livemap.js 18514 try { var check = $(document); } catch (e) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { document.getElementById('map').innerHTML = '

In order to use this functionality, there must be an internet connection.


go back'; }); } $(document).ready(function(){ var map ='map', { attributionControl: false, zoomControl: false }); map.on('mousedown touchstart',function () { follow=false; }); L.control.scale().addTo(map); L.control.attribution({prefix:false}).addTo(map); var osm = L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: '
Leaflet · Map: OpenStreetMap
', minZoom: 1, maxZoom: 19 }); var esri = L.tileLayer('{z}/{y}/{x}', { attribution: '
Leaflet · Map: Esri · Earthstar Geographics
', minZoom: 1, maxZoom: 20 }); var basemap = 'osm'; osm.addTo(map); basemap_change = function () { if (basemap == 'osm') { map.removeLayer(osm); map.addLayer(esri); basemap = 'esri'; } else { map.removeLayer(esri); map.addLayer(osm); basemap = 'osm'; } }; if(mapcenter) map.setView(mapcenter, 5); else map.setView([51.163361,10.447683], 5); // Mitte DE var reddot = ''; var yellowdot = ''; var greendot = ''; var lastframe = 0; $('#map .leaflet-control-container').append(L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-top leaflet-center leaflet-header')); var header = ''; header += '
rdzTTGOSonde LiveMap
🎈 - MHz -
'; header += '
m | m/s | km/h | Β°
| -dBm
'; header += '
'; header += '

