import os import pytest from contextlib import contextmanager from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory, NamedTemporaryFile from unittest.mock import patch from zipfile import ZipFile import re from repo2docker.contentproviders import Hydroshare from repo2docker.contentproviders.base import ContentProviderException doi_responses = { "": ( "" ), "": ( "" ), } def doi_resolver(req, context): resp = doi_responses.get(req.url) # doi responses are redirects if resp is not None: context.status_code = 302 context.headers["Location"] = resp return resp hydroshare_data = { "dates": [{"type": "modified", "start_date": "2019-09-25T16:09:17.006152Z"}] } def test_content_id(requests_mock): requests_mock.get(re.compile("https://"), json=hydroshare_data) requests_mock.get(re.compile(""), json=doi_resolver) hydro = Hydroshare() hydro.detect("10.4211/hs.b8f6eae9d89241cf8b5904033460af61") assert hydro.content_id == "b8f6eae9d89241cf8b5904033460af61.v1569427757" def test_detect_hydroshare(requests_mock): requests_mock.get(re.compile("https://"), json=hydroshare_data) requests_mock.get(re.compile(""), json=doi_resolver) # valid Hydroshare DOIs trigger this content provider expected = { "host": { "hostname": [ "", "", ], "django_irods": "", "version": "{}/scimeta/elements", }, "resource": "b8f6eae9d89241cf8b5904033460af61", "version": "1569427757", } assert ( Hydroshare().detect( "" ) == expected ) # assert a call to urlopen was called to fetch version assert requests_mock.call_count == 1 requests_mock.reset_mock() assert ( Hydroshare().detect("10.4211/hs.b8f6eae9d89241cf8b5904033460af61") == expected ) # assert 3 calls were made, 2 to resolve the DOI (302 + 200) and another to fetch the version assert requests_mock.call_count == 3 requests_mock.reset_mock() assert ( Hydroshare().detect( "" ) == expected ) # assert 3 more calls were made, 2 to resolve the DOI and another to fetch the version assert requests_mock.call_count == 3 requests_mock.reset_mock() # Don't trigger the Hydroshare content provider assert Hydroshare().detect("/some/path/here") is None assert Hydroshare().detect("") is None # don't handle DOIs that aren't from Hydroshare assert Hydroshare().detect("") is None @contextmanager def hydroshare_archive(prefix="b8f6eae9d89241cf8b5904033460af61/data/contents"): with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".zip") as zfile: with ZipFile(, mode="w") as zip: zip.writestr(f"{prefix}/some-file.txt", "some content") zip.writestr(f"{prefix}/some-other-file.txt", "some more content") yield zfile class MockResponse: def __init__(self, content_type, status_code): self.status_code = status_code self.headers = dict() self.headers["content-type"] = content_type def test_fetch_bag(): # we "fetch" a local ZIP file to simulate a Hydroshare resource with hydroshare_archive() as hydro_path: with patch.object( Hydroshare, "urlopen", side_effect=[ MockResponse("application/html", 200), MockResponse("application/zip", 200), ], ): with patch.object( Hydroshare, "_urlretrieve", side_effect=[(hydro_path, None)] ): hydro = Hydroshare() hydro.resource_id = "b8f6eae9d89241cf8b5904033460af61" spec = { "host": { "hostname": [ "", "", ], "django_irods": "", }, "resource": "123456789", } with TemporaryDirectory() as d: output = [] for l in hydro.fetch(spec, d): output.append(l) unpacked_files = set(os.listdir(d)) expected = {"some-other-file.txt", "some-file.txt"} assert expected == unpacked_files def test_fetch_bag_failure(): with hydroshare_archive(): with patch.object( Hydroshare, "urlopen", side_effect=[MockResponse("application/html", 500)] ): hydro = Hydroshare() spec = { "host": { "hostname": [ "", "", ], "django_irods": "", }, "resource": "123456789", } with TemporaryDirectory() as d: with pytest.raises( ContentProviderException, match=r"Failed to download bag\. status code 500\.", ): # loop for yield statements for l in hydro.fetch(spec, d): pass def test_fetch_bag_timeout(): with hydroshare_archive(): with patch.object( Hydroshare, "urlopen", side_effect=[MockResponse("application/html", 200)] ): hydro = Hydroshare() spec = { "host": { "hostname": [ "", "", ], "django_irods": "", }, "resource": "123456789", } with TemporaryDirectory() as d: with pytest.raises( ContentProviderException, match=r"Bag taking too long to prepare, exiting now, try again later\.", ): # loop for yield statements for l in hydro.fetch(spec, d, timeout=0): pass