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2024-01-15 19:52:29 +00:00
#include "../features.h"
#include "conn-sondehub.h"
#include "posinfo.h"
#include "../core.h"
#include "DFM.h"
#include "RS41.h"
#include <ESPmDNS.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include "ShFreqImport.h"
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <lwip/dns.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
extern const char *version_name;
extern const char *version_id;
#define SONDEHUB_STATION_UPDATE_TIME (60*60*1000) // 60 min
#define SONDEHUB_MOBILE_STATION_UPDATE_TIME (30*1000) // 30 sec
WiFiClient shclient; // Sondehub v2
int shImportInterval = 0;
char shImport = 0;
unsigned long time_last_update = 0;
void ConnSondehub::init() {
void ConnSondehub::netsetup() {
if (sonde.config.sondehub.active && wifi_state != WIFI_APMODE) {
time_last_update = millis() + 1000; /* force sending update */
// SH import: initial refresh on connect, even if configured interval is longer
shImportInterval = 5; // refresh now in 5 seconds
// Imitating the old non-modular code
// updateSonde is called once per second
// old code called
// each second: sondehub_reply_handler
// each second, if good decode: sondehub_send_data
// each second, if no good decode: sondehub_finish_data
void ConnSondehub::updateSonde( SondeInfo *si ) {
if(si==NULL) {
} else {
void ConnSondehub::updateStation( PosInfo *pi ) {
// TODO: station_update should be here and not in netsetup()
// Currently, interlnal reply_handler does this, using gpsInfo global variable instead of this pi
String ConnSondehub::getStatus() {
return String("");
/*** Code moved from RX_FSK to here ****/
// Sondehub v2 DB related codes
Update station data to the sondehub v2 DB
/* which_pos: 0=none, 1=fixed, 2=gps */
void ConnSondehub::sondehub_station_update() {
struct st_sondehub *conf = &sonde.config.sondehub;
#define STATION_DATA_LEN 300
char data[STATION_DATA_LEN];
char *w;
// If there is no connection to some WiFi AP, we cannot upload any data at all....
if ( wifi_state != WIFI_CONNECTED ) return;
unsigned long time_now = millis();
// time_delta will be correct, even if time_now overflows
unsigned long time_delta = time_now - time_last_update;
int chase = conf->chase;
// automatically decided if CHASE or FIXED mode is used (for config AUTO)
if (chase == SH_LOC_AUTO) {
if (posInfo.chase) chase = SH_LOC_CHASE; else chase = SH_LOC_FIXED;
// Use 30sec update time in chase mode, 60 min in station mode.
// If it is not yet time to send another update. do nothing....
if ( (time_delta <= update_time) ) return;
time_last_update = time_now;
if (!shclient.connected()) {
if (!shclient.connect(conf->host, 80)) {
Serial.println("Connection FAILED");
w = data;
// not necessary... memset(w, 0, STATION_DATA_LEN);
"\"software_name\": \"%s\","
"\"software_version\": \"%s\","
"\"uploader_callsign\": \"%s\",",
version_name, version_id, conf->callsign);
w += strlen(w);
// Only send email if provided
if (strlen(conf->email) != 0) {
sprintf(w, "\"uploader_contact_email\": \"%s\",", conf->email);
w += strlen(w);
// Only send antenna if provided
if (strlen(conf->antenna) != 0) {
sprintf(w, "\"uploader_antenna\": \"%s\",", conf->antenna);
w += strlen(w);
// We send GPS position: (a) in CHASE mode, (b) in AUTO mode if no fixed location has been specified in config
if (chase == SH_LOC_CHASE) {
if (gpsPos.valid) {
"\"uploader_position\": [%.6f,%.6f,%d],"
"\"mobile\": true",
gpsPos.lat, gpsPos.lon, gpsPos.alt);
} else {
sprintf(w, "\"uploader_position\": [null,null,null]");
w += strlen(w);
// Otherweise, in FIXED mode we send the fixed position from config (if specified)
else if (chase == SH_LOC_FIXED) {
if ((!isnan(sonde.config.rxlat)) && (!isnan(sonde.config.rxlon))) {
if (isnan(sonde.config.rxalt))
sprintf(w, "\"uploader_position\": [%.6f,%.6f,null]", sonde.config.rxlat, sonde.config.rxlon);
sprintf(w, "\"uploader_position\": [%.6f,%.6f,%d]", sonde.config.rxlat, sonde.config.rxlon, (int)sonde.config.rxalt);
} else {
sprintf(w, "\"uploader_position\": [null,null,null]");
w += strlen(w);
} else {
sprintf(w, "\"uploader_position\": [null,null,null]");
w += strlen(w);
// otherwise (in SH_LOC_NONE mode) we dont include any position info
sprintf(w, "}");
shclient.println("PUT /listeners HTTP/1.1");
shclient.print("Host: ");
shclient.println("accept: text/plain");
shclient.println("Content-Type: application/json");
shclient.print("Content-Length: ");
Serial.println("Waiting for response");
// TODO: better do this asynchronously
// At least, do this safely. See Notes-on-Using-WiFiClient.txt for details
// If any of the shclient.print failed before (remote end closed connection),
// then calling client->read will cause a LoadProhibited exception
if (shclient.connected()) {
String response = shclient.readString();
Serial.println("Response done...");
} else {
Serial.println("SH client connection closed\n");
Update sonde data to the sondehub v2 DB
time_t shStart = 0;
void ConnSondehub::sondehub_reply_handler() {
// sondehub handler for tasks to be done even if no data is to be sent:
// process response messages from sondehub
// request frequency list (if active)
#define MSG_SIZE 1000
char rs_msg[MSG_SIZE];
if (shImport == 1) { // we are waiting for a reply to a sondehub frequency import request
// while we are waiting, we do nothing else with sondehub...
