
301 wiersze
9.6 KiB

from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial
import os
import re
import subprocess
from traitlets import Integer, TraitError
def execute_cmd(cmd, capture=False, **kwargs):
Call given command, yielding output line by line if capture=True.
Must be yielded from.
if capture:
kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE
kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.STDOUT
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)
if not capture:
# not capturing output, let subprocesses talk directly to terminal
ret = proc.wait()
if ret != 0:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(ret, cmd)
# Capture output for logging.
# Each line will be yielded as text.
# This should behave the same as .readline(), but splits on `\r` OR `\n`,
# not just `\n`.
buf = []
def flush():
"""Flush next line of the buffer"""
line = b''.join(buf).decode('utf8', 'replace')
buf[:] = []
return line
c_last = ''
for c in iter(partial(, 1), b''):
if c_last == b'\r' and buf and c != b'\n':
yield flush()
if c == b'\n':
yield flush()
c_last = c
ret = proc.wait()
if ret != 0:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(ret, cmd)
def chdir(path):
"""Change working directory to `path` and restore it again
This context maanger is useful if `path` stops existing during your
old_dir = os.getcwd()
def validate_and_generate_port_mapping(port_mapping):
Validate the port mapping list and return a list of validated tuples.
Each entry in the passed port mapping list will be converted to a
tuple with a containing a string with the format 'key:value' with the
`key` being the container's port and the
`value` being `None`, `host_port` or `['interface_ip','host_port']`
port_mapping (list): List of strings of format
`'host_port:container_port'` with optional tcp udp values and host
network interface
List of validated tuples of form ('host_port:container_port') with
optional tcp udp values and host network interface
Exception on invalid port mapping
One limitation of repo2docker is it cannot bind a
single container_port to multiple host_ports
(docker-py supports this but repo2docker does not)
Valid port mappings are:
- ``
- `:999` (match to any host port)
- `999:999/tcp` (bind 999 host port to 999 tcp container port)
Invalid port mapping:
- `` (even though docker accepts it)
- other invalid ip address combinations
reg_regex = re.compile(r"""
( # or capturing group
(?: # start capturing ip address of network interface
(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3} # first three parts
(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?) # last part of the ip address
| # host ip with port or only port
""", re.VERBOSE)
ports = {}
if not port_mapping:
return None
for p in port_mapping:
if reg_regex.match(p) is None:
raise Exception('Invalid port mapping ' + str(p))
# Do a reverse split twice on the separator :
port_host = str(p).rsplit(':', 2)
host = None
if len(port_host) == 3:
# host, optional host_port and container port information given
host = port_host[0]
host_port = port_host[1]
container_port = port_host[2]
host_port = port_host[0] if len(port_host[0]) > 0 else None
container_port = port_host[1]
if host is None:
ports[str(container_port)] = host_port
ports[str(container_port)] = (host, host_port)
return ports
def is_valid_docker_image_name(image_name):
Determine if image name is valid for docker using strict pattern.
Function that constructs a regex representing the docker image name and
tests it against the given image_name. Reference Regex definition in
The definition uses a stricter pattern than the docker default.
image_name: string representing a docker image name
True if image_name is valid, else False
'test.Com/name:latest' is a valid tag
'Test/name:latest' is not a valid tag
This function has a stricter pattern than
This pattern will not allow cases like `` though
docker considers it a valid tag.
reference_regex = re.compile(r"""
^ # Anchored at start and end of string
( # Start capturing name
(?: # start grouping the optional registry domain name part
(?:[a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]) # lowercase only '<domain-name-component>'
(?: # start optional group
# multiple repetitions of pattern '.<domain-name-component>'
)? # end optional grouping part of the '.' separated domain name
(?::[0-9]+)?/ # '<domain-name>' followed by an optional '<port>' component followed by '/' literal
)? # end grouping the optional registry domain part
# start <name-pattern>
[a-z0-9]+ # must have a <name-component>
(?:(?:[\._]|__|[-]*)[a-z0-9]+)+ # repeat the pattern '<separator><name-component>'
)? # optionally have multiple repetitions of the above line
# end <name-pattern>
(?: # start optional name components
(?: # start multiple repetitions
/ # separate multiple name components by /
# start <name-pattern>
[a-z0-9]+ # must have a <name-component>
(?:(?:[\._]|__|[-]*)[a-z0-9]+)+ # repeat the pattern '<separator><name-component>'
)? # optionally have multiple repetitions of the above line
# end <name-pattern>
)+ # multiple repetitions of the pattern '/<name-component><separator><name-component>'
)? # optionally have the above group
) # end capturing name
(?::([\w][\w.-]{0,127}))? # optional capture <tag-pattern>=':<tag>'
# optionally capture <digest-pattern>='@<digest>'
""", re.VERBOSE)
return reference_regex.match(image_name) is not None
class ByteSpecification(Integer):
Allow easily specifying bytes in units of 1024 with suffixes
Suffixes allowed are:
- K -> Kilobyte
- M -> Megabyte
- G -> Gigabyte
- T -> Terabyte
Stolen from JupyterHub
'K': 1024,
'M': 1024 * 1024,
'G': 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
'T': 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
# Default to allowing None as a value
allow_none = True
def validate(self, obj, value):
Validate that the passed-in value is a valid memory specification
If value is a pure int, it is taken as a byte value.
If value has one of the unit suffixes, it is converted into the
appropriate pure byte value.
if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
return int(value)
num = float(value[:-1])
except ValueError:
raise TraitError(
'{val} is not a valid memory specification. '
'Must be an int or a string with suffix K, M, G, T'
suffix = value[-1]
if suffix not in self.UNIT_SUFFIXES:
raise TraitError(
'{val} is not a valid memory specification. '
'Must be an int or a string with suffix K, M, G, T'
return int(float(num) * self.UNIT_SUFFIXES[suffix])
def check_ref(ref, cwd=None):
"""Prepare a ref and ensure it works with git reset --hard."""
# Try original ref, then trying a remote ref, then removing remote
refs = [ref, # Original ref
'/'.join(["origin", ref]), # In case its a remote branch
ref.split('/')[-1]] # In case partial commit w/ remote
hash = None
for i_ref in refs:
call = ["git", "rev-parse", "--quiet", i_ref]
# If success, output will be <hash>
response = subprocess.check_output(call, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, cwd=cwd)
hash = response.decode().strip()
except Exception:
# We'll throw an error later if no refs resolve
return hash