""" Base information for using R in BuildPacks. Keeping this in r.py would lead to cyclic imports. """ # Via https://rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download-server/debian-ubuntu/ RSTUDIO_URL = "https://download2.rstudio.org/server/bionic/amd64/rstudio-server-1.2.5001-amd64.deb" # This is MD5, because that is what RStudio download page provides! RSTUDIO_CHECKSUM = "d33881b9ab786c09556c410e7dc477de" # Via https://www.rstudio.com/products/shiny/download-server/ SHINY_URL = "https://download3.rstudio.org/ubuntu-14.04/x86_64/shiny-server-" SHINY_CHECKSUM = "9aeef6613e7f58f21c97a4600921340e" def rstudio_base_scripts(): """Base steps to install RStudio and shiny-server.""" return [ ( "root", # Install RStudio! r""" curl --silent --location --fail {rstudio_url} > /tmp/rstudio.deb && \ echo '{rstudio_checksum} /tmp/rstudio.deb' | md5sum -c - && \ apt-get update > /dev/null && \ apt install -y /tmp/rstudio.deb > /dev/null && \ rm /tmp/rstudio.deb && \ apt-get -qq purge && \ apt-get -qq clean && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* """.format( rstudio_url=RSTUDIO_URL, rstudio_checksum=RSTUDIO_CHECKSUM ), ), ( "root", # Install Shiny Server! r""" curl --silent --location --fail {url} > {deb} && \ echo '{checksum} {deb}' | md5sum -c - && \ dpkg -i {deb} > /dev/null && \ rm {deb} """.format( url=SHINY_URL, checksum=SHINY_CHECKSUM, deb="/tmp/shiny.deb" ), ), ( "${NB_USER}", # Install nbrsessionproxy r""" pip install --no-cache-dir jupyter-server-proxy==1.4.0 && \ pip install --no-cache-dir https://github.com/jupyterhub/jupyter-rsession-proxy/archive/d5efed5455870556fc414f30871d0feca675a4b4.zip && \ pip install --no-cache-dir https://github.com/ryanlovett/jupyter-shiny-proxy/archive/47557dc47e2aeeab490eb5f3eeae414cdde4a6a9.zip && \ jupyter serverextension enable jupyter_server_proxy --sys-prefix && \ jupyter nbextension install --py jupyter_server_proxy --sys-prefix && \ jupyter nbextension enable --py jupyter_server_proxy --sys-prefix """, ), ( # Not all of these locations are configurable; so we make sure # they exist and have the correct permissions "root", r""" install -o ${NB_USER} -g ${NB_USER} -d /var/log/shiny-server && \ install -o ${NB_USER} -g ${NB_USER} -d /var/lib/shiny-server && \ install -o ${NB_USER} -g ${NB_USER} /dev/null /var/log/shiny-server.log && \ install -o ${NB_USER} -g ${NB_USER} /dev/null /var/run/shiny-server.pid """, ), ]