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import re
import os
import datetime
from .python import PythonBuildPack
class RBuildPack(PythonBuildPack):
Setup R for use with a repository
This sets up R + RStudio + IRKernel for a repository that contains:
1. A `runtime.txt` file with the text:
Where 'year', 'month' and 'date' refer to a specific
date snapshot of
from which libraries are to be installed.
2. An optional `install.R` file that will be executed at build time,
and can be used for installing packages from both MRAN and GitHub.
The `r-base` package from Ubuntu apt repositories is used to install
R itself, rather than any of the methods from
def runtime(self):
Return contents of runtime.txt if it exists, '' otherwise
if not hasattr(self, '_runtime'):
runtime_path = self.binder_path('runtime.txt')
with open(runtime_path) as f:
self._runtime =
except FileNotFoundError:
self._runtime = ''
return self._runtime
def checkpoint_date(self):
Return the date of MRAN checkpoint to use for this repo
Returns '' if no date is specified
if not hasattr(self, '_checkpoint_date'):
match = re.match(r'r-(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)', self.runtime)
if not match:
self._checkpoint_date = False
self._checkpoint_date =*[int(s) for s in match.groups()])
return self._checkpoint_date
def detect(self):
Check if current repo should be built with the R Build pack
super().detect() is not called in this function - it would return false
unless a `requirements.txt` is present and we do not want to require the
presence of a `requirements.txt` to use R.
Instead we just check if runtime.txt contains a string of the form
# If no date is found, then self.checkpoint_date will be False
# Otherwise, it'll be a date object, which will evaluate to True
return bool(self.checkpoint_date)
def get_path(self):
Return paths to be added to the PATH environment variable.
The RStudio package installs its binaries in a non-standard path,
so we explicitly add that path to PATH.
return super().get_path() + [
def get_env(self):
Return environment variables to be set.
We want libraries to be installed in a path that users can write to
without needing root. This is set via the `R_LIBS_USER` environment
variable, so we set that here.
return super().get_env() + [
# This is the path where user libraries are installed
('R_LIBS_USER', '${APP_BASE}/rlibs')
def get_packages(self):
Return list of packages to be installed.
We install a base version of R, and packages required for RStudio to
be installed.
return super().get_packages().union([
# For rstudio
def get_build_scripts(self):
Return series of build-steps common to all R repositories
All scripts here should be independent of contents of the repository.
This sets up:
- A directory owned by non-root in ${R_LIBS_USER} for installing R packages into
- RStudio
- R's devtools package, at a particular frozen version (determined by MRAN)
- IRKernel
- nbrsessionproxy (to access RStudio via Jupyter Notebook)
rstudio_url = ''
# This is MD5, because that is what RStudio download page provides!
rstudio_checksum = '24cd11f0405d8372b4168fc9956e0386'
# Version of MRAN to pull devtools from.
devtools_version = '2018-02-01'
# IRKernel version - specified as a tag in the IRKernel repository
irkernel_version = '0.8.11'
return super().get_build_scripts() + [
mkdir -p ${R_LIBS_USER} && \
chown -R ${NB_USER}:${NB_USER} ${R_LIBS_USER}
# Install RStudio!
curl --silent --location --fail {rstudio_url} > /tmp/rstudio.deb && \
echo '{rstudio_checksum} /tmp/rstudio.deb' | md5sum -c - && \
dpkg -i /tmp/rstudio.deb && \
rm /tmp/rstudio.deb
# Install nbrsessionproxy
pip install --no-cache-dir nbrsessionproxy==0.6.1 && \
jupyter serverextension enable nbrsessionproxy --sys-prefix && \
jupyter nbextension install --py nbrsessionproxy --sys-prefix && \
jupyter nbextension enable --py nbrsessionproxy --sys-prefix
# Install a pinned version of IRKernel and set it up for use!
R --quiet -e "install.packages('devtools', repos='{devtools_version}', method='libcurl')" && \
R --quiet -e "devtools::install_github('IRkernel/IRkernel', ref='{irkernel_version}')" && \
R --quiet -e "IRkernel::installspec(prefix='$NB_PYTHON_PREFIX')"
def get_assemble_scripts(self):
Return series of build-steps specific to this repository
We set the snapshot date used to install R libraries from based on the
contents of runtime.txt, and run the `install.R` script if it exists.
mran_url = '{}'.format(
assemble_scripts = super().get_assemble_scripts() + [
# We set the default CRAN repo to the MRAN one at given date
# We set download method to be curl so we get HTTPS support
echo "options(repos = c(CRAN='{mran_url}'), download.file.method = 'libcurl')" > /etc/R/
if os.path.exists('install.R'):
assemble_scripts += [
"Rscript install.R"
return assemble_scripts