/* RS41 decoder functions */ #include "RS41.h" #include "SX1278FSK.h" #include "rsc.h" #include "Sonde.h" #define RS41_DEBUG 0 #if RS41_DEBUG #define RS41_DBG(x) x #else #define RS41_DBG(x) #endif #define RS41MAXLEN (320) static byte data[800]; static int dpos = 0; static uint16_t CRCTAB[256]; #define X2C_DIVR(a, b) ((b) != 0.0f ? (a)/(b) : (a)) #define X2C_DIVL(a, b) ((a)/(b)) static uint32_t X2C_LSH(uint32_t a, int32_t length, int32_t n) { uint32_t m; m = 0; m = (length == 32) ? 0xFFFFFFFFl : (1 << length) - 1; if (n > 0) { if (n >= (int32_t)length) return 0; return (a << n) & m; } if (n <= (int32_t)-length) return 0; return (a >> -n) & m; } static double atang2(double x, double y) { double w; if (fabs(x)>fabs(y)) { w = (double)atan((float)(X2C_DIVL(y,x))); if (x<0.0) { if (y>0.0) w = 3.1415926535898+w; else w = w-3.1415926535898; } } else if (y!=0.0) { w = (double)(1.5707963267949f-atan((float)(X2C_DIVL(x, y)))); if (y<0.0) w = w-3.1415926535898; } else w = 0.0; return w; } /* end atang2() */ static void Gencrctab(void) { uint16_t j; uint16_t i; uint16_t crc; for (i = 0U; i<=255U; i++) { crc = (uint16_t)(i*256U); for (j = 0U; j<=7U; j++) { if ((0x8000U & crc)) crc = X2C_LSH(crc,16,1)^0x1021U; else crc = X2C_LSH(crc,16,1); } /* end for */ CRCTAB[i] = X2C_LSH(crc,16,-8)|X2C_LSH(crc,16,8); } /* end for */ } /* end Gencrctab() */ int RS41::setup(float frequency) { #if RS41_DEBUG Serial.println("Setup sx1278 for RS41 sonde"); #endif if(!initialized) { Gencrctab(); initrsc(); initialized = true; } if(sx1278.ON()!=0) { RS41_DBG(Serial.println("Setting SX1278 power on FAILED")); return 1; } if(sx1278.setFSK()!=0) { RS41_DBG(Serial.println("Setting FSM mode FAILED")); return 1; } if(sx1278.setBitrate(4800)!=0) { RS41_DBG(Serial.println("Setting bitrate 4800bit/s FAILED")); return 1; } #if RS41_DEBUG float br = sx1278.getBitrate(); Serial.print("Exact bitrate is "); Serial.println(br); #endif if(sx1278.setAFCBandwidth(sonde.config.rs41.agcbw)!=0) { RS41_DBG(Serial.println("Setting AFC bandwidth 25 kHz FAILED")); return 1; } if(sx1278.setRxBandwidth(sonde.config.rs41.rxbw)!=0) { RS41_DBG(Serial.println("Setting RX bandwidth 12kHz FAILED")); return 1; } // Enable auto-AFC, auto-AGC, RX Trigger by preamble if(sx1278.setRxConf(0x1E)!=0) { RS41_DBG(Serial.println("Setting RX Config FAILED")); return 1; } // Set autostart_RX to 01, preamble 0, SYNC detect==on, syncsize=3 (==4 byte //char header[] = "0110.0101 0110.0110 1010.0101 1010.1010"; //const char *SYNC="\x10\xB6\xCA\x11\x22\x96\x12\xF8"; const char *SYNC="\x08\x6D\x53\x88\x44\x69\x48\x1F"; if(sx1278.setSyncConf(0x57, 8, (const uint8_t *)SYNC)!=0) { RS41_DBG(Serial.println("Setting SYNC Config FAILED")); return 1; } if(sx1278.setPreambleDetect(0xA8)!=0) { RS41_DBG(Serial.println("Setting PreambleDetect FAILED")); return 1; } // Packet config 1: fixed len, no mancecer, no crc, no address filter // Packet config 2: packet mode, no home ctrl, no beackn, msb(packetlen)=0) if(sx1278.setPacketConfig(0x08, 0x40)!