""" Custom test collector for our integration tests. Each directory that has a script named 'verify' is considered a test. jupyter-repo2docker is run on that directory, and then ./verify is run inside the built container. It should return a non-zero exit code for the test to be considered a success. """ import os import pipes import shlex import requests import subprocess import time from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory import pytest import yaml from repo2docker.__main__ import make_r2d def pytest_collect_file(parent, path): if path.basename == "verify": return LocalRepo.from_parent(parent, fspath=path) elif path.basename.endswith(".repos.yaml"): return RemoteRepoList.from_parent(parent, fspath=path) def make_test_func(args): """Generate a test function that runs repo2docker""" def test(): app = make_r2d(args) app.initialize() if app.run_cmd: # verify test, run it app.start() return # no run_cmd given, starting notebook server app.run = False app.start() # This just build the image and does not run it. container = app.start_container() port = app.port # wait a bit for the container to be ready container_url = "http://localhost:%s/api" % port # give the container a chance to start time.sleep(1) try: # try a few times to connect success = False for i in range(1, 4): container.reload() assert container.status == "running" try: info = requests.get(container_url).json() except Exception as e: print("Error: %s" % e) time.sleep(i * 3) else: print(info) success = True break assert success, "Notebook never started in %s" % container finally: # stop the container container.stop() app.wait_for_container(container) return test # Provide a fixture for testing in .py files @pytest.fixture() def run_repo2docker(): def run_test(args): return make_test_func(args)() return run_test def _add_content_to_git(repo_dir): """Add content to file 'test' in git repository and commit.""" # use append mode so this can be called multiple times with open(os.path.join(repo_dir, "test"), "a") as f: f.write("Hello") subprocess.check_call(["git", "add", "test"], cwd=repo_dir) subprocess.check_call(["git", "commit", "-m", "Test commit"], cwd=repo_dir) def _get_sha1(repo_dir): """Get repository's current commit SHA1.""" sha1 = subprocess.Popen( ["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=repo_dir ) return sha1.stdout.read().decode().strip() @pytest.fixture() def git_repo(): """ Make a dummy git repo in which user can perform git operations Should be used as a contextmanager, it will delete directory when done """ with TemporaryDirectory() as gitdir: subprocess.check_call(["git", "init"], cwd=gitdir) yield gitdir @pytest.fixture() def repo_with_content(git_repo): """Create a git repository with content""" _add_content_to_git(git_repo) sha1 = _get_sha1(git_repo) yield git_repo, sha1 @pytest.fixture() def repo_with_submodule(): """Create a git repository with a git submodule in a non-master branch. Provides parent repository directory, current parent commit SHA1, and the submodule's current commit. The submodule will be added under the name "submod" in the parent repository. Creating the submodule in a separate branch is useful to prove that submodules are initialized properly when the master branch doesn't have the submodule yet. """ with TemporaryDirectory() as git_a_dir, TemporaryDirectory() as git_b_dir: # create "parent" repository subprocess.check_call(["git", "init"], cwd=git_a_dir) _add_content_to_git(git_a_dir) # create repository with 2 commits that will be the submodule subprocess.check_call(["git", "init"], cwd=git_b_dir) _add_content_to_git(git_b_dir) submod_sha1_b = _get_sha1(git_b_dir) _add_content_to_git(git_b_dir) # create a new branch in the parent without any submodule subprocess.check_call( ["git", "checkout", "-b", "branch-without-submod"], cwd=git_a_dir ) # create a new branch in the parent to add the submodule subprocess.check_call( ["git", "checkout", "-b", "branch-with-submod"], cwd=git_a_dir ) subprocess.check_call( ["git", "submodule", "add", git_b_dir, "submod"], cwd=git_a_dir ) # checkout the first commit for the submod, not the latest subprocess.check_call( ["git", "checkout", submod_sha1_b], cwd=os.path.join(git_a_dir, "submod") ) subprocess.check_call(["git", "add", git_a_dir, ".gitmodules"], cwd=git_a_dir) subprocess.check_call( ["git", "commit", "-m", "Add B repos submod"], cwd=git_a_dir ) sha1_a = _get_sha1(git_a_dir) yield git_a_dir, sha1_a, submod_sha1_b class Repo2DockerTest(pytest.Function): """A pytest.Item for running repo2docker""" def __init__(self, name, parent, args=None): self.args = args self.save_cwd = os.getcwd() f = parent.obj = make_test_func(args) super().__init__(name, parent, callobj=f) def reportinfo(self): return self.parent.fspath, None, "" def repr_failure(self, excinfo): err = excinfo.value if isinstance(err, SystemExit): cmd = "jupyter-repo2docker %s" % " ".join(map(pipes.quote, self.args)) return "%s | exited with status=%s" % (cmd, err.code) else: return super().repr_failure(excinfo) def teardown(self): super().teardown() os.chdir(self.save_cwd) class LocalRepo(pytest.File): def collect(self): args = ["--appendix", 'RUN echo "appendix" > /tmp/appendix'] # If there's an extra-args.yaml file in a test dir, assume it contains # a yaml list with extra arguments to be passed to repo2docker extra_args_path = os.path.join(self.fspath.dirname, "extra-args.yaml") if os.path.exists(extra_args_path): with open(extra_args_path) as f: extra_args = yaml.safe_load(f) args += extra_args args.append(self.fspath.dirname) yield Repo2DockerTest.from_parent(self, name="build", args=args) yield Repo2DockerTest.from_parent( self, name=self.fspath.basename, args=args + ["./verify"] ) class RemoteRepoList(pytest.File): def collect(self): with self.fspath.open() as f: repos = yaml.safe_load(f) for repo in repos: args = [] if "ref" in repo: args += ["--ref", repo["ref"]] args += [repo["url"], "--"] + shlex.split(repo["verify"]) yield Repo2DockerTest.from_parent(self, name=repo["name"], args=args)