int res = ShFreqImport::shImportHandleReply(&shclient);
Serial.printf("ret: %d\n", res);
// res==0 means more data is expected, res==1 means complete reply received (or error)
if (res == 1) {
shImport = 2; // finished
shImportInterval = sonde.config.sondehub.fiinterval * 60;
else {
// any reply here belongs to normal telemetry upload, lets just print it.
// and wait for a valid HTTP response
int cnt = 0;
while (shclient.available() > 0) {
// data is available from remote server, process it...
// readBytesUntil may wait for up to 1 second if enough data is not available...
// int cnt = shclient.readBytesUntil('\n', rs_msg, MSG_SIZE - 1);
int c = shclient.read();
if (c < 0) break; // should never happen in available() returned >0 right before....
rs_msg[cnt++] = c;
if (c == '\n') {
rs_msg[cnt] = 0;
// If something that looks like a valid HTTP response is received, we are ready to send the next data item
if (shState == SH_CONN_WAITACK && cnt > 11 && strncmp(rs_msg, "HTTP/1", 6) == 0) {
shState = SH_CONN_IDLE;
cnt = 0;
if (cnt >= MSG_SIZE - 1) {
cnt = 0;
Serial.println("(overlong line from network, ignoring)");
if (cnt > 0) {
rs_msg[cnt + 1] = 0;
// send import requests if needed
if (sonde.config.sondehub.fiactive) {
if (shImport == 2) {
Serial.printf("next sondehub frequncy import in %d seconds\n", shImportInterval);
shImportInterval --;
if (shImportInterval <= 0) {
shImport = 0;
else if (shImport == 0) {
if (shState == SH_CONN_APPENDING || shState == SH_CONN_WAITACK)
Serial.printf("Time to request next sondehub import.... but still busy with upload request");
// also handle periodic station updates here...
// interval check moved to sondehub_station_update to avoid having to calculate distance in auto mode twice
if (sonde.config.sondehub.active) {
if (shState == SH_CONN_IDLE || shState == SH_DISCONNECTED ) {
// (do not set station update while a telemetry report is being sent
void ConnSondehub::sondehub_send_fimport() {
if (shState == SH_CONN_APPENDING || shState == SH_CONN_WAITACK) {
// Currently busy with SondeHub data upload
// So do nothing here.
// sond_fimport will be re-sent later, when shState becomes SH_CONN_IDLE
// It's time to run, so check prerequisites
float lat = sonde.config.rxlat, lon = sonde.config.rxlon;
if (gpsPos.valid) {
lat = gpsPos.lat;
lon = gpsPos.lon;
int maxdist = sonde.config.sondehub.fimaxdist; // km
int maxage = sonde.config.sondehub.fimaxage * 60; // fimaxage is hours, shImportSendRequest uses minutes
int fiinterval = sonde.config.sondehub.fiinterval;
Serial.printf("shimp : %f %f %d %d %d\n", lat, lon, maxdist, maxage, shImportInterval);
if ( !isnan(lat) && !isnan(lon) && maxdist > 0 && maxage > 0 && fiinterval > 0 ) {
int res = ShFreqImport::shImportSendRequest(&shclient, lat, lon, maxdist, maxage);
if (res == 0) shImport = 1; // Request OK: wait for response
else shImport = 2; // Request failed: wait interval, then retry
// in hours.... max allowed diff UTC <-> sonde time
void ConnSondehub::sondehub_send_data(SondeInfo * s) {
struct st_sondehub *conf = &sonde.config.sondehub;
Serial.printf("shState = %d\n", shState);
// max age of data in JSON request (in seconds)
char rs_msg[MSG_SIZE];
char *w;
struct tm ts;
// config setting M10 and M20 will both decode both types, so use the real type that was decoded
uint8_t realtype = sonde.realType(s);
// For DFM, s->d.time is data from subframe DAT8 (gps date/hh/mm), and sec is from DAT1 (gps sec/usec)
// For all others, sec should always be 0 and time the exact time in seconds
time_t t = s->d.time;
int chase = conf->chase;
// automatically decided if CHASE or FIXED mode is used (for config AUTO)
if (chase == SH_LOC_AUTO) {
if (posInfo.chase) chase = SH_LOC_CHASE; else chase = SH_LOC_FIXED;
struct tm timeinfo;
time_t now;
gmtime_r(&now, &timeinfo);
if (timeinfo.tm_year <= (2016 - 1900)) {
Serial.println("Failed to obtain time");
// Check if current sonde data is valid. If not, don't do anything....
