// Configuration flags for including/excluding fuctionality from the compiled binary // set flag to 0 for exclude/1 for include // Selection of data output connectors to be included in firmware // APRS includes AXUDP (e.g. for aprsmap) and APRS-IS (TCP) (e.g. for wettersonde.net, radiosondy.info) #define FEATURE_SONDEHUB 1 #define FEATURE_CHASEMAPPER 1 #define FEATURE_MQTT 1 #define FEATURE_SDCARD 0 #define FEATURE_APRS 1 // Additional optional components #define FEATURE_RS92 1 /* Most recent version support fonts in a dedicated flash parition "fonts". * This is incomabtible (in terms of code and flash layout) to previous versions. * If LEGACY_FONTS_IN_CODEBIN is sets, fonts are also included in the bin image. * This maintains compatibility for OTA with previous versions (in which case the * bin image fonts will be used as before). * The code automatically uses fonts in flash partition if that exists, otherwise * fonts in code. * The flash partition fonts support latin15 codeset (instead of 7bit ascii). * Also, it is easier to use different fonts :) just flash the font partition w/ something else... * This option will likely be removed post-master1.0 */ #define LEGACY_FONTS_IN_CODEBIN 1