/** \file 'Calcs.cpp' is one of the files intended to hold the functions for calculation purposes. It is not involved with GUIs and so it is expected that it will not (or barely) need editting for porting to a different OS. */ // *************************** // #include // #pragma hdrstop #include #include "math.h" #include "Calcs.h" #include #include #include #include // #include "filter.h" // #include "control.h" // *************************** #if SHOW_FILE_COMPILING #pragma message "Compiling Calcs.cpp" #endif TFilter filter; TFilter::TFilter( ) { fclass = Lowpass; sclass = Bessel; cclass = SallKey; frequency = 1.0; bandwidth = 0.25; gain = 1.0; poles = 3; zeroes = 0; fmax = tmax = 2.0; ripple = 0.1; a0 = 0.70794578; type = '0'; // 'Prototype' filter. } double isinh(double x) { double y=1.0; do { y+=(x-sinh(y))/cosh(y); } while(((sinh(y)-x)/x) >=0.001); return(y); } double n_to_freq(int n, double f1, int nmax=FSTEPS, int decades=2) { return(f1 * pow10(double(n) * decades / nmax)); } using namespace std; // void bessel(TFilter& filter); // void butterworth(TFilter& filter); // void chebyshev(TFilter& filter); // void lowpass(TFilter& filter, double f); // void highpass(TFilter& filter); void geffe(double sigma, double omega, double w0, double bw, double &a1, double &b1, double &a2, double &b2); double atof(string s) { double d; sscanf(s.c_str(), "%lf", &d); return(d); } void TFilter::_pole(double a, double w) { // Draw pole at (a,w). int aa, ww; #if VERBOSE cout << "Pole at " << a << ", " << w << "\n"; #endif } void TFilter::show_filter(void) { int i; #if VERBOSE cout << "No of poles:" << poles << "\n"; cout << "No of zeroes:" << zeroes << "\n"; for(i=0; ifclass = f1.fclass; this->cclass = f1.cclass; this->T = f1.T; this->q = f1.q; this->pole = f1.pole; this->zero = f1.zero; } /// Put the poles into falling order of imaginary part. As only a few objects are to be sorted, use a bubble sort. void TFilter::sort(void) { stage s0; int i, j; for(j=0; j < poles-1; j++) for(i=0; i < poles-1; i++) { if(st[i].pole.imag( ) < st[i+1].pole.imag( )) { // poles in wrong order, swap them. s0.pole = st[i].pole; st[i].pole = st[i+1].pole; st[i+1].pole = s0.pole; } } } double TFilter::fgain(double f) { unsigned i, k; double t, q; complex j = std::complex(0.0, 1.0); complex s, r; double rf; rf = 1.0; for(k=0; k<(poles/2); k++) { t = st[k].T, q = st[k].q; s = std::complex(0.0, (2.0*M_PI)*f); r = 1.0/(1.0+s*t/q+s*s*t*t); rf *= abs(r); } if(k < (poles+1)/2) { s = std::complex(0.0, (2.0*M_PI)*f); r = 1.0/(1.0+s*tau); rf *= abs(r); } return(rf); } /// We want to normalise the filter so the cut-off is at 1.0 radians per second. void TFilter::Proto_normalise(void) { int k; double f, f1; double g, g1; char logstr[256]; log("\n"); for(f = 0.1; f < 10.0; f *= 1.01) { g = fgain(f); if(g < a0) break; g1 = g; f1 = f; } // std::cout << "Gain is " << g1 << " at " << f1 << ", and " << g << " at " << f << "\n"; sprintf(logstr, "Prototype gain is %f at %f, and %f at %f", g1, f1, g, f); log(logstr); f = 2.0 * M_PI * (f * (-a0 + g1) + f1 * (-g + a0)) / (-g + g1); for(k=0; k<(poles); k++) { st[k].pole /= f; } std::cout << "f = " << f << "\n"; show_filter("Normalised prototype"); log("\n"); } /** Calculate the t and q values for each stage from the poles with positive imaginary parts (i.e. one of each pair), and if the number of poles is odd, calculate the tau value from the remaining pole. */ void TFilter::ts_and_qs(void) { unsigned i, j, k; double theta; double tt, qq; log(""); #if VERBOSE