'; header += ' m
'; header += ' m/s
'; header += ' m
'; header += 'after the transmitted descend will be used'; header += '
'; header += '
'; $('.leaflet-header').append(header); $('#map .leaflet-control-container').append(L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-bottom leaflet-center leaflet-footer')); var footer = ''; footer += '
Direction: ...Β°
Distance: ...m
'; $('.leaflet-footer').append(footer); var statbar = ''; headtxt = function(data,stat) { //console.log(data); var staticon = (stat == '1')?greendot:yellowdot; statbar = staticon + statbar; if ((statbar.length) > 10*greendot.length) { statbar = statbar.substring(0,10*greendot.length); } if ( && data.vframe != lastframe ) { lastframe = data.vframe; $('#sonde_id').html(; $('#sonde_alt').html(data.alt); $('#sonde_climb').html(data.climb); $('#sonde_speed').html( mr(data.speed * 3.6 * 10) / 10 ); $('#sonde_dir').html(data.dir); $('#sonde_time').html(new Date(data.time * 1000).toISOString()); $('#sonde_rssi').html(data.rssi / 2 ); $('#sonde_detail').show(); } else { if (! { $('#sonde_id').html(data.launchsite.trim()); // $('#sonde_detail').hide(); } } $('#sonde_freq').html(data.freq); $('#sonde_type').html(data.type); $('#sonde_statbar').html(' '+statbar); }; map.addControl(new L.Control.Button([ { position: 'topleft', text: 'πŸ”™', href: 'index.html' } ])); L.control.zoom({ position:'topleft' }).addTo(map); map.addControl(new L.Control.Button([ { position: 'topleft', text: 'πŸ—ΊοΈ', href: 'javascript:basemap_change();' } ])); map.addControl(new L.Control.Button([ { position: 'topright', id: "status", text: '', href: 'javascript:get_data();' } ])); map.addControl(new L.Control.Button([ { position:'topright', text: '🎈', href: 'javascript:show(marker,\'marker\');' }, { text: '〰️', href: 'javascript:show_line();' }, { text: 'πŸ’₯', href: 'javascript:show(marker_burst,\'burst\');' }, { text: '🎯', href: 'javascript:show(marker_landing,\'landing\');' } ])); map.addControl(new L.Control.Button([ { position:'topright', text: 'βš™οΈ', href: 'javascript:show_settings();' } ])); show = function(e,p) { if (p == 'landing') { get_predict(last_data); } if (e) { map.closePopup(); map.setView(map._layers[e._leaflet_id].getLatLng()); map._layers[e._leaflet_id].openPopup(); follow = p; } }; getTwoBounds = function (a,b) { var sW = new L.LatLng(( >, (a._southWest.lng > b._southWest.lng)?b._southWest.lng:a._southWest.lng); var nE = new L.LatLng(( <, (a._northEast.lng < b._northEast.lng)?b._northEast.lng:a._northEast.lng); return new L.LatLngBounds(sW, nE); }; show_line = function() { $('.i_position, .i_landing').remove(); map.closePopup(); if (line._latlngs.length != 0 && line_predict._latlngs.length != 0) { map.fitBounds(getTwoBounds(line.getBounds(),line_predict.getBounds())); } else if (line._latlngs.length != 0) { map.fitBounds(line.getBounds()); } else if (line_predict._latlngs.length != 0) { map.fitBounds(line_predict.getBounds()); } }; last_data = false; follow = 'marker'; marker_landing = false; icon_landing = L.divIcon({className: 'leaflet-landing'}); dots_predict = []; line_predict = L.polyline(dots_predict,{color: 'yellow'}).addTo(map); marker_burst = false; icon_burst = L.divIcon({className: 'leaflet-burst'}); marker = false; dots = []; line = L.polyline(dots).addTo(map); draw = function(data) { var stat; //console.log(data); if ( { // data.res: 0: ok 1: no rx (timeout), 2: crc err, >2 some other error if (( != '0.000000' && data.lon != '0.000000') && (lastframe != 0)) { //JSON.stringify(data) != JSON.stringify(last_data)) ) { var location = [,data.lon,data.alt]; if (!marker) { map.setView(location, 14); marker = L.marker(location).addTo(map) .bindPopup(poptxt('position',data),{closeOnClick:false, autoPan:false}).openPopup(); get_predict(data); } else { marker.slideTo(location, { duration: 500, keepAtCenter: (follow=='marker')?true:false }) .setPopupContent(poptxt('position',data)); if ( != { storage_remove(); dots = []; get_predict(data); } } dots.push(location); line.setLatLngs(dots); } if (data.res == 0) { storage_write(data); $('#status').html(greendot); stat = 1; } else { $('#status').html(yellowdot); stat = 0; } headtxt(data,stat); last_data = data; } else { $('#status').html(yellowdot); headtxt(data,0); } }; marker_gps = false; icon_gps = L.divIcon({className: 'leaflet-gps'}); circ_gps = false; gps = function(e) { gps_location = [,e.lon]; gps_accuracy = e.hdop*2; if (last_data && != '0.000000') { if ($('.leaflet-footer').css('display') == 'none') { $('.leaflet-footer').show(); } var distance = Math.round(map.distance(gps_location,[, last_data.lon])); distance = (distance > 1000)?