#include "time.h" #include "geteph.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "Display.h" #include "Sonde.h" extern WiFiClient client; //static const char *ftpserver = "www.ngs.noaa.gov"; char outbuf[128]; uint8_t ephstate = EPH_NOTUSED; //enum EPHSTATE { EPH_NOTUSED, EPH_PENDING, EPH_TIMEERR, EPH_ERROR, EPH_EPHERROR, EPH_GOOD }; const char *ephtxt[] = { "Disabled", "Pending", "Time error", "Fetch error", "Read error", "Good" }; uint8_t getreply() { String s = client.readStringUntil('\n'); Serial.println(s); const char *str = s.c_str(); if(strlen(str)<4) return 255; // something unusual... if(str[3]=='-') { // multi-line resonse... String s2; const char *str2; do { s2 = client.readStringUntil('\n'); Serial.println(s2); str2 = s2.c_str(); if(strlen(str2)<4) return 255; // something is wrong } while( str[0]!=str2[0] || str[1]!=str2[1] || str[2]!=str2[2] || str2[3]!=' ' ); } return str[0]; } void writeFully(File &file, uint8_t *buf, size_t len) { size_t olen; while(len) { olen = file.write(buf, len); Serial.printf("written: %d of %d\n", olen, len); len -= olen; buf += olen; } } void geteph() { // Set current time via network... ephstate = EPH_PENDING; struct tm tinfo; configTime(0, 0, "pool.ntp.org"); bool ok = getLocalTime(&tinfo, 2000); // wait max 2 seconds to get current time via ntp if(!ok) { ephstate = EPH_TIMEERR; Serial.println("Failed to get current date/time"); return; } // Check time of last update int year = tinfo.tm_year + 1900; int day = tinfo.tm_yday + 1; Serial.printf("year %d, day %d\n", year, day); char nowstr[20]; snprintf(nowstr, 20, "%04d%03d%02d", year, day, tinfo.tm_hour); File status = SPIFFS.open("/brdc.time", "r"); if(status) { String ts = status.readStringUntil('\n'); const char *tsstr = ts.c_str(); if(tsstr && strlen(tsstr)>=9) { if(strcmp(nowstr, ts.c_str())<=0) { Serial.println("local brdc is up to date\n"); ephstate = EPH_GOOD; return; } } Serial.printf("now: %s, existing: %s => updating\n", nowstr, tsstr); } status.close(); File fh = SPIFFS.open("/brdc.gz","w"); if(!fh) { Serial.println("cannot open file\n"); return; } char host[252]; strcpy(host, sonde.config.ephftp); char *buf = strchr(host, '/'); if(!buf) { Serial.println("Invalid FTP host config"); return; } *buf = 0; buf++; uint8_t dispw, disph, dispxs, dispys; disp.rdis->getDispSize(&disph, &dispw, &dispxs, &dispys); disp.rdis->clear(); disp.rdis->setFont(FONT_SMALL); disp.rdis->drawString(0, 0, host); // fetch rinex from server char *ptr = buf + strlen(buf); snprintf(ptr, 128, "%04d/%03d/brdc%03d0.%02dn.gz", year, day, day, year-2000); Serial.println("running geteph\n"); disp.rdis->drawString(0, 1*dispys, ptr+9); if(!client.connect(host, 21)) { Serial.printf("FTP connection to %s failed\n", host); return; } if(getreply()>='4') { Serial.println("connected failed"); return; } client.print("USER anonymous\r\n"); if(getreply()>='4') { Serial.println("USER failed"); return; } client.print("PASS anonymous\r\n"); if(getreply()>='4') { Serial.println("PASS failed"); return; } client.print("TYPE I\r\n"); if(getreply()>='4') { Serial.println("TYPE I failed"); return; } client.print("PASV\r\n"); String s = client.readStringUntil('\n'); Serial.println(s); if(s.c_str()[0]>='4') { Serial.println("PASV failed"); return; } int array_pasv[6]; char *tStr = strtok((char *)s.c_str(), "(,"); for(int i=0; i<6; i++) { tStr = strtok(NULL, "(,"); if(tStr==NULL) { Serial.println("strange response to PASV"); return; } array_pasv[i] = atoi(tStr); Serial.println(array_pasv[i]); } uint16_t port = (array_pasv[4]<<8) | (array_pasv[5]&0xff); WiFiClient dclient; Serial.printf("connecting to %s:%d\n", host, port); dclient.connect(host, port); if(!dclient) { Serial.println("data connection failed"); return; } client.print("RETR "); Serial.printf("fetching %s with FTP...\n", buf); client.println(buf); s = client.readStringUntil('\n'); Serial.println(s); if(s.c_str()[0]>='4') { Serial.println("RETR failed"); return; } int len=0; while(dclient.connected()) { while(dclient.available()) { int c = dclient.read(); if(c==-1) { Serial.println("dclient.read() returned -1 inspite of available() being true?!"); } else { fh.write(c); len++; } } } Serial.printf("fetched %d bytes\n", len); fh.close(); snprintf(buf, 16, "Fetched %d B ",len); buf[16]=0; disp.rdis->drawString(0,2*dispys,buf); disp.rdis->drawString(0,4*dispys,"Decompressing..."); // decompression tinfl_decompressor *decomp = (tinfl_decompressor *)malloc(sizeof(tinfl_decompressor)); tinfl_init(decomp); File file = SPIFFS.open("/brdc.gz","r"); if(!file) { Serial.println("cannot open file\n"); return; } File ofile = SPIFFS.open("/brdc", "w"); if(!ofile) { Serial.println("cannot open file /brdc for writing"); return; } file.readBytes(buf, 10); // skip gzip header char flags = buf[3]; if(flags&0x07) { Serial.println("Unsupported flags in gzip header, may or may not cause a problem"); } if(flags&0x08) { // skip file name extra header do { int res=file.readBytes(buf, 1); if(res!=1) return; } while(*buf); } if(flags&0x10) { // skip file name extra header do { int res=file.readBytes(buf, 1); if(res!=1) return; } while(*buf); } int opos = 0; int total = 0; Serial.println("Decompressing ephemeris data...\n"); char *obuf =(char *)malloc(32768); char *ibuf =(char *)malloc(8192); while(file.available()) { size_t len = file.readBytes(ibuf, 8192); size_t inofs = 0; size_t inlen = len; while(inofs=32768) { Serial.printf("... decompressed %d bytes\n", total); opos=0; } } } // maybe todo: check crc?!? Serial.printf("done extracing content (total length: %d)\n", total); status = SPIFFS.open("/brdc.time","w"); status.println(nowstr); status.close(); snprintf(buf, 16, "Done: %d B ",total); buf[16]=0; disp.rdis->drawString(0,5*dispys,buf); ephstate = EPH_GOOD; delay(1000); free(obuf); free(ibuf); free(decomp); file.close(); ofile.close(); }