=0) { RS41_DBG(Serial.println("Setting Packet config FAILED")); return 1; } Serial.print("RS41: setting RX frequency to "); Serial.println(frequency); int retval = sx1278.setFrequency(frequency); dpos = 0; #if RS41_DEBUG RS41_DBG(Serial.println("Setting SX1278 config for RS41 finished\n"); Serial.println()); #endif // go go go sx1278.setPayloadLength(RS41MAXLEN-8); // Expect 320-8 bytes or 518-8 bytes (8 byte header) sx1278.writeRegister(REG_OP_MODE, FSK_RX_MODE); return retval; } uint32_t RS41::bits2val(const uint8_t *bits, int len) { uint32_t val = 0; for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { val |= (bits[j] << (len-1-j)); } return val; } RS41::RS41() { } /* RS41 reed solomon decoder, from dxlAPRS */ static int32_t reedsolomon41(byte buf[], uint32_t buf_len, uint32_t len2) { uint32_t i; int32_t res1; /*tb1, */ int32_t res; char b1[256]; char b[256]; uint32_t eraspos[24]; uint32_t tmp; for (i = 0UL; i<=255UL; i++) { b[i] = 0; b1[i] = 0; } /* end for */ tmp = len2; i = 0UL; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { b[230UL-i] = buf[i*2UL+56UL]; b1[230UL-i] = buf[i*2UL+57UL]; if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ for (i = 0UL; i<=23UL; i++) { b[254UL-i] = buf[i+8UL]; b1[254UL-i] = buf[i+32UL]; } /* end for */ res = decodersc(b, eraspos, 0); res1 = decodersc(b1, eraspos, 0); if (res>0L && res<=12L) { tmp = len2; i = 0UL; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { buf[i*2UL+56UL] = b[230UL-i]; if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ for (i = 0UL; i<=23UL; i++) { buf[i+8UL] = b[254UL-i]; } /* end for */ } if (res1>0L && res1<=12L) { tmp = len2; i = 0UL; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { buf[i*2UL+57UL] = b1[230UL-i]; if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ for (i = 0UL; i<=23UL; i++) { buf[i+32UL] = b1[254UL-i]; } /* end for */ } if (res<0L || res1<0L) return -1L; else return res+res1; return 0; } /* end reedsolomon41() */ static char crcrs(const byte frame[], uint32_t frame_len, int32_t from, int32_t to) { uint16_t crc; int32_t i; int32_t tmp; crc = 0xFFFFU; tmp = to-3L; i = from; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { crc = X2C_LSH(crc,16,-8)^CRCTAB[(uint32_t)((crc^(uint16_t)(uint8_t)frame[i])&0xFFU)]; if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ return frame[to-1L]==(char)crc && frame[to-2L]==(char)X2C_LSH(crc, 16,-8); } /* end crcrs() */ static int32_t getint32(const byte frame[], uint32_t frame_len, uint32_t p) { uint32_t n; uint32_t i; n = 0UL; for (i = 3UL;; i--) { n = n*256UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)frame[p+i]; if (i==0UL) break; } /* end for */ return (int32_t)n; } /* end getint32() */ static uint32_t getcard16(const byte frame[], uint32_t frame_len, uint32_t p) { return (uint32_t)(uint8_t)frame[p]+256UL*(uint32_t)(uint8_t) frame[p+1UL]; } /* end getcard16() */ static int32_t getint16(const byte frame[], uint32_t frame_len, uint32_t p) { uint32_t n; n = (uint32_t)(uint8_t)frame[p]+256UL*(uint32_t)(uint8_t) frame[p+1UL]; if (n>=32768UL) return (int32_t)(n-65536UL); return (int32_t)n; } /* end getint16() */ static void wgs84r(double x, double y, double z, double * lat, double * long0, double * heig) { double sl; double ct; double st; double t; double rh; double xh; double h; h = x*x+y*y; if (h>0.0) { rh = (double)sqrt((float)h); xh = x+rh; *long0 = atang2(xh, y)*2.0; if (*long0>3.1415926535898) *long0 = *long0-6.2831853071796; t = (double)atan((float)(X2C_DIVL(z*1.003364089821, rh))); st = (double)sin((float)t); ct = (double)cos((float)t); *lat = (double)atan((float) (X2C_DIVL(z+4.2841311513312E+4*st*st*st, rh-4.269767270718E+4*ct*ct*ct))); sl = (double)sin((float)*lat); *heig = X2C_DIVL(rh,(double)cos((float)*lat))-(double)(X2C_DIVR(6.378137E+6f, sqrt((float)(1.0-6.6943799901413E-3*sl*sl)))); } else { *lat = 0.0; *long0 = 0.0; *heig = 0.0; } /* lat:=atan(z/(rh*(1.0 - E2))); */ /* heig:=sqrt(h + z*z) - EARTHA; */ } /* end wgs84r() */ static void posrs41(const byte b[], uint32_t b_len, uint32_t p) { double dir; double vu; double ve; double vn; double vz; double vy; double vx; double heig; double long0; double lat; double z; double y; double x; x = (double)getint32(b, b_len, p)*0.01; y = (double)getint32(b, b_len, p+4UL)*0.01; z = (double)getint32(b, b_len, p+8UL)*0.01; wgs84r(x, y, z, &lat, &long0, &heig); Serial.print(" "); sonde.si()->lat = (float)(X2C_DIVL(lat,1.7453292519943E-2)); Serial.print(sonde.si()->lat); Serial.print(" "); sonde.si()->lon = (float)(X2C_DIVL(long0,1.7453292519943E-2)); Serial.print(sonde.si()->lon); if (heig<1.E+5 && heig>(-1.E+5)) { Serial.print(" "); Serial.print((uint32_t)heig); Serial.print("m"); } /*speed */ vx = (double)getint16(b, b_len, p+12UL)*0.01; vy = (double)getint16(b, b_len, p+14UL)*0.01; vz = (double)getint16(b, b_len, p+16UL)*0.01; vn = (-(vx*(double)sin((float)lat)*(double) cos((float)long0))-vy*(double) sin((float)lat)*(double)sin((float) long0))+vz*(double)cos((float)lat); ve = -(vx*(double)sin((float)long0))+vy*(double) cos((float)long0); vu = vx*(double)cos((float)lat)*(double) cos((float)long0)+vy*(double) cos((float)lat)*(double)sin((float) long0)+vz*(double)sin((float)lat); dir = X2C_DIVL(atang2(vn, ve),1.7453292519943E-2); if (dir<0.0) dir = 360.0+dir; sonde.si()->dir = dir; Serial.print(" "); sonde.si()->hs = sqrt((float)(vn*vn+ve*ve))*3.6f; Serial.print(sonde.si()->hs); Serial.print("km/h "); Serial.print(dir); Serial.print("deg "); Serial.print((float)vu); sonde.si()->vs = vu; Serial.print("m/s "); Serial.print(getcard16(b, b_len, p+18UL)&255UL); Serial.print("Sats"); sonde.si()->alt = heig; sonde.si()->validPos = true; } /* end posrs41() */ // returns: 0: ok, -1: rs or crc error int RS41::decode41(byte *data, int maxlen) { char buf[128]; int crcok = 0; int32_t corr = reedsolomon41(data, 560, 131); // try short frame first if(corr<0) { corr = reedsolomon41(data, 560, 230); // try long frame } Serial.print("RS result:"); Serial.print(corr); Serial.println(); int p = 57; // 8 byte header, 48 byte RS while(pmaxlen) break; #if 1 // DEBUG OUTPUT Serial.print("@"); Serial.print(p-2); Serial.print(": ID:"); Serial.print(typ, HEX); Serial.print(", len="); Serial.print(len); Serial.print(": "); for(int i=0; itype=STYPE_RS41; strncpy(sonde.si()->id, (const char *)(data+p+2), 8); sonde.si()->id[8]=0; sonde.si()->validID=true; } // TODO: some more data break; case '|': // date break; case '{': // pos posrs41(data+p, len, 0); break; default: break; }} p += len; Serial.println(); } return crcok ? 0 : -1; } void RS41::printRaw(uint8_t *data, int len) { char buf[3]; int i; for(i=0; i>4]; } static uint8_t scramble[64] = {150U,131U,62U,81U,177U,73U,8U,152U,50U,5U,89U, 14U,249U,68U,198U,38U,33U,96U,194U,234U,121U,93U,109U,161U, 84U,105U,71U,12U,220U,232U,92U,241U,247U,118U,130U,127U,7U, 153U,162U,44U,147U,124U,48U,99U,245U,16U,46U,97U,208U,188U, 180U,182U,6U,170U,244U,35U,120U,110U,59U,174U,191U,123U,76U, 193U}; int RS41::receive() { sx1278.setPayloadLength(RS41MAXLEN-8); int e = sx1278.receivePacketTimeout(1000, data+8); rxtask.lastSonde = rxtask.currentSonde; if(e) { Serial.println("TIMEOUT"); return RX_TIMEOUT; } for(int i=0; i