# A bunch of external repos that reproduce something cool we care about # Test that a full remote/hash works - name: LIGO Gravitational Waves url: https://github.com/minrk/ligo-binder/ ref: origin/b8259dac9eb verify: python -c 'import matplotlib' # Test that ref is added if not present - name: LIGO Gravitational Waves url: https://github.com/minrk/ligo-binder/ ref: b8259dac9eb verify: python -c 'import matplotlib' # Test that a full remote/ref works - name: Binder Examples - Requirements url: https://github.com/binder-examples/requirements ref: origin/main verify: python -c 'import matplotlib' # Test that ref is added to branch if not present - name: Binder Examples - Requirements url: https://github.com/binder-examples/requirements ref: main verify: python -c 'import matplotlib' # Test that tags work + ref is added to tag if not present - name: Binder Examples - Requirements url: https://github.com/binder-examples/requirements ref: python-3.7 verify: python -c 'import matplotlib' # Test that custom channels and downgrades don't # get blocked by pinning - name: Xeus-Cling url: https://github.com/QuantStack/xeus-cling ref: 0.6.0 verify: jupyter kernelspec list # Zenodo record of https://github.com/binder-examples/requirements - name: 10.5281/zenodo.3242074 url: 10.5281/zenodo.3242074 verify: /srv/conda/envs/kernel/bin/python -c 'import matplotlib' # Test that files in git-lfs are properly cloned - name: LFS url: https://github.com/binderhub-ci-repos/lfs ref: 9abf54a verify: grep "I am stored in git lfs" in-lfs.dat