# Overview of tests for the conda buildpack ## Tested configuration files - [`.binder/`](https://repo2docker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#where-to-put-configuration-files) - [`requirements.txt`](https://repo2docker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config_files.html#requirements-txt-install-a-python-environment) - [`postBuild](https://repo2docker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config_files.html#postbuild-run-code-after-installing-the-environment) ## Tested repo2docker command line flags - [`--target-repo-dir`](https://repo2docker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#cmdoption-jupyter-repo2docker-target-repo-dir) ### py2 - Test setup of a Python 2 environment by declaring `python=2` in `environment.yml`. ### py35-binder-dir - Test setup of a Python 3.5 environment by declaring `python=3.5` in `environment.yml`. The reasons for testing 3.5 specifically is that it is the oldest version of Python 3 supported by repo2docker's conda buildpack. See `repo2docker/buildpacks/conda` for details. - Test use of a `.binder` directory. ### py310-requirements-file - Test setup of a Python 3.10 environment by declaring `python=3.10` in `environment.yml`. The reasons for testing 3.10 specifically is that it is the newest version of Python 3 supported by repo2docker's conda buildpack. See `repo2docker/buildpacks/conda` for details. - Test use of a `requirements.txt` file, where an `environment.yml` file should take precedence and the `requirements.txt` should be ignored. ### py-r-postbuild-file - Test setup of the default Python environment by omitting `python` from `environment.yml` file. - Test setup of the default R environment by specifying `r-base` in `environment.yml`. - Test use of a `postBuild` file. ### r3.6-target-repo-dir-flag - Test setup of a R 3.6 environment by specifying `r-base=3.6` in `environment.yml`. - Test use of repo2docker with the `--target-repo-dir` flag. `--target-repo-dir` is meant to support custom paths where repositories can be copied to besides `${HOME}`. This test makes use of the `test-extra-args.yaml` file to influence additional arguments passed to `repo2docker` during the test. In this test, specify `--target-repo-dir=/srv/repo`.