""" Test that environment variables may be defined """ import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time from getpass import getuser def test_env(capfd): """ Validate that you can define environment variables See https://gist.github.com/hwine/9f5b02c894427324fafcf12f772b27b7 for how docker handles its -e & --env argument values """ ts = str(time.time()) # There appear to be some odd combinations of default dir that do # not work on macOS Catalina with Docker CE, so use # the current dir -- it'll be deleted immediately with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=os.path.abspath(os.curdir)) as tmpdir: username = getuser() os.environ["SPAM"] = "eggs" os.environ["SPAM_2"] = "ham" result = subprocess.run( [ "repo2docker", # 'key=value' are exported as is in docker "-e", "FOO={}".format(ts), "--env", "BAR=baz", # 'key' is exported with the currently exported value "--env", "SPAM", # 'key' is not exported if it is not exported. "-e", "NO_SPAM", # 'key=' is exported in docker with an empty string as # value "--env", "SPAM_2=", tmpdir, "--", "/bin/bash", "-c", # Docker exports all passed env variables, so we can # just look at exported variables. "export", ], ) captured = capfd.readouterr() print(captured.out, end="") print(captured.err, file=sys.stderr, end="") assert result.returncode == 0 # all docker output is returned by repo2docker on stderr # extract just the declare for better failure message formatting # stdout should be empty assert not result.stdout # stderr should contain lines of output declares = [x for x in captured.err.splitlines() if x.startswith("declare")] assert 'declare -x FOO="{}"'.format(ts) in declares assert 'declare -x BAR="baz"' in declares assert 'declare -x SPAM="eggs"' in declares assert "declare -x NO_SPAM" not in declares assert 'declare -x SPAM_2=""' in declares