if (*s->d.ser == 0 || s->d.validID == 0 ) return; // Don't send anything without serial number
if (((int)s->d.lat == 0) && ((int)s->d.lon == 0)) return; // Sometimes these values are zeroes. Don't send those to the sondehub
if ((int)s->d.alt > 50000) return; // If alt is too high don't send to SondeHub
// M20 data does not include #sat information
if ( realtype != STYPE_M20 && (int)s->d.sats < 4) return; // If not enough sats don't send to SondeHub
// If not connected to sondehub, try reconnecting.
// TODO: do this outside of main loop
if (!shclient.connected()) {
Serial.println("NO CONNECTION");
if (!shclient.connect(conf->host, 80)) {
Serial.println("Connection FAILED");
shclient.Client::setTimeout(0); // does this work?
shState = SH_CONN_IDLE;
if ( shState == SH_CONN_WAITACK ) {
Serial.println("Previous SH-frame not yet ack'ed, not sending new data");
if ( abs(now - (time_t)s->d.time) > (3600 * SONDEHUB_TIME_THRESHOLD) ) {
Serial.printf("Sonde time %d too far from current UTC time %ld", s->d.time, now);
// DFM uses UTC. Most of the other radiosondes use GPS time
// SondeHub expect datetime to be the same time sytem as the sonde transmits as time stamp
if ( realtype == STYPE_RS41 || realtype == STYPE_RS92 || realtype == STYPE_M20 ) {
t += 18; // convert back to GPS time from UTC time +18s
gmtime_r(&t, &ts);
memset(rs_msg, 0, MSG_SIZE);
w = rs_msg;
" {"
"\"software_name\": \"%s\","
"\"software_version\": \"%s\","
"\"uploader_callsign\": \"%s\","
"\"time_received\": \"%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.000Z\","
"\"manufacturer\": \"%s\","
"\"serial\": \"%s\","
"\"datetime\": \"%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.000Z\","
"\"lat\": %.5f,"
"\"lon\": %.5f,"
"\"alt\": %.5f,"
"\"frequency\": %.3f,"
"\"vel_h\": %.5f,"
"\"vel_v\": %.5f,"
"\"heading\": %.5f,"
"\"rssi\": %.1f,"
"\"frame\": %d,"
"\"type\": \"%s\",",
version_name, version_id, conf->callsign,
timeinfo.tm_year + 1900, timeinfo.tm_mon + 1, timeinfo.tm_mday, timeinfo.tm_hour, timeinfo.tm_min, timeinfo.tm_sec,
manufacturer_string[realtype], s->d.ser,
ts.tm_year + 1900, ts.tm_mon + 1, ts.tm_mday, ts.tm_hour, ts.tm_min, ts.tm_sec,
(float)s->d.lat, (float)s->d.lon, (float)s->d.alt, (float)s->freq, (float)s->d.hs, (float)s->d.vs,
(float)s->d.dir, -((float)s->rssi / 2), s->d.vframe, sondeTypeStrSH[realtype]
w += strlen(w);
// Only send sats if not M20
if (realtype != STYPE_M20) {
sprintf(w, "\"sats\": %d,", (int)s->d.sats);
w += strlen(w);
/* if there is a subtype (DFM only) */
if ( TYPE_IS_DFM(s->type) && s->d.subtype > 0 ) {
if ( (s->d.subtype & 0xF) != DFM_UNK) {
const char *t = dfmSubtypeLong[s->d.subtype & 0xF];
sprintf(w, "\"subtype\": \"%s\",", t);
else {
sprintf(w, "\"subtype\": \"DFMx%X\",", s->d.subtype >> 4); // Unknown subtype
w += strlen(w);
} else if ( s->type == STYPE_RS41 ) {
char buf[11];
if (RS41::getSubtype(buf, 11, s) == 0) {
sprintf(w, "\"subtype\": \"%s\",", buf);
w += strlen(w);
// Only send temp if provided
if (!isnan(s->d.temperature)) {
sprintf(w, "\"temp\": %.1f,", s->d.temperature);
w += strlen(w);
// Only send humidity if provided
if (!isnan(s->d.relativeHumidity)) {
sprintf(w, "\"humidity\": %.1f,", s->d.relativeHumidity);
w += strlen(w);
// Only send pressure if provided
if (!isnan(s->d.pressure)) {
sprintf(w, "\"pressure\": %.2f,", s->d.pressure);
w += strlen(w);
// Only send burst timer if RS41 and fresh within the last 51s
if ((realtype == STYPE_RS41) && (s->d.crefKT > 0) && (s->d.vframe - s->d.crefKT < 51)) {
sprintf(w, "\"burst_timer\": %d,", (int)s->d.countKT);
w += strlen(w);
// Only send battery if provided
if (s->d.batteryVoltage > 0) {
