var cfgs = [ [ "", "General configuration", "" ], [ "wifi", "Wifi mode (0=off, 1=client, 2=AP, 3=client or AP autoselect on startup)" ], [ "mdnsname", "Network mDNS name"], [ "ephftp", "FTP server for ephemeris data (RS92 decoder)"], [ "debug", "Debug mode (0/1)" ], [ "maxsonde", "Maximum number of QRG entries (must be ≤ 50)" ], [ "rxlat", "Receiver fixed latitude"], [ "rxlon", "Receiver fixed longitude"], [ "rxalt", "Receiver fixed altitude"], [ "", "OLED/TFT display configuration", "" ], [ "screenfile", "Screen config (0=automatic; 1-5=predefined; other=custom)" ], [ "display", "Display screens (scan, default, ...)" ], [ "norx_timeout", "No-RX-timeout in seconds (-1=disabled)"], [ "tft_orient", "TFT orientation (0/1/2/3), OLED flip: 3"], [ "", "Spectrum display configuration", "" ], [ "spectrum", "Show spectrum on start (-1=no, 0=forever, >0=time [sec])" ], [ "startfreq", "Start frequency (MHz, default 400)" ], [ "channelbw", "Bandwidth (kHz)" ], [ "marker", "Spectrum MHz marker" ], // maybe remove, assume always ==1? [ "noisefloor", "Spectrum noisefloor" ], [ "", "Receiver configuration", "" ], [ "freqofs", "RX frequency offset (Hz)"], [ "rs41.agcbw", "RS41 AGC bandwidth"], [ "rs41.rxbw", "RS41 RX bandwidth"], [ "rs92.rxbw", "RS92 RX (and AGC) bandwidth"], [ "rs92.alt2d", "RS92 2D fix default altitude"], [ "dfm.agcbw", "DFM AGC bandwidth"], [ "dfm.rxbw", "DFM RX bandwidth"], [ "m10m20.agcbw", "M10/M20 AGC bandwidth"], [ "m10m20.rxbw", "M10/M20 RX bandwidth"], [ "mp3h.agcbw", "MP3H AGC bandwidth"], [ "mp3h.rxbw", "MP3H RX bandwidth"], [ "", "KISS TNC/AXUDP/AXTCP data feed configuration", ""], [ "call", "Call"], [ "passcode", "Passcode"], [ "", "KISS TNC (port 14590) (needs reboot)"], [ "kisstnc.idformat", "KISS TNC ID format"], [ "", "AXUDP active"], [ "", "AXUDP host"], [ "axudp.port", "AXUDP port"], [ "axudp.idformat", "DFM ID format"], [ "axudp.highrate", "Rate limit"], [ "", "APRS TCP active"], [ "", "ARPS TCP host"], [ "tcp.port", "APRS TCP port"], [ "tcp.idformat", "DFM ID format"], [ "tcp.highrate", "Rate limit"], [ "", "MQTT data feed configuration", ""], [ "", "MQTT active (needs reboot)"], [ "", "MQTT client ID"], [ "", "MQTT server hostname"], [ "mqtt.port", "MQTT port"], [ "mqtt.username", "MQTT username"], [ "mqtt.password", "MQTT password"], [ "mqtt.prefix", "MQTT prefix"], [ "", "Chasemapper settings", ""], [ "", "Chasemapper active (0=disabled, 1=active)"], [ "", "Chasemapper UDP host"], [ "cm.port", "Chasemapper UDP port"], [ "", "SondeHub settings", ""], [ "", "SondeHub reporting (0=disabled, 1=active)"], [ "", "SondeHub location reporting (0=off, 1=fixed, 2=chase/GPS, 3=auto)"], [ "", "SondeHub host (DO NOT CHANGE)"], [ "sondehub.callsign", "Callsign"], [ "sondehub.antenna", "Antenna (optional, visisble on SondeHub tracker)"], [ "", "SondeHub email (optional, only used to contact in case of upload errors)"], [ "", "SondeHub frequency import", "" ], [ "sondehub.fiactive", "SondeHub frequency import active (0=disabled, 1=active)" ], [ "sondehub.fiinterval", "Import frequency (minutes, ≥ 5)" ], [ "sondehub.fimaxdist", "Import maximum distance (km, ≤ 700)" ], [ "sondehub.fimaxage", "Import maximum age (hours, ≤ 48)" ], [ "", "Hardware configuration (requires reboot)", ""], [ "disptype", "Display type (0=OLED/SSD1306, 1=ILI9225, 2=OLED/SH1106, 3=ILI9341, 4=ILI9342)"], [ "oled_sda", "OLED SDA/TFT SDA"], [ "oled_scl", "OLED SCL/TFT CLK"], [ "oled_rst", "OLED RST/TFT RST (needs reboot)"], [ "tft_rs", "TFT RS"], [ "tft_cs", "TFT CS"], [ "tft_spifreq", "TFT SPI speed"], [ "button_pin", "Button input port"], [ "button2_pin", "Button 2 input port"], [ "button2_axp", "Use AXP192 PWR as Button 2"], [ "touch_thresh", "Touch button threshold
(0 for calib mode)"], [ "power_pout", "Power control port"], [ "led_pout", "LED output port"], [ "gps_rxd", "GPS RXD pin (-1 to disable)"], [ "gps_txd", "GPS TXD pin (not really needed)"], [ "batt_adc", "Battery measurement pin"], [ "sx1278_ss", "SX1278 SS"], [ "sx1278_miso", "SX1278 MISO"], [ "sx1278_mosi", "SX1278 MOSI"], [ "sx1278_sck", "SX1278 SCK"], ]; function mkcfg(id, key, label, value) { var s = "" + label + "\n"; return s; } function mkcfgbtn(id, key, label, value) { var touch = ""; var v = value; if(v != -1 && (v&128)) { touch = " checked"; v = v & 127; } var s = "" + label + ""; s += " Touch\n"; return s; } function mksep(id,label,url) { return ""+label+" [wiki]\n"; } function rowdisp(id,disp) { var matches = document.querySelectorAll("tr."+id); matches.forEach(function(e) { if(disp) e.hidden=true; else e.removeAttribute('hidden');}); hid=id; nid="N"+id; if(!disp) { hid=nid; nid=id; } document.querySelector("span."+hid).hidden=true; document.querySelector("span."+nid).removeAttribute('hidden'); } function configTable() { // iterate over cfgs var tab = "\n"; var id=0; for(i=0; i" } else { tab += mkcfg("s"+id, key, lbl, cf.get(key)); } } else { id++; tab += mksep("s"+id, lbl, cfgs[i][2]); } } tab += "
"; var cfgdiv = document.getElementById("cfgtab"); cfgdiv.innerHTML = tab; // enable collapse / expand of items below a header var acc = document.getElementsByClassName("cfgheader"); for(i=0; i