#!/usr/bin/python import os import sys import csv import subprocess #default.csv content: #nvs, data, nvs, 0x9000, 0x5000, #otadata, data, ota, 0xe000, 0x2000, #app0, app, ota_0, 0x10000, 0x140000, #app1, app, ota_1, 0x150000,0x140000, #spiffs, data, spiffs, 0x290000,0x170000, MKSPIFFS = os.environ['MKSPIFFS'] print "mkspiffs is "+MKSPIFFS OFFSET_BOOTLOADER = 0x1000 OFFSET_PARTITIONS = 0x8000 ## now taken from default.csv OFFSET_BOOTAPP0 = 0xE000 OFFSET_APPLICATION = 0x10000 OFFSET_SPIFFS = 0x291000 SIZE_SPIFFS = 0x16F000 esp32tools = sys.argv[1] file_in = sys.argv[2] data_dir = sys.argv[3] file_out = sys.argv[4] partition = esp32tools + "/partitions/default.csv" with open(partition, 'rb') as csvfile: partreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in partreader: if row[0] == "otadata": OFFSET_BOOTAPP0 = int(row[3],16) if row[0] == "app0": OFFSET_APPLICATION = int(row[3],16) if row[0] == "spiffs": OFFSET_SPIFFS = int(row[3],16) SIZE_SPIFFS = int(row[4],16) print "bootapp0: "+hex(OFFSET_BOOTAPP0) print "app0: "+hex(OFFSET_APPLICATION) print "spiffs: "+hex(OFFSET_SPIFFS)+" size "+hex(SIZE_SPIFFS) # create binary partition file_part = "/tmp/partition.bin" partproc = subprocess.Popen(['python', esp32tools+'/gen_esp32part.py', partition, file_part]); partproc.wait(); # create SPI file system file_spiffs = "/tmp/spiffs.bin" spiproc = subprocess.Popen([MKSPIFFS,'-c',data_dir,'-b','4096','-p','256','-s',str(SIZE_SPIFFS),file_spiffs]); spiproc.wait(); files_in = [ ## for arduino esp32 2.0 ('bootloader', OFFSET_BOOTLOADER, esp32tools+"/sdk/esp32/bin/bootloader_dio_80m.bin"), ('bootloader', OFFSET_BOOTLOADER, esp32tools+"/sdk/bin/bootloader_dio_80m.bin"), ('partitions', OFFSET_PARTITIONS, file_part), ('bootapp0', OFFSET_BOOTAPP0, esp32tools+"/partitions/boot_app0.bin"), ('application', OFFSET_APPLICATION, file_in), ('spiffs', OFFSET_SPIFFS, file_spiffs), ] cur_offset = OFFSET_BOOTLOADER with open(file_out, 'wb') as fout: for name, offset, file_in in files_in: assert offset >= cur_offset fout.write(b'\xff' * (offset - cur_offset)) cur_offset = offset with open(file_in, 'rb') as fin: data = fin.read() fout.write(data) cur_offset += len(data) print('%-12s% 8d' % (name, len(data))) print('%-12s% 8d' % ('total', cur_offset))