""" Test that build time memory limits are enforced """ import os from unittest.mock import MagicMock import docker import pytest from repo2docker.buildpacks import BaseImage, DockerBuildPack basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) def test_memory_limit_enforced(tmpdir): fake_cache_from = ["image-1:latest"] fake_log_value = {"stream": "fake"} fake_client = MagicMock(spec=docker.APIClient) fake_client.build.return_value = iter([fake_log_value]) fake_extra_build_kwargs = {"somekey": "somevalue"} # some memory limit value, the important bit is that this value is # later passed to the `build` method of the Docker API client memory_limit = 128 * 1024 # Test that the buildpack passes the right arguments to the docker # client in order to enforce the memory limit tmpdir.chdir() for line in BaseImage().build( fake_client, "image-2", memory_limit, {}, fake_cache_from, fake_extra_build_kwargs, ): pass # check that we pass arguments asking for memory limiting # to the Docker API client args, kwargs = fake_client.build.call_args assert "container_limits" in kwargs assert kwargs["container_limits"] == { "memory": memory_limit, "memswap": memory_limit, } def test_memlimit_same_postbuild(): """ Validate that the postBuild files for the dockerfile and non-dockerfile tests are the same Until https://github.com/jupyterhub/repo2docker/issues/160 gets fixed. """ filepaths = [ os.path.join(basedir, "memlimit", t, "postBuild") for t in ("dockerfile", "non-dockerfile") ] file_contents = [] for fp in filepaths: with open(fp) as f: file_contents.append(f.read()) # Make sure they're all the same assert len(set(file_contents)) == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize("BuildPack", [BaseImage, DockerBuildPack]) def test_memlimit_argument_type(BuildPack): # check that an exception is raised when the memory limit isn't an int fake_log_value = {"stream": "fake"} fake_client = MagicMock(spec=docker.APIClient) fake_client.build.return_value = iter([fake_log_value]) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info: for line in BuildPack().build(fake_client, "image-2", "10Gi", {}, [], {}): pass assert "The memory limit has to be specified as an" in str(exc_info.value)