sprintf(w, "\"batt\": %.2f,", s->d.batteryVoltage);
w += strlen(w);
// Only send antenna if provided
if (strlen(conf->antenna) != 0) {
sprintf(w, "\"uploader_antenna\": \"%s\",", conf->antenna);
w += strlen(w);
// We send GPS position: (a) in CHASE mode, (b) in AUTO mode if no fixed location has been specified in config
if (chase == SH_LOC_CHASE) {
if (gpsPos.valid) {
sprintf(w, "\"uploader_position\": [%.6f,%.6f,%d]", gpsPos.lat, gpsPos.lon, gpsPos.alt);
} else {
sprintf(w, "\"uploader_position\": [null,null,null]");
w += strlen(w);
// Otherweise, in FIXED mode we send the fixed position from config (if specified)
else if (chase == SH_LOC_FIXED) {
if ((!isnan(sonde.config.rxlat)) && (!isnan(sonde.config.rxlon))) {
if (isnan(sonde.config.rxalt))
sprintf(w, "\"uploader_position\": [%.6f,%.6f,null]", sonde.config.rxlat, sonde.config.rxlon);
sprintf(w, "\"uploader_position\": [%.6f,%.6f,%d]", sonde.config.rxlat, sonde.config.rxlon, (int)sonde.config.rxalt);
} else {
sprintf(w, "\"uploader_position\": [null,null,null]");
w += strlen(w);
} else {
sprintf(w, "\"uploader_position\": [null,null,null]");
w += strlen(w);
// otherwise (in SH_LOC_NONE mode) we dont include any position info
sprintf(w, "}");
if (shState != SH_CONN_APPENDING) {
sondehub_send_header(s, &timeinfo);
sondehub_send_next(s, rs_msg, strlen(rs_msg), 1);
shStart = now;
} else {
sondehub_send_next(s, rs_msg, strlen(rs_msg), 0);
if (now - shStart > SONDEHUB_MAXAGE) { // after MAXAGE seconds
shStart = 0;
//String response = client->readString();
void ConnSondehub::sondehub_finish_data() {
// If there is an "old" pending collection of JSON data sets, send it even if no now data is received
if (shState == SH_CONN_APPENDING) {
time_t now;
if (now - shStart > SONDEHUB_MAXAGE + 3) { // after MAXAGE seconds
shStart = 0;
static const char *DAYS[] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"};
static const char *MONTHS[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Noc", "Dec"};
void ConnSondehub::sondehub_send_header(SondeInfo * s, struct tm * now) {
struct st_sondehub *conf = &sonde.config.sondehub;
Serial.print("PUT /sondes/telemetry HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: ");
Serial.print("accept: text/plain\r\n"
"Content-Type: application/json\r\n"
"Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n");
shclient.print("PUT /sondes/telemetry HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: ");
shclient.print("accept: text/plain\r\n"
"Content-Type: application/json\r\n"
"Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n");
if (now) {
Serial.printf("Date: %s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT\r\n",
DAYS[now->tm_wday], now->tm_mday, MONTHS[now->tm_mon], now->tm_year + 1900,
now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_sec);
shclient.printf("Date: %s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT\r\n",
DAYS[now->tm_wday], now->tm_mday, MONTHS[now->tm_mon], now->tm_year + 1900,
now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_sec);
shclient.print("User-agent: ");
shclient.println(""); // another cr lf as indication of end of header
void ConnSondehub::sondehub_send_next(SondeInfo * s, char *chunk, int chunklen, int first) {
// send next chunk of JSON request
shclient.printf("%x\r\n", chunklen + 1);
shclient.write(first ? "[" : ",", 1);
shclient.write(chunk, chunklen);
Serial.printf("%x\r\n", chunklen + 1);
Serial.write((const uint8_t *)(first ? "[" : ","), 1);
Serial.write((const uint8_t *)chunk, chunklen);
void ConnSondehub::sondehub_send_last() {
// last chunk. just the closing "]" of the json request
ConnSondehub connSondehub;