#-------------------------------# # Hardware depending settings #-------------------------------# # pin: 255=disabled; x=button x+128=touch button #button_pin=130 #button2_pin=142 # No specification in config file: try autodetection (gpio4 pin level at startup) #button_pin=0 #button2_pin=255 #button2_axp=0 # LED port #led_pout=-1 # OLED Setup is depending on hardware of LoRa board # TTGO v1: SDA=4 SCL=15, RST=16 # TTGO v2: SDA=21 SCL=22, RST=16 # T-BEAM, OLED: SDA=21, SCL=22, RST=16 # T-BEAM, ILI9225: SDA=4, CLK=21, RS=2, RST=22, CS=0 # No specification in config file: try autodetection (gpio4 pin level at startup) # # disptype: 0=OLED, 1=ILI9225 #disptype=0 #oled_sda=21 #oled_scl=22 #oled_rst=16 #tft_rs=2 #tft_cs=0 tft_orient=1 #tft_modeflip=0 #gps_rxd=-1 #gps_txd=-1 # Show AFC value (for RS41 and M10/M20, maybe also DFM, but not useful for RS92) showafc=1 # Frequency correction, in Hz # freqofs=0 #-------------------------------# # General config settings #-------------------------------# maxsonde=20 debug=0 # wifi mode: 1=client in background; 2=AP in background; 3=client on startup, ap if failure wifi=3 # TCP/IP KISS TNC in port 14590 for APRSdroid (0=disabled, 1=enabled) kisstnc.active = 1 # which screens file to use (0: screens.txt, i>0: screens${i}.txt # 0: old version; 1: for OLED, 2: for TFT; 3: for TFT (portrait mode) # screenfile=2 # display configuration. List of "displays" # first entry: "Scanner" display # second entry: default "Receiver" display # additional entries: alternative receiver display, activated by button display=0,1,2,3,4 # set to -1 to disable (used for "N" values in timers in screens.txt). Value in seconds norx_timeout=20 #-------------------------------# # Spectrum display settings #-------------------------------# startfreq=400 channelbw=10 spectrum=-1 #10 noisefloor=-125 marker=1 #-------------------------------# # APRS settings #-------------------------------# call=N0CALL passcode=12345 #-------------------------------# # Sonde specific settings: bandwidth # valid values: 3100, 3900, 5200, 6300, 7800, 10400, 12500, # 15600, 20800, 25000, ... # other values will be rounded up to the next valid value # rs92.alt2d: default altitude used by RS92 decoder if only 3 sats available #-------------------------------# rs41.agcbw=12500 rs41.rxbw=6300 rs92.rxbw=12500 rs92.alt2d=480 dfm.agcbw=20800 dfm.rxbw=10400 #-------------------------------# # ftp server for RINEX data (for RS92) # YYYY/DDD/brdcDDD0.YYn.gz is appended # s1: igs.bkg.bund.de/IGS/BRDC/ # s2: www.ngs.noaa.gov/cors/rinex/ #-------------------------------# ephftp=www.ngs.noaa.gov/cors/rinex/ #ephftp=igs.bkg.bund.de/IGS/BRDC/ #-------------------------------# # axudp for sending to aprsmap #-------------------------------# # local use only, do not feed to public services # data not sanitized / quality checked, outliers not filtered out axudp.active=1 axudp.host= axudp.port=9002 axudp.symbol=/O axudp.highrate=1 axudp.idformat=0 #-------------------------------# # maybe some time in the future #-------------------------------# # currently simply not implemented, no need to put anything here anyway tcp.active=0 tcp.host=radiosondy.info tcp.port=14590 tcp.symbol=/O tcp.highrate=20 tcp.idformat=0 #-------------------------------# # mqtt settings #-------------------------------# # data not sanitized / quality checked, outliers not filtered out mqtt.active=0 mqtt.id=rdz_sonde_server mqtt.ip= mqtt.port=1883 mqtt.username= mqtt.password= mqtt.prefix=rdz_sonde_server/ #-------------------------------# # Sondehub v2 settings #-------------------------------# # Sondehub v2 DB settings sondehub.active=0 sondehub.chase=0 sondehub.host=api.v2.sondehub.org sondehub.callsign=CHANGEME_RDZTTGO sondehub.lat=null sondehub.lon=null sondehub.alt=null sondehub.antenna= sondehub.email= #-------------------------------# # EOF #-------------------------------#