating Dockerfiles for use with repo2docker only.
Things that are kept constant:
- base image
- some environment variables (such as locale)
- user creation & ownership of home directory
- working directory
Everything that is configurable is additive & deduplicative,
and there are *some* general guarantees of ordering.
def __init__(self):
self.log = logging.getLogger('repo2docker')
self.appendix = ''
self.labels = {}
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
self.log.warning("Windows environment detected. Note that Windows "
"support is experimental in repo2docker.")
def get_packages(self):
List of packages that are installed in this BuildPack.
Versions are not specified, and ordering is not guaranteed. These
are usually installed as apt packages.
return set()
def get_base_packages(self):
Base set of apt packages that are installed for all images.
These contain useful images that are commonly used by a lot of images,
where it would be useful to share a base docker image layer that
contains them.
These would be installed with a --no-install-recommends option.
return {
# Utils!
def get_build_env(self):
Ordered list of environment variables to be set for this image.
Ordered so that environment variables can use other environment
variables in their values.
Expects tuples, with the first item being the environment variable
name and the second item being the value.
These environment variables will be set prior to build.
Use .get_env() to set environment variables after build.
return []
def get_env(self):
Ordered list of environment variables to be set for this image.
Ordered so that environment variables can use other environment
variables in their values.
Expects tuples, with the first item being the environment variable
name and the second item being the value.
These variables will not be available to build.
return []
def get_path(self):
Ordered list of file system paths to look for executables in.
Just sets the PATH environment variable. Separated out since
it is very commonly set by various buildpacks.
# Allow local user installs into ~/.local, which is where the
# XDG desktop standard suggests these should be
# See
return ['$HOME/.local/bin']
def get_labels(self):
Docker labels to set on the built image.
return self.labels
def get_build_script_files(self):
Dict of files to be copied to the container image for use in building.
This is copied before the `build_scripts` & `assemble_scripts` are
run, so can be executed from either of them.
It's a dictionary where the key is the source file path in the host
system, and the value is the destination file path inside the
container image.
return {}
def stencila_manifest_dir(self):
"""Find the stencila manifest dir if it exists"""
if hasattr(self, '_stencila_manifest_dir'):
return self._stencila_manifest_dir
# look for a manifest.xml that suggests stencila could be used
# when we find one, stencila should be installed
# and set environment variables such that
# this file is located at:
self._stencila_manifest_dir = None
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):
if "manifest.xml" in files:
self.log.debug("Found a manifest.xml at %s", root)
self._stencila_manifest_dir = root.split(os.path.sep, 1)[1]
"Using stencila manifest.xml in %s",
return self._stencila_manifest_dir
def stencila_contexts(self):
"""Find the stencila manifest contexts from file path in manifest"""
if hasattr(self, '_stencila_contexts'):
return self._stencila_contexts
# look at the content of the documents in the manifest
# to extract the required execution contexts
self._stencila_contexts = set()
# get paths to the article files from manifest
files = []
if self.stencila_manifest_dir:
manifest = ET.parse(os.path.join(self.stencila_manifest_dir,
documents = manifest.findall('./documents/document')
files = [os.path.join(self.stencila_manifest_dir, x.get('path'))
for x in documents]
return self._stencila_contexts
for filename in files:
self.log.debug("Extracting contexts from %s", filename)
# extract code languages from file
document = ET.parse(filename)
code_chunks = document.findall('.//code[@specific-use="source"]')
languages = [x.get('language') for x in code_chunks]
"Added executions contexts, now have %s",
return self._stencila_contexts
def get_build_scripts(self):
Ordered list of shell script snippets to build the base image.
A list of tuples, where the first item is a username & the
second is a single logical line of a bash script that should
be RUN as that user.
These are run before the source of the repository is copied
into the container image, and hence can not reference stuff
from the repository. When the build scripts are done, the
container image should be in a state where it is generically
re-useable for building various other repositories with
similar environments.
You can use environment variable substitutions in both the
username and the execution script.
return []
def get_assemble_scripts(self):
Ordered list of shell script snippets to build the repo into the image.
A list of tuples, where the first item is a username & the
second is a single logical line of a bash script that should
be RUN as that user.
These are run after the source of the repository is copied into
the container image (into the current directory). These should be
the scripts that actually build the repository into the container
If this needs to be dynamically determined (based on the presence
or absence of certain files, for example), you can create any
method and decorate it with `traitlets.default('assemble_scripts)`
and the return value of this method is used as the value of
assemble_scripts. You can expect that the script is running in
the current directory of the repository being built when doing
dynamic detection.
