""" Custom test collector for our integration tests. Each directory that has a script named 'verify' is considered a test. jupyter-repo2docker is run on that directory, and then ./verify is run inside the built container. It should return a non-zero exit code for the test to be considered a success. """ import os import pipes import shlex import pytest import yaml from repo2docker.app import Repo2Docker def pytest_collect_file(parent, path): if path.basename == 'verify': return LocalRepo(path, parent) elif path.basename.endswith('.repos.yaml'): return RemoteRepoList(path, parent) def make_test_func(args): """Generate a test function that runs repo2docker""" def test(): app = Repo2Docker() app.initialize(args) app.start() return test class Repo2DockerTest(pytest.Function): """A pytest.Item for running repo2docker""" def __init__(self, name, parent, args): self.args = args self.save_cwd = os.getcwd() f = parent.obj = make_test_func(args) super().__init__(name, parent, callobj=f) def reportinfo(self): return self.parent.fspath, None, "" def repr_failure(self, excinfo): err = excinfo.value if isinstance(err, SystemExit): cmd = "jupyter-repo2docker %s" % ' '.join(map(pipes.quote, self.args)) return "%s | exited with status=%s" % (cmd, err.code) else: return super().repr_failure(excinfo) def teardown(self): super().teardown() os.chdir(self.save_cwd) class LocalRepo(pytest.File): def collect(self): yield Repo2DockerTest( self.fspath.basename, self, args=[ '--appendix', 'RUN echo "appendix" > /tmp/appendix', self.fspath.dirname, './verify', ], ) class RemoteRepoList(pytest.File): def collect(self): with self.fspath.open() as f: repos = yaml.safe_load(f) for repo in repos: yield Repo2DockerTest( repo['name'], self, args=[ '--ref', repo['ref'], repo['url'], '--', ] + shlex.split(repo['verify']), )