(distance / 1000) + 'k':distance; $('.leaflet-footer .gps_dist').html(distance); $('.leaflet-footer .gps_dir').html( bearing(gps_location,[, last_data.lon]) ); } if (!marker_gps) { map.addControl(new L.Control.Button([{ position: 'topleft', text: 'πŸ›°οΈ', href: 'javascript:show(marker_gps,\'gps\');' }])); marker_gps = L.marker(gps_location,{icon:icon_gps}).addTo(map) .bindPopup(poptxt('gps',e),{closeOnClick:false, autoPan:false}); circ_gps =, gps_accuracy).addTo(map); } else { marker_gps.slideTo(gps_location, { duration: 500, keepAtCenter: (follow=='gps')?true:false }) .setPopupContent(poptxt('gps',e)); circ_gps.slideTo(gps_location, { duration: 500 }); circ_gps.setRadius(gps_accuracy); } }; get_data = function() { $('#status').html(reddot); $.ajax({url: 'live.json', success: (function( data ) { if (typeof data != "object") { data = $.parseJSON(data);Β } //console.log(data); if (data.sonde) { draw(data.sonde); } else { setTimeout(function() {$('#status').html(yellowdot);},100); } if (data.gps) { gps(data.gps); } }), timeout: 1000} ); }; storage = (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined")?true:false; settings_std = { burst: 32500, overwrite_descend: 6, overwrite_descend_till: 12000 }; settings_read = function() { if (storage) { if (sessionStorage.settings) { return JSON.parse(sessionStorage.settings); } else { settings_write(settings_std); return settings_std; } } else { return settings_std; } return false; }; settings_write = function (data) { if (storage) { sessionStorage.settings = JSON.stringify(data); settings = data; } }; settings = settings_read(); settings_save = function() { settings.burst = parseInt($('#settings #burst').val()); settings.overwrite_descend = parseInt($('#settings #overwrite_descend').val()); settings.overwrite_descend_till = parseInt($('#settings #overwrite_descend_till').val()); if (Number.isInteger(settings.burst) && Number.isInteger(settings.overwrite_descend) && Number.isInteger(settings.overwrite_descend_till)) { settings_write(settings); $("#settings").slideUp(); get_predict(last_data); } else { alert('Error: only numeric values allowed!'); } }; settings_reset = function() { if (confirm('Reset to default?')) { settings_write(settings_std); show_settings(); } }; show_settings = function() { $('#settings #burst').val(settings.burst); $('#settings #overwrite_descend').val(settings.overwrite_descend); $('#settings #overwrite_descend_till').val(settings.overwrite_descend_till); $("#settings").slideToggle(); }; predictor = false; get_predict = function(data) { if (!data) { return; } var ascent = (data.climb > 0)? data.climb : 15; var descent = (data.climb > 0)? settings.overwrite_descend : data.climb * -1; var burst; if (data.climb > 0) { burst = (data.alt > settings.burst )?data.alt + 100 : settings.burst; } else { burst = parseInt(data.alt) + 7; if (data.alt > settings.overwrite_descend_till ) { descent = settings.overwrite_descend; } } var m = new Date(); var datetime = m.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + az(m.getUTCMonth()+1) + "-" + az(m.getUTCDate()) + "T" + az(m.getUTCHours()) + ":" + az(m.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + az(m.getUTCSeconds()) + "Z"; var url = ''; url += '?launch_latitude=' + '&launch_longitude='+tawhiri_lon(data.lon); url += '&launch_altitude='+data.alt + '&launch_datetime='+datetime; url += '&ascent_rate='+ascent + '&burst_altitude=' + burst + '&descent_rate='+descent; $.getJSON(url, function( prediction ) { draw_predict(prediction,data); }); }; draw_predict = function(prediction,data) { var ascending = prediction.prediction[0].trajectory; var highest = ascending[ascending.length-1]; var highest_location = [highest.latitude,sanitize_lon(highest.longitude)]; var descending = prediction.prediction[1].trajectory; var landing = descending[descending.length-1]; var landing_location = [landing.latitude,sanitize_lon(landing.longitude)]; if (!marker_landing) { marker_landing = L.marker(landing_location,{icon: icon_landing}).addTo(map) .bindPopup(poptxt('landing',landing),{closeOnClick:false, autoPan:false}); } else { marker_landing.slideTo(landing_location, { duration: 500, keepAtCenter: (follow=='landing')?true:false }) .setPopupContent(poptxt('landing',landing)); } dots_predict=[]; if (data.climb > 0) { ascending.forEach(p => dots_predict.push([p.latitude,sanitize_lon(p.longitude)])); if (!marker_burst) { marker_burst = L.marker(highest_location,{icon:icon_burst}).addTo(map).bindPopup(poptxt('burst',highest),{closeOnClick:false, autoPan:false}); } else { marker_burst.slideTo(highest_location, { duration: 500, keepAtCenter: (follow=='burst')?true:false }).setPopupContent(poptxt('burst',highest)); } } descending.forEach(p => dots_predict.push([p.latitude,sanitize_lon(p.longitude)])); line_predict.setLatLngs(dots_predict); if (data.climb > 0) { predictor_time = 5 * 60; // ascending, every 5 min } else if (data.climb < 0 && data.alt > 5000) { predictor_time = 2 * 60; // descending, above 5km, every 2 min } else { predictor_time = 30; // descending, below 5km, every 30 sec } clearTimeout(predictor); predictor = setTimeout(function() {get_predict(last_data);}, predictor_time*1000); }; sanitize_lon = function(lon) { if (lon > 180) { return lon - 360; } return lon; } tawhiri_lon = function(lon) { if (lon < 0) { return lon + 360; } return lon; } poptxt = function(t,i) { var lat_input = (; var lon_input = sanitize_lon((; var lat = Math.round(lat_input * 1000000) / 1000000; var lon = Math.round(lon_input * 1000000) / 1000000; var add = '
Position: '+lat+', '+lon+'
'+ 'Open: GMaps |Β OSM |Β'; if (t == 'position') { return '
🎈 '''+add+'
'; } if (t == 'burst') { return '
πŸ’₯ Predicted Burst:
'+fd(i.datetime)+' in '+mr(i.altitude)+'m'+add+'
'; } if (t == 'highest') { return '
πŸ’₯ Burst: '+mr(i.altitude)+'m'+add+'
';} if (t == 'landing') { return '
🎯 Predicted Landing:
'+fd(i.datetime)+' at '+mr(i.altitude)+'m'+add+'
'; } if (t == 'gps') { return '
Position: '+(','+(i.lon)+'
Altitude: '+i.alt+'m
Speed: '+mr(i.speed * 3.6 * 10)/10+'km/h '+i.dir+'Β°
Sat: '+i.sat+' Hdop:'+(i.hdop/10)+'
'; } }; fd = function(date) { var d = new Date(Date.parse(date)); return az(d.getUTCHours()) +':'+ az(d.getUTCMinutes())+' UTC'; }; az = function(n) { return (n<10)?'0'+n:n; }; mr = function(n) { return Math.round(n); }; storage = (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined")?true:false; storage_write = function (data) { if (storage) { if (sessionStorage.sonde) { storage_data = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.sonde); } else { storage_data = []; } if (JSON.stringify(data) != JSON.stringify(storage_data[storage_data.length - 1])) { storage_data.push(data); sessionStorage.sonde = JSON.stringify(storage_data); } } }; storage_read = function() { if (storage) { if (sessionStorage.sonde) { storage_data = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.sonde); return storage_data; } } return false; }; storage_remove = function() { sessionStorage.removeItem('sonde'); }; session_storage = storage_read(); if (session_storage) { session_storage.forEach(function(d) { dots.push([,d.lon,d.alt]); session_storage_last = d; }); draw(session_storage_last); } setInterval(get_data,1000); }); L.Control.Button = L.Control.extend({ onAdd: function (map) { var container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-bar leaflet-control'); options = this.options; Object.keys(options).forEach(function(key) { = L.DomUtil.create('a', '', container); = options[key].text; = options[key].href; = options[key].id; }); this.options.position = this.options[0].position; return container; } }); // // modified to fit function bearing(latlng1, latlng2) { var rad = Math.PI / 180, lat1 = latlng1[0] * rad, lat2 = latlng2[0] * rad, lon1 = latlng1[1] * rad, lon2 = latlng2[1] * rad, y = Math.sin(lon2 - lon1) * Math.cos(lat2), x = Math.cos(lat1) * Math.sin(lat2) - Math.sin(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.cos(lon2 - lon1); var bearing = ((Math.atan2(y, x) * 180 / Math.PI) + 360) % 360; bearing = bearing < 0 ? bearing-360 : bearing; return Math.round(bearing); } upd.html 1353