You can use environment variable substitutions in both the
username and the execution script.
return []
def get_post_build_scripts(self):
An ordered list of executable scripts to execute after build.
Is run as a non-root user, and must be executable. Used for performing
build time steps that can not be performed with standard tools.
The scripts should be as deterministic as possible - running it twice
should not produce different results!
return []
def get_start_script(self):
The path to a script to be executed at container start up.
This script is added as the `ENTRYPOINT` to the container.
It is run as a non-root user, and must be executable. Used for
performing run time steps that can not be performed with standard
tools. For example setting environment variables for your repository.
The script should be as deterministic as possible - running it twice
should not produce different results.
return None
def binder_path(self, path):
"""Locate a file"""
if os.path.exists('binder'):
return os.path.join('binder', path)
return path
def detect(self):
return True
def render(self):
Render BuildPack into Dockerfile
t = jinja2.Template(TEMPLATE)
build_script_directives = []
last_user = 'root'
for user, script in self.get_build_scripts():
if last_user != user:
build_script_directives.append("USER {}".format(user))
last_user = user
build_script_directives.append("RUN {}".format(
assemble_script_directives = []
last_user = 'root'
for user, script in self.get_assemble_scripts():
if last_user != user:
assemble_script_directives.append("USER {}".format(user))
last_user = user
assemble_script_directives.append("RUN {}".format(
return t.render(
def build(self, client, image_spec, memory_limit, build_args, cache_from):
tarf = io.BytesIO()
tar =, mode='w')
dockerfile_tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo("Dockerfile")
dockerfile = self.render().encode('utf-8')
dockerfile_tarinfo.size = len(dockerfile)
def _filter_tar(tar):
# We need to unset these for build_script_files we copy into tar
# Otherwise they seem to vary each time, preventing effective use
# of the cache!
# is related
tar.uname = ''
tar.gname = ''
tar.uid = int(build_args.get('NB_UID', 1000))
tar.gid = int(build_args.get('NB_UID', 1000))
return tar
for src in sorted(self.get_build_script_files()):
src_parts = src.split('/')
src_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), *src_parts)
tar.add(src_path, src, filter=_filter_tar)
tar.add('.', 'src/', filter=_filter_tar)
limits = {
# Always disable memory swap for building, since mostly
# nothing good can come of that.
'memswap': -1
if memory_limit:
limits['memory'] = memory_limit
for line in
yield line
class BaseImage(BuildPack):
def get_build_env(self):
"""Return env directives required for build"""
return [
("APP_BASE", "/srv")
def get_env(self):
"""Return env directives to be set after build"""
env = []
if self.stencila_manifest_dir:
# manifest_dir is the path containing the manifest.xml
# archive_dir is the directory containing archive directories
# (one level up) default archive is the name of the directory
# in the archive_dir such that
# exists.
archive_dir, archive = os.path.split(self.stencila_manifest_dir)
("STENCILA_ARCHIVE_DIR", "${HOME}/" + archive_dir),
("STENCILA_ARCHIVE", archive),
return env
def detect(self):
return True
def get_assemble_scripts(self):
assemble_scripts = []
with open(self.binder_path('apt.txt')) as f:
extra_apt_packages = []
for l in f:
package = l.partition('#')[0].strip()
if not package:
# Validate that this is, indeed, just a list of packages
# We're doing shell injection around here, gotta be careful.
# FIXME: Add support for specifying version numbers
if not re.match(r"^[a-z0-9.+-]+", package):
raise ValueError("Found invalid package name {} in "
apt-get update && \
apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends {} && \
apt-get purge && \
apt-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
""".format(' '.join(extra_apt_packages))
except FileNotFoundError:
if 'py' in self.stencila_contexts:
${KERNEL_PYTHON_PREFIX}/bin/pip install --no-cache && \
${KERNEL_PYTHON_PREFIX}/bin/python -m stencila register
if self.stencila_manifest_dir:
${NB_PYTHON_PREFIX}/bin/pip install --no-cache nbstencilaproxy==0.1.1 && \
jupyter serverextension enable --sys-prefix --py nbstencilaproxy && \
jupyter nbextension install --sys-prefix --py nbstencilaproxy && \
jupyter nbextension enable --sys-prefix --py nbstencilaproxy
return assemble_scripts
def get_post_build_scripts(self):
post_build = self.binder_path('postBuild')
if os.path.exists(post_build):
return [post_build]
return []
def get_start_script(self):
start = self.binder_path('./start')
if os.path.exists(start):
return start
return None