from datetime import date import pytest from requests.models import Response from unittest.mock import patch from repo2docker import buildpacks def test_unsupported_version(tmpdir): tmpdir.chdir() with open("runtime.txt", "w") as f: f.write("r-3.8-2019-01-01") r = buildpacks.RBuildPack() with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: # access the property to trigger the exception _ = r.r_version # check the version is mentioned in the exception assert "'3.8'" in str(excinfo.value) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "runtime_version, expected", [("", "3.6"), ("3.6", "3.6"), ("3.5.1", "3.5")] ) def test_version_specification(tmpdir, runtime_version, expected): tmpdir.chdir() with open("runtime.txt", "w") as f: if runtime_version: runtime_version += "-" f.write(f"r-{runtime_version}2019-01-01") r = buildpacks.RBuildPack() assert r.r_version.startswith(expected) def test_version_completion(tmpdir): tmpdir.chdir() with open("runtime.txt", "w") as f: f.write(f"r-3.6-2019-01-01") r = buildpacks.RBuildPack() assert r.r_version == "3.6.1-3bionic" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "runtime, expected", [ ("r-2019-01-01", (2019, 1, 1)), ("r-3.6.1-2019-01-01", (2019, 1, 1)), ("r-3.5-2019-01-01", (2019, 1, 1)), ], ) def test_mran_date(tmpdir, runtime, expected): tmpdir.chdir() with open("runtime.txt", "w") as f: f.write(runtime) r = buildpacks.RBuildPack() assert r.checkpoint_date == date(*expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("expected", ["2019-12-29", "2019-12-26"]) def test_mran_latestdate(tmpdir, expected): def mock_request_head(url): r = Response() if url == "" + expected: r.status_code = 200 else: r.status_code = 404 r.reason = "Mock MRAN no snapshot" return r tmpdir.chdir() with open("DESCRIPTION", "w") as f: f.write("") with patch("requests.head", side_effect=mock_request_head): with patch("") as mockdate: = date(2019, 12, 31) r = buildpacks.RBuildPack() r.detect() assert r.checkpoint_date.isoformat() == expected def test_install_from_base(tmpdir): # check that for R==3.4 we install from ubuntu tmpdir.chdir() with open("runtime.txt", "w") as f: f.write("r-3.4-2019-01-02") r = buildpacks.RBuildPack() assert "r-base" in r.get_packages() def test_install_from_ppa(tmpdir): # check that for R>3.4 we don't install r-base from Ubuntu tmpdir.chdir() with open("runtime.txt", "w") as f: f.write("r-3.5-2019-01-02") r = buildpacks.RBuildPack() assert "r-base" not in r.get_packages() def test_custom_ppa(tmpdir): tmpdir.chdir() with open("runtime.txt", "w") as f: f.write("r-3.5-2019-01-02") r = buildpacks.RBuildPack() scripts = r.get_build_scripts() # check that at least one of the build scripts adds this new PPA for user, script in scripts: if " bionic-cran35/" in script: break else: assert False, "Should have added a new PPA" # check that we install the right package for user, script in scripts: if "r-base=3.5" in script: break else: assert False, "Should have installed base R"