cout << "ts_and_qs\n"; #endif switch(fclass) { case Lowpass: k = poles/2; break; case Highpass: k = poles/2; break; case Bandpass: k = poles; break; } for(i=0, j=0; i"); } void TFilter::butterworth(void) { unsigned i; double theta; double tt, qq; log(""); theta=M_PI/(2.0*poles); for(i=0; i(-sin(theta)*2.0*M_PI, 0.0); st[i].pole = std::complex (-sin(theta), 0.0); } else { // pole[i] = std::complex (-sin(theta)*2.0*M_PI, cos(theta)*2.0*M_PI); st[i].pole = std::complex (-sin(theta), cos(theta)); } log("pole at ", st[i].pole); theta += M_PI/poles; } type = 'P'; log("/Butterworth"); } void TFilter::bessel(void) { int i, j, k, nn; double a[20], b[20], bb[20], bbb[20], aa[10], ww[10], limit, p, q, qq, tt, dd, t, w; std::ofstream file; int n; log(""); n = poles; /// Bessel-Thomson filter design. if((n<3)||(n>19)) { cout << "Unreasonable order.\n"; return; } nn=n; limit=exp(std::log(3.5)*n)*0.00001; /// Evaluate the terms of the polynomial. for(i=0; i<=19; i++) a[i]=b[i]=bb[i]=bbb[i]=0; bbb[0]=bbb[1]=1.0; bb[0]=bb[1]=3.0, bb[2]=1.0; for(i=3; i<=n; i++) { for(j=0; j<=n; j++)b[j]=(2*i-1)*bb[j]; for(j=2; j<=n; j++) b[j]+=bbb[j-2]; for(j=0; j<=n; j++) { bbb[j]=bb[j]; bb[j]=b[j]; } } #if VERBOSE cout << "Bessel polynomial:\n"; for(i=0; i<=n; i++) cout << "a[" << i << "]=" << b[i] << " "; cout << "\n"; #endif for(i=0; i<=n; i++) a[n-i]=b[i]; k=0; file.open("pfile.z"); if(!file) { cout << "\nUnable to open 'pfile.z'\n"; return; } file << "Bessel: P " << n << " " << 0; // 440 int pp = 0; do { p=q=0.01; do { b[0]=a[0]; b[1]=a[1]-b[0]*p; for(i=2; i<=n;i++) b[i]=a[i]-b[i-2]*q-b[i-1]*p; if(b[n-2]==0) b[n-2]=0.000001; q=a[n]/b[n-2]; //530 p=(a[n-1]-b[n-3]*q)/b[n-2]; } while((abs(b[n-1]) >= limit) || (abs(b[n]) >= limit)); cout << "Solution at " << -p/2.0 << " +/- j*" << sqrt(q-(p*p/4.0)) << "\n"; file << " " << -p/2.0 << " " << sqrt(q-(p*p/4.0)) << "\n"; st[pp++].pole = complex(-p/2.0, sqrt(q-(p*p/4.0))); st[pp++].pole = complex(-p/2.0, -sqrt(q-(p*p/4.0))); aa[k]=-p/2.0, ww[k]=sqrt(q-(p*p/4.0)); k++; for(i=0; i<=n; i++) a[i]=b[i]; n-=2; } while(n>2); if(n==1) { // 720 cout << "Solution at " << -b[1]/b[0] << "\n"; file << " " << -b[1]/b[0]; st[pp++].pole = complex(-b[1]/b[0], 0.0); } else { //660 cout << "Solution' at " << -a[1]/(2.0*a[0]); cout << " +/-j*" << (sqrt(-a[1]*a[1]+4.0*a[0]*a[2])/(2.0*a[0])); file << " " << -a[1]/(2.0*a[0]) << " " << sqrt(-a[1]*a[1]+4.0*a[0]*a[2])/(2.0*a[0]); st[pp++].pole = complex(-a[1]/(2.0*a[0]), sqrt(-a[1]*a[1]+4.0*a[0]*a[2])/(2.0*a[0])); st[pp++].pole = complex(-a[1]/(2.0*a[0]), -sqrt(-a[1]*a[1]+4.0*a[0]*a[2])/(2.0*a[0])); k++; } file.close(); for(i=0; i<=nn/2; i++) { _pole(aa[i]/3.0, ww[i]/3.0); _pole(aa[i]/3.0, -ww[i]/3.0); } if(nn%2) { _pole(-b[1]/(3.0*b[0]), 0); // pole[nn - 1] = complex(-b[1]/(3.0*b[0], 0.0)); } #if VERBOSE cout << "\nEndBessel\n"; #endif // 940 if(dd!='D') ; type = 'P'; log(""); } void TFilter::chebyshev(void) { char dump; int i; double aa[20], ww[20], g, a, w, tt, qq; // Chebyshev filter design. log(""); unsigned n = poles; g = ripple; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { a=-sin((2*i-1)*M_PI/(2*n))*sinh(isinh(1.0/g)/n); w=cos((2*i-1)*M_PI/(2*n))*cosh(isinh(1.0/g)/n); if(fabs(w)<1e-9) w=0; st[i-1].pole = complex(a, w); cout << "\n" << a << ", " << w; aa[i]=-a, ww[i]=w; } type = 'P'; #if VERBOSE cout << "EndChebyshev\n"; #endif log(""); } void TFilter::lowpass(void) { unsigned i; log(""); // Mod 2016-09-01-RB // for(i=0; i"); } /** Convert the continuous filter to discrete form via the bilinear transformation */ void TFilter::bilinear(void) { std::complex _bilinear(std::complex s, double Ts); double normalise(double fc, double fs); unsigned i; double fc, fs, omega; log(""); for(i=0; i= fs/2.0) { std::cout << "That doesn't make sense! Cut-off must be less than sampling freq / 2.