import json import os import pytest from contextlib import contextmanager from io import BytesIO from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory, NamedTemporaryFile from unittest.mock import patch from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from zipfile import ZipFile from repo2docker.contentproviders import Figshare def test_content_id(): with patch.object(Figshare, "urlopen") as fake_urlopen: fake_urlopen.return_value.url = "" fig = Figshare() fig.detect("10.6084/m9.figshare.9782777") assert fig.content_id == "9782777" test_fig = Figshare() test_dois_links = [ ("10.6084/m9.figshare.9782777", {"host": test_fig.hosts[0], "article": "9782777"}), ( "10.6084/m9.figshare.9782777.v1", {"host": test_fig.hosts[0], "article": "9782777"}, ), ( "", {"host": test_fig.hosts[0], "article": "9782777"}, ), ( "", {"host": test_fig.hosts[0], "article": "97827771234"}, ), ( "", {"host": test_fig.hosts[0], "article": "9782777"}, ), ( "", {"host": test_fig.hosts[0], "article": "9782777"}, ), ] test_spec = {"host": test_fig.hosts[0], "article": "1234"} @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input,expected", test_dois_links) def test_detect_figshare(test_input, expected): assert Figshare().detect(test_input) == expected def test_detect_not_figshare(): assert Figshare().detect("/some/path/here") is None assert Figshare().detect("") is None assert Figshare().detect("10.21105/joss.01277") is None assert Figshare().detect("10.5281/zenodo.3232985") is None assert Figshare().detect("") is None @contextmanager def figshare_archive(prefix="a_directory"): with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".zip") as zfile: with ZipFile(, mode="w") as zip: zip.writestr("{}/some-file.txt".format(prefix), "some content") zip.writestr("{}/some-other-file.txt".format(prefix), "some more content") yield def test_fetch_zip(): # see with figshare_archive() as fig_path: mock_response = BytesIO( json.dumps( { "files": [ { "name": "", "is_link_only": False, "download_url": "file://{}".format(fig_path), } ] } ).encode("utf-8") ) def mock_urlopen(self, req): if isinstance(req, Request): return mock_response else: return urlopen(req) with patch.object(Figshare, "urlopen", new=mock_urlopen): with TemporaryDirectory() as d: fig = Figshare() output = [] for l in fig.fetch(test_spec, d): output.append(l) unpacked_files = set(os.listdir(d)) expected = set(["some-other-file.txt", "some-file.txt"]) assert expected == unpacked_files def test_fetch_data(): with figshare_archive() as a_path: with figshare_archive() as b_path: mock_response = BytesIO( json.dumps( { "files": [ { "name": "afake.file", "download_url": "file://{}".format(a_path), "is_link_only": False, }, { "name": "", "download_url": "file://{}".format(b_path), "is_link_only": False, }, {"name": "", "is_link_only": True}, ] } ).encode("utf-8") ) def mock_urlopen(self, req): if isinstance(req, Request): return mock_response else: return urlopen(req) with patch.object(Figshare, "urlopen", new=mock_urlopen): with TemporaryDirectory() as d: fig = Figshare() output = [] for l in fig.fetch(test_spec, d): output.append(l) unpacked_files = set(os.listdir(d)) # ZIP files shouldn't have been unpacked expected = {"", "afake.file"} assert expected == unpacked_files