Added tests for port mapping
Added tests for publish all exposed ports
Added argument validation for ports argument
Added short form for argument publish. Changed variable name port to ports.
- It is currently breaking the build, since alpine does not
support binary wheels & we introduced ruamel.yaml which has
binary dependencies
- pip / python on alpine is broken wrt symlinks, making local
testing harder
and configure git to use it by default
`git-credential-env` only echoes the $GIT_CREDENTIAL_ENV environment variable
when git asks for https credentials.
with this, setting GIT_CREDENTIAL_ENV="username=name\npassword=xxx" sets the credentials
that will be used.
docker run -e GIT_CREDENTIAL_ENV="username=name\npassword=xxx" jupyter/repo2docker
This cuts image size from under 300MB to under 100MB. Plus
we will never actually need this to have additional libraries
installed, since it's talking to the docker socket directly
to build new images. So switching to alpine here is worth it.
- Don't do pip install -U pip - this makes the image build more
non-deterministic than necessary. 17.04 has the latest version of
pip, and we can stick to newest ubuntu quite aggressivley to keep
up in the cases it matters.
- Set --no-cache-dir in pip install, so we don't actually build
wheels - they are useless in our situation. This also lets us not
have to install wheels
- Make note about