\n" << "Here fc = " << fc << " and fs = " << fs << "\n"; return; } omega = normalise(fc, fs); std::cout << "\nStage " << i << "\nomega =" << omega << "\n"; double omega_ac = tan(omega/2.0); std::cout << "omega_ac =" << omega_ac << "\n\n"; st[i].iir1.transform(fclass, omega_ac, st[i].q); st[i].iir1.write(i); /* st[i].iir1.step(0.0); std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "Direct Form 1 realisation.\n--------------------------\n"; for(i=0; i<200; i++) std::cout << st[i].iir1.step(1.0) << "\n"; */ // st[i].z = _bilinear(st[i].pole, 1000.0); } log(""); } /** Calculate the frequency response of the filter. */ void bode_calc(TFilter& filter) { // extern TControl_window *Control_window; unsigned i, k; double f, w; double t, q; std::complex s, r, j; double temp; double max_gain = 0.0; ofstream bode_file; filter.log(""); j = std::complex(0.0, 1.0); // filter.fmax = 1.0 * filter.frequency * M_PI / 2.0; filter.fmax = 0.1 * filter.frequency; for(i=0; i(0.0, (2.0*M_PI)*f); r = 1.0/(1.0+s*t/q+s*s*t*t); if(filter.fclass == Bandpass) r *= s * t; if(filter.fclass == Highpass) r *= s * s * t * t; filter.freq_resp[i] *= abs(r); } } if(k < (filter.poles+1)/2) { // t = 1.0 / abs(filter.pole[k]); for(i=0; i(0.0, (2.0*M_PI)*f); r = 1.0/(1.0+s*filter.tau); if(filter.fclass == Bandpass) { cout << "How do we have a bandpass filter with an odd pole?\n"; r *= s * filter.tau; } if(filter.fclass == Highpass) r *= s * filter.tau; filter.freq_resp[i] *= abs(r); } } /// Normalise gain if(filter.fclass == Bandpass) { for(i=0, max_gain=0; i max_gain) max_gain = filter.freq_resp[i]; } for(i=0; i"); } /** 'step_calc' convolves the impulse response of each stage with a step function so as to derive the step response of the entire filter. */ void TFilter::step_calc(void) { // extern TControl_window *Control_window; char logstr[256]; unsigned i, k, u; double ti, w, w0; double tt, qq, zeta; double a, b; double input[TSTEPS], output[TSTEPS], stage_n[TSTEPS]; double integral, max; double k1, dt; std::complex s, r, j; ofstream step_file; log(""); j = std::complex(0.0, 1.0); switch(fclass) { case Lowpass: tmax = 5.0/frequency; break; case Bandpass: tmax = 5.0/bandwidth; break; case Highpass: tmax = 2.0/frequency; break; default: cout << "Unknown fclass\n"; exit(-1); } dt = tmax/TSTEPS; sprintf(logstr, "tmax = %f seconds", tmax); log(logstr); // c = tmax / 5.0; /// Start with step function for(i=0; i"); } double scale(TFilter filter) { double max = 0; int i; for(i = 0; i < filter.poles; i++) { if(-(double)filter.st[i].pole.real() > max) max = -(double)filter.st[i].pole.real(); if((double)filter.st[i].pole.imag() > max) max = (double)filter.st[i].pole.imag(); } return((max * 4.0) / 3.0); } void TFilter::Calculate(void) { char str[256]; int i; log(""); /// Create prototype filter. switch(sclass) { case Butterworth: butterworth( ); break; case Bessel: bessel( ); sort( ); break; case Chebyshev: chebyshev( ); break; default: cout << "Unknown filter!" << "\n"; return; } /// Adjust prototype filter so attenuation is x dB at 1 Hertz. std::cout << "***** Prototype filter *****\n"; for(i=0; i"); } void TFilter::log(string s) { #if LOG ofstream logfile; logfile.open("./rbfilter.log", ios::app); logfile << s << "\n"; logfile.close( ); #endif } void TFilter::log(string s, double d) { ostringstream s1; std::string s2; s1 << s << d; s2 = s1.str( ); log(s2); } void TFilter::log(string s, double *pd) { ostringstream s1; std::string s2; s1 << s << *pd; s2 = s1.str( ); log(s2); } /// Log the array pd but no more than 100 elements of it. void TFilter::log(string s, double *pd, int n) { int i; #if LOG char s1[128]; n = n>100? 