import argparse import sys import os import logging from .app import Repo2Docker from .engine import BuildError, ImageLoadError from . import __version__ from .utils import validate_and_generate_port_mapping, is_valid_docker_image_name def validate_image_name(image_name): """ Validate image_name read by argparse Note: Container names must start with an alphanumeric character and can then use _ . or - in addition to alphanumeric. [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+ Args: image_name (string): argument read by the argument parser Returns: unmodified image_name Raises: ArgumentTypeError: if image_name contains characters that do not meet the logic that container names must start with an alphanumeric character and can then use _ . or - in addition to alphanumeric. [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+ """ if not is_valid_docker_image_name(image_name): msg = ( "%r is not a valid docker image name. Image name " "must start with a lowercase or numeric character and " "can then use _ . or - in addition to lowercase and numeric." % image_name ) raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) return image_name # See for reason class MimicDockerEnvHandling(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): # There are 3 cases: # key=value pass as is # key= pass as is # key pass using current value, or don't pass if "=" not in values: try: value_to_append = "{}={}".format(values, os.environ[values]) except KeyError: # no local def, so don't pass return else: value_to_append = values # destination variable is initially defined as an empty list, so # no special casing of first time is needed. getattr(namespace, self.dest).append(value_to_append) def get_argparser(): """Get arguments that may be used by repo2docker""" argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Fetch a repository and build a container image" ) argparser.add_argument( "--help-all", dest="help_all", action="store_true", help="Display all configurable options and exit.", ) argparser.add_argument( "--version", dest="version", action="store_true", help="Print the repo2docker version and exit.", ) argparser.add_argument( "--config", default="", help="Path to config file for repo2docker", ) argparser.add_argument( "--json-logs", default=False, action="store_true", help="Emit JSON logs instead of human readable logs", ) argparser.add_argument( "repo", help=( "Path to repository that should be built. Could be " "local path or a git URL." ), ) argparser.add_argument( "--image-name", help=("Name of image to be built. If unspecified will be " "autogenerated"), type=validate_image_name, ) argparser.add_argument( "--ref", help=( "Reference to build instead of default reference. For example" " branch name or commit for a Git repository." ), ) argparser.add_argument("--debug", help="Turn on debug logging", action="store_true") argparser.add_argument( "--no-build", dest="build", action="store_false", help=( "Do not actually build the image. Useful in conjunction " "with --debug." ), ) argparser.add_argument( "--build-memory-limit", help="Total Memory that can be used by the docker build process", ) argparser.add_argument( "cmd", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="Custom command to run after building container", ) argparser.add_argument( "--no-run", dest="run", action="store_false", help="Do not run container after it has been built", ) argparser.add_argument( "--publish", "-p", dest="ports", action="append", help=( "Specify port mappings for the image. Needs a command to " "run in the container." ), ) argparser.add_argument( "--publish-all", "-P", dest="all_ports", action="store_true", help="Publish all exposed ports to random host ports.", ) argparser.add_argument( "--no-clean", dest="clean", action="store_false", help="Don't clean up remote checkouts after we are done", ) argparser.add_argument( "--push", dest="push", action="store_true", help="Push docker image to repository", ) argparser.add_argument( "--volume", "-v", dest="volumes", action="append", help="Volumes to mount inside the container, in form src:dest", default=[], ) argparser.add_argument( "--user-id", help="User ID of the primary user in the image", type=int ) argparser.add_argument( "--user-name", help="Username of the primary user in the image" ) # Process the environment options the same way that docker does, as # they are passed directly to docker as the environment to use. This # requires a custom action for argparse. argparser.add_argument( "--env", "-e", dest="environment", action=MimicDockerEnvHandling, help="Environment variables to define at container run time", default=[], ) argparser.add_argument( "--editable", "-E", dest="editable", action="store_true", help="Use the local repository in edit