import os from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from unittest.mock import patch from ruamel.yaml import YAML from repo2docker.buildpacks.conda.freeze import set_python import pytest V = "3.7" yaml = YAML(typ="rt") def test_set_python(): with TemporaryDirectory() as d: env_fname = os.path.join(d, "some-env.yml") # function being tested set_python(env_fname, V) # check that set_python() did its job with open(env_fname) as f: env = yaml.load(f) assert "AUTO GENERATED FROM" in f.readline() for dep in env["dependencies"]: # the "- pip:" entry isn't a string, hence this complex if # statement if isinstance(dep, str) and dep.startswith("python="): assert dep == f"python={V}.*", f"Unexpected dependency spec: '{dep}'" break else: assert False, f"Did not find 'python={V}.*' listed in the generated file" def test_doesnt_clobber(): # check a file not containing the word GENERATED on the first line is # left unchanged with TemporaryDirectory() as d: env_fname = os.path.join(d, "some-env.yml") with open(env_fname, "w") as f: f.write("some text here") set_python(env_fname, V) with open(env_fname) as f: assert == "some text here" def test_python_missing_in_source_env(): # check we raise an exception when python isn't in the source environemt with TemporaryDirectory() as d: # prep our source environment source_env_fname = os.path.join(d, "source-env.yml") with open(source_env_fname, "w") as f: yaml.dump({"dependencies": ["a_package_name=1.2.3"]}, f) with patch("repo2docker.buildpacks.conda.freeze.ENV_FILE", source_env_fname): target_env_fname = os.path.join(d, "some-env.yml") with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: set_python(target_env_fname, V) assert "python dependency not found" in str(e.value)