100: n; for(i=0; i<(n-1); i++) { sprintf(s1, "%s %f", s.c_str( ), *(pd+i)); log(s1); } log(""); #endif } void TFilter::log(string s, std::complex c) { ostringstream s1; std::string s2; s1 << s << c; s2 = s1.str( ); log(s2); } void TFilter::print_T_q(void) { // cout << s << "\n"; } /// 'transform( )' transforms the prototype filter to the desired type (e.g. bandpass) and frequency. void TFilter::transform(void) { char t, type; int i; double p[10], z[10]; ifstream ifile; ofstream ofile; type = TFilter::type; log(""); if(type != 'P') { cout << "\nFile has already been transformed.\n"; return; } /// 220; Transform to the chosen type. do { switch(fclass) { case Lowpass: lowpass( ); type = 'L'; for(i=0; i"); } /** Transform to highpass Keep the q values unaltered but take the reciprocal of the magnitude; adjust the magnitudes for frequency; add zeroes at the origin. */ void TFilter::highpass(void) { int i, type; double dsq, d, ratio; double a1, w1; log(""); for(i=0; i(a1, w1); st[i].zero = complex(0.0, 0.0); st[i].pole *= 2.0 * M_PI * frequency; // st[i].zero *= 2.0 * M_PI * frequency; std::cout << " to " << st[i].pole << "\n"; } fclass = Highpass; zeroes = poles; type='H'; log(""); } /// Transform the filter to bandpass using the Geffe algotithm. void TFilter::bandpass(void) { int i, j; double f, w1, a1, d, bw, w0, b1, a2, b2; ofstream ofile; TFilter filter1; log(""); /// Transformation to bandpass doubles the number of poles! // if(poles % 2) log("Odd order! Impossible"); for(i=0, j=0; i(a1, b1); filter1.st[j++].pole = complex(a1, -b1); if(i != poles - 1) { filter1.st[j++].pole = complex(a2, b2); filter1.st[j++].pole = complex(a2, -b2); ofile << -a1 << " " << b1 << " " << -a2 << " " << b2 << "\n"; } else ofile << -a1 << " " << b1 << "\n"; } zeroes = poles; filter1.poles = 2 * poles; type = 'B'; filter1.type = type; /* if(n%2) ofile << p[n]*bw/2.0 << " " << sqrt(w0*w0-p[n]*p[n]*bw*bw/4.0) << "\n"; ofile.close(); */ for(i=0; i"); } double arccos(double x) { return(2.0 * atan(sqrt(1.0 - x*x) / (1.0 + x))); } /** 'geffe' is an implementation of the "Geffe" algorithm which transforms a low pass prototype filter into a bandpass filter. The "Geffe" algorithm is described in "Analogue Filter Design" by M. E. van Valkenburg. */ void geffe(double sigma, double omega, double w0, double bw, double &a1, double &b1, double &a2, double &b2) { double c, d, e, g, q, k, w, w01, w02, qc, a, b; double q1, q2; // Used for checking. filter.log(""); qc=w0/bw; c=sigma*sigma+omega*omega; d=-2.0*sigma/qc; e=4.0+c/(qc*qc); g=sqrt(e*e-4.0*d*d); q=sqrt((e+g)/2.0)/d; k=sigma*q/qc; // As originally written, 'w' would often be evaluated as 'nan'. This is intended to avoid that problem. if(fabs((k*k-1.0) < 0.0001)) w = k; else w=k+sqrt(k*k-1.0); w01=w*w0; w02=w0/w; a1=w01/(2.0*q); a2=w02/(2.0*q); a=1.0/(2.0*q); #if 1 b=sin(atan(sqrt((1.0-a*a)/(a*a)))); b1=w01*b; b2=w02*b; #else b1 = -w01*sin(arccos(1.0 / (2.0 * q))); b2 = -w02*sin(arccos(1.0 / (2.0 * q))); #endif // Check: q1 = (a1*a1+b1*b1)/(2.0*a1); q2 = (a2*a2+b2*b2)/(2.0*a2); cout << "q=" << q1 << " & " << q2 << "\n"; filter.log(""); }