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"""Generates a Dockerfile based on an input matrix for Julia"""
import os
import toml
2019-02-26 16:54:41 +00:00
from ..python import PythonBuildPack
2019-02-28 06:05:23 +00:00
from .julia_semver import find_semver_match
2019-02-26 16:52:44 +00:00
class JuliaProjectTomlBuildPack(PythonBuildPack):
Julia build pack which uses conda.
2019-02-28 06:05:23 +00:00
# Note that these must remain ordered, in order for the find_semver_match()
# function to behave correctly.
all_julias = [
"1.0.0", "1.0.1", "1.0.2", "1.0.3",
def julia_version(self):
2019-02-28 06:05:23 +00:00
default_julia_version = '1.1.0'
project_toml = toml.load(self.binder_path('Project.toml'))
if 'compat' in project_toml:
if 'julia' in project_toml['compat']:
2019-02-28 06:05:23 +00:00
julia_version_str = project_toml['compat']['julia']
# For Project.toml files, install the latest julia version that
# satisfies the given semver.
julia_version = find_semver_match(julia_version_str, self.all_julias)
if julia_version is None:
return _default_julia_version
return default_julia_version
def get_build_env(self):
"""Get additional environment settings for Julia and Jupyter
an ordered list of environment setting tuples
The tuples contain a string of the environment variable name and
a string of the environment setting:
- `JULIA_PATH`: base path where all Julia Binaries and libraries
will be installed
- `JULIA_HOME`: path where all Julia Binaries will be installed
- `JULIA_PKGDIR`: path where all Julia libraries will be installed
- `JULIA_DEPOT_PATH`: path where Julia libraries are installed.
Similar to JULIA_PKGDIR, used in 1.0.
- `JULIA_VERSION`: default version of julia to be installed
- `JUPYTER`: environment variable required by IJulia to point to
the `jupyter` executable
For example, a tuple may be `('JULIA_VERSION', '0.6.0')`.
return super().get_build_env() + [
('JULIA_PATH', '${APP_BASE}/julia'),
('JULIA_HOME', '${JULIA_PATH}/bin'), # julia <= 0.6
('JULIA_BINDIR', '${JULIA_HOME}'), # julia >= 0.7
('JULIA_DEPOT_PATH', '${JULIA_PKGDIR}'), # julia >= 0.7
('JULIA_VERSION', self.julia_version),
('JUPYTER', '${NB_PYTHON_PREFIX}/bin/jupyter')
def get_path(self):
"""Adds path to Julia binaries to user's PATH.
an ordered list of path strings. The path to the Julia
executable is added to the list.
return super().get_path() + ['${JULIA_HOME}']
def get_build_scripts(self):
Return series of build-steps common to "ALL" Julia repositories
All scripts found here should be independent of contents of a
particular repository.
This creates a directory with permissions for installing julia packages
(from get_assemble_scripts).
return super().get_build_scripts() + [
mkdir -p ${JULIA_PATH} && \
curl -sSL "${JULIA_VERSION%[.-]*}/julia-${JULIA_VERSION}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" | tar -xz -C ${JULIA_PATH} --strip-components 1
mkdir -p ${JULIA_PKGDIR} && \
def get_assemble_scripts(self):
Return series of build-steps specific to "this" Julia repository
Instantiate and then precompile all packages in the repos julia
The parent, CondaBuildPack, will add the build steps for
any needed Python packages found in environment.yml.
return super().get_assemble_scripts() + [
2019-02-25 23:43:19 +00:00
julia -e "using Pkg; Pkg.add(\"IJulia\"); using IJulia; installkernel(\"Julia\", \"--project=${REPO_DIR}\", env=Dict(\"JUPYTER_DATA_DIR\"=>\"${NB_PYTHON_PREFIX}/share/jupyter\"));" && \
julia --project=${REPO_DIR} -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate(); pkg"precompile"'
def detect(self):
Check if current repo should be built with the Julia Build pack
super().detect() is not called in this function - it would return
false unless an `environment.yml` is present and we do not want to
require the presence of a `environment.yml` to use Julia.
Instead we just check if the path to `Project.toml` or
`JuliaProject.toml` exists.
return os.path.exists(self.binder_path('Project.toml')) or os.path.exists(self.binder_path('JuliaProject.toml'))