mode", ) argparser.add_argument("--target-repo-dir", argparser.add_argument("--appendix", type=str, argparser.add_argument( "--label", dest="labels", action="append", help="Extra label to set on the image, in form name=value", default=[], ) argparser.add_argument( "--build-arg", dest="build_args", action="append", help="Extra build arg to pass to the build process, in form name=value", default=[], ) argparser.add_argument("--subdir", type=str, argparser.add_argument( "--cache-from", action="append", default=[], ) argparser.add_argument("--engine", help="Name of the container engine") return argparser argparser = get_argparser() def make_r2d(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] argparser = get_argparser() # version must be checked before parse, as repo/cmd are required and # will spit out an error if allowed to be parsed first. if "--version" in argv: print(__version__) sys.exit(0) if "--help-all" in argv: argparser.print_help() print("\nAll configurable options:\n") Repo2Docker().print_help(classes=True) sys.exit(0) args, traitlet_args = argparser.parse_known_args(argv) r2d = Repo2Docker() r2d.parse_command_line(traitlet_args) if args.debug: r2d.log_level = logging.DEBUG r2d.load_config_file(args.config) if args.appendix: r2d.appendix = args.appendix for l in args.labels: key, _, val = l.partition("=") r2d.labels[key] = val for a in args.build_args: key, _, val = a.partition("=") r2d.extra_build_args[key] = val r2d.repo = args.repo r2d.ref = args.ref # user wants to mount a local directory into the container for # editing if args.editable: # the user has to point at a directory, not just a path for us # to be able to mount it. We might have content providers that can # provide content from a local `` file, which we # couldn't mount in editable mode if os.path.isdir(args.repo): r2d.volumes[os.path.abspath(args.repo)] = "." else: r2d.log.error( 'Cannot mount "{}" in editable mode ' "as it is not a directory".format(args.repo), extra=dict(phase="failed"), ) sys.exit(1) if args.image_name: r2d.output_image_spec = args.image_name else: # we will pick a name after fetching the repository r2d.output_image_spec = "" r2d.json_logs = args.json_logs r2d.dry_run = not if r2d.dry_run: # Can't push nor run if we aren't building = False args.push = False = r2d.push = args.push # check against and not as is false on # --no-build. Also r2d.volumes and not args.volumes since --editable # modified r2d.volumes if r2d.volumes and not # Can't mount if we aren't running print("To Mount volumes with -v, you also need to run the " "container") sys.exit(1) for v in args.volumes: src, dest = v.split(":") r2d.volumes[src] = dest r2d.run_cmd = args.cmd if args.all_ports and not print( "To publish user defined port mappings, the container must " "also be run" ) sys.exit(1) if args.ports and not print( "To publish user defined port mappings, the container must " "also be run" ) sys.exit(1) if args.ports and not r2d.run_cmd: print( "To publish user defined port mapping, user must specify " "the command to run in the container" ) sys.exit(1) r2d.ports = validate_and_generate_port_mapping(args.ports) r2d.all_ports = args.all_ports if args.user_id: r2d.user_id = args.user_id if args.user_name: r2d.user_name = args.user_name if r2d.user_id == 0 and not r2d.dry_run: print("Root as the primary user in the image is not permitted.") print( "The uid and the username of the user invoking repo2docker " "is used to create a mirror account in the image by default. " "To override that behavior pass --user-id and " " --user-name to repo2docker.\n" "Please see repo2docker --help for more details.\n" ) sys.exit(1) if args.build_memory_limit: # if the string only contains numerals we assume it should be an int # and specifies a size in bytes if args.build_memory_limit.isnumeric(): r2d.build_memory_limit = int(args.build_memory_limit) else: r2d.build_memory_limit = args.build_memory_limit if args.environment and not print("To specify environment variables, you also need to run " "the container") sys.exit(1) if args.subdir: r2d.subdir = args.subdir if args.cache_from: r2d.cache_from = args.cache_from if args.engine: r2d.engine = args.engine r2d.environment = args.environment # if the source exists locally we don't want to delete it at the end # FIXME: Find a better way to figure out if repo is 'local'. Push this into ContentProvider? if os.path.exists(args.repo): r2d.cleanup_checkout = False else: r2d.cleanup_checkout = args.clean if args.target_repo_dir: r2d.target_repo_dir = args.target_repo_dir return r2d def main(): r2d = make_r2d() r2d.initialize() try: r2d.start() except BuildError as e: # This is only raised by us if r2d.log_level == logging.DEBUG: r2d.log.exception(e) sys.exit(1) except ImageLoadError as e: # This is only raised by us if r2d.log_level == logging.DEBUG: r2d.log.exception(e) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()