#!/usr/bin/env julia using PyPlot # Make sure we are re-using the same conda python if ! startswith(PyCall.libpython, ENV["NB_PYTHON_PREFIX"] * "/lib") println("Not re-using conda python! Using " * PyCall.libpython * " instead") exit(1) end # We try to plot something, and see if the file saved exists x = linspace(0,2*pi,1000); y = sin(3*x + 4*cos(2*x)) plot(x, y, color="red", linewidth=2.0, linestyle="--") savefig("graph.png") if isfile("graph.png") exit(0) else exit(1) end # We check that PyPlot is installed inside ${JULIA_DEPOT_PATH} if ! isdir(ENV["JULIA_DEPOT_PATH"] * "/packages/PyPlot") println("PyPlot not installed under JULIA_DEPOT_PATH") exit(1) end