Currently installed: %FULLNAMEID%

Available master: (...checking...)
Available devel: (...checking...)

Note: If suffix is the same, update should work fully. If the number is different, update contains changes in the file system. A full re-flash is required to get all new features, but the update should not break anything. If the letter is different, a full re-flash is mandatory, update will not work

index.html 4267 rdzTTGOSonde Server

rdzTTGOSonde Server

Copyright © 2019-2021 by Hansi Reiser, DL9RDZ
(version %VERSION_ID%)

Check for update (requires TTGO internet connection via WiFi)

with contributions by Vigor and Xavier (M20 support), Luke Prior and OH3BSG (SondeHub support), Meinhard Guenther, DL2MF, Johannes, Robert Stefanowicz, Josema, and probably some more people I forgot to mention here.

Autodetect info: %AUTODETECT_INFO%

RS92 RINEX eph state: %EPHSTATE%

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See for details.
cfg.js 7754 var cfgs = [ [ "", "General configuration", "" ], [ "wifi", "Wifi mode (0=off, 1=client, 2=AP, 3=client or AP autoselect on startup)" ], [ "mdnsname", "Network mDNS name"], [ "ephftp", "FTP server for ephemeris data (RS92 decoder)"], [ "debug", "Debug mode (0/1)" ], [ "maxsonde", "Maximum number of QRG entries (must be ≤ 50)" ], [ "rxlat", "Receiver fixed latitude"], [ "rxlon", "Receiver fixed longitude"], [ "rxalt", "Receiver fixed altitude"], [ "", "OLED/TFT display configuration", "" ], [ "screenfile", "Screen config (0=automatic; 1-5=predefined; other=custom)" ], [ "display", "Display screens (scan, default, ...)" ], [ "norx_timeout", "No-RX-timeout in seconds (-1=disabled)"], [ "tft_orient", "TFT orientation (0/1/2/3), OLED flip: 3"], [ "", "Spectrum display configuration", "" ], [ "spectrum", "Show spectrum on start (-1=no, 0=forever, >0=time [sec])" ], [ "startfreq", "Start frequency (MHz, default 400)" ], [ "channelbw", "Bandwidth (kHz)" ], [ "marker", "Spectrum MHz marker" ], // maybe remove, assume always ==1? [ "noisefloor", "Spectrum noisefloor" ], [ "", "Receiver configuration", "" ], [ "freqofs", "RX frequency offset (Hz)"], [ "rs41.agcbw", "RS41 AGC bandwidth"], [ "rs41.rxbw", "RS41 RX bandwidth"], [ "rs92.rxbw", "RS92 RX (and AGC) bandwidth"], [ "rs92.alt2d", "RS92 2D fix default altitude"], [ "dfm.agcbw", "DFM AGC bandwidth"], [ "dfm.rxbw", "DFM RX bandwidth"], [ "m10m20.agcbw", "M10/M20 AGC bandwidth"], [ "m10m20.rxbw", "M10/M20 RX bandwidth"], [ "mp3h.agcbw", "MP3H AGC bandwidth"], [ "mp3h.rxbw", "MP3H RX bandwidth"], [ "", "KISS TNC/AXUDP/AXTCP data feed configuration", ""], [ "call", "Call"], [ "passcode", "Passcode"], [ "", "KISS TNC (port 14590) (needs reboot)"], [ "kisstnc.idformat", "KISS TNC ID format"], [ "", "AXUDP active"], [ "", "AXUDP host"], [ "axudp.port", "AXUDP port"], [ "axudp.idformat", "DFM ID format"], [ "axudp.highrate", "Rate limit"], [ "", "APRS TCP active"], [ "", "ARPS TCP host"], [ "tcp.port", "APRS TCP port"], [ "tcp.idformat", "DFM ID format"], [ "tcp.highrate", "Rate limit"], [ "", "MQTT data feed configuration", ""], [ "", "MQTT active (needs reboot)"], [ "", "MQTT client ID"], [ "", "MQTT server hostname"], [ "mqtt.port", "MQTT port"], [ "mqtt.username", "MQTT username"], [ "mqtt.password", "MQTT password"], [ "mqtt.prefix", "MQTT prefix"], [ "", "Chasemapper settings", ""], [ "", "Chasemapper active (0=disabled, 1=active)"], [ "", "Chasemapper UDP host"], [ "cm.port", "Chasemapper UDP port"], [ "", "SondeHub settings", ""], [ "", "SondeHub reporting (0=disabled, 1=active)"], [ "", "SondeHub location reporting (0=off, 1=fixed, 2=chase/GPS, 3=auto)"], [ "", "SondeHub host (DO NOT CHANGE)"], [ "sondehub.callsign", "Callsign"], [ "sondehub.antenna", "Antenna (optional, visisble on SondeHub tracker)"], [ "", "SondeHub email (optional, only used to contact in case of upload errors)"], [ "", "SondeHub frequency import", "" ], [ "sondehub.fiactive", "SondeHub frequency import active (0=disabled, 1=active)" ], [ "sondehub.fiinterval", "Import frequency (minutes, ≥ 5)" ], [ "sondehub.fimaxdist", "Import maximum distance (km, ≤ 500)" ], [ "sondehub.fimaxage", "Import maximum age (hours, ≤ 24)" ], [ "", "Hardware configuration (requires reboot)", ""], [ "disptype", "Display type (0=OLED/SSD1306, 1=ILI9225, 2=OLED/SH1106, 3=ILI9341, 4=ILI9342)"], [ "oled_sda", "OLED SDA/TFT SDA"], [ "oled_scl", "OLED SCL/TFT CLK"], [ "oled_rst", "OLED RST/TFT RST (needs reboot)"], [ "tft_rs", "TFT RS"], [ "tft_cs", "TFT CS"], [ "tft_spifreq", "TFT SPI speed"], [ "button_pin", "Button input port"], [ "button2_pin", "Button 2 input port"], [ "button2_axp", "Use AXP192 PWR as Button 2"], [ "touch_thresh", "Touch button threshold
(0 for calib mode)"], [ "power_pout", "Power control port"], [ "led_pout", "LED output port"], [ "gps_rxd", "GPS RXD pin (-1 to disable)"], [ "gps_txd", "GPS TXD pin (not really needed)"], [ "batt_adc", "Battery measurement pin"], [ "sx1278_ss", "SX1278 SS"], [ "sx1278_miso", "SX1278 MISO"], [ "sx1278_mosi", "SX1278 MOSI"], [ "sx1278_sck", "SX1278 SCK"], ]; function mkcfg(id, key, label, value) { var s = "" + label + "\n"; return s; } function mkcfgbtn(id, key, label, value)Β { var touch = ""; var v = value; if(v != -1 && (v&128)) { touch = " checked"; v = v & 127; } var s = "" + label + ""; s += " Touch\n"; return s; } function mksep(id,label,url) { return ""+label+" [wiki]\n"; } function rowdisp(id,disp) { var matches = document.querySelectorAll("tr."+id); matches.forEach(function(e) { if(disp) e.hidden=true; else e.removeAttribute('hidden');}); hid=id; nid="N"+id; if(!disp) { hid=nid; nid=id; } document.querySelector("span."+hid).hidden=true; document.querySelector("span."+nid).removeAttribute('hidden'); } function configTable() { // iterate over cfgs var tab = "\n"; var id=0; for(i=0; i" } else { tab += mkcfg("s"+id, key, lbl, cf.get(key)); } } else { id++; tab += mksep("s"+id, lbl, cfgs[i][2]); } } tab += "
"; var cfgdiv = document.getElementById("cfgtab"); cfgdiv.innerHTML = tab; // enable collapse / expand of items below a header var acc = document.getElementsByClassName("cfgheader"); for(i=0; i"; table += ""; table += ""; table += ""; } table += ""; tab.innerHTML = table; prep(); } style.css 6570 body, html { height: 100%; margin: 0; font-family: Arial; } .active, .cfgheader:hover { background-color: #ccc; } .cfgpanel { } th.cfg { padding:5pt } .hamburger { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 1.25em; height: 0.8em; margin-right: 0.3em; border-top: 0.2em solid #fff; border-bottom: 0.2em solid #fff; } .hamburger:before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0.3em; left: 0px; width: 100%; border-top: 0.2em solid #fff; } .wrapper { height: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; margin: 0; } .tci { flex-grow: 1; border: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .footer { } table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; background-color: #ddd } td#caption { text-align: center; 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