kopia lustrzana https://github.com/projecthorus/radiosonde_auto_rx
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23 KiB
486 wiersze
23 KiB
<title>Radiosonde Auto-RX Status</title>
<link href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/bootstrap.min.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/c3.min.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/leaflet.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/tabulator_simple.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/autorx.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- I should probably feel bad for using so many libraries, but apparently this is the way thing are done :-/ -->
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js')}}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/jquery-ui.min.js')}}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/socket.io-1.4.5.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/leaflet.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/tabulator.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/d3.v5.min.js') }}" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/c3.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/scan_chart.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/utils.js') }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
// Dummy auto_rx.config, which will be replaced with real data on page load.
var autorx_config = {
lat: 0.0,
lon: 0.0
// Object which will contain sonde markers and traces.
// properties for each key in this object (key = sonde ID)
// latest_data - latest sonde telemetry object from SondeDecoded
// marker: Leaflet marker object.
// path: Leaflet polyline object.
var sonde_positions = {};
// The sonde we are currently following on the map
var sonde_currently_following = "none";
$(document).ready(function() {
// Use the 'update_status' namespace for all of our traffic
namespace = '/update_status';
// Connect to the Socket.IO server.
// The connection URL has the following format:
// http[s]://<domain>:<port>[/<namespace>]
var socket = io.connect(location.protocol + '//' + document.domain + ':' + location.port + namespace);
// Grab the System config on startup.
// Refer to config.py for the contents of the configuration blob.
url: "/get_config",
dataType: 'json',
async: false,
success: function(data) {
autorx_config = data;
// Grab the version information
url: "/get_version",
dataType: 'text',
async: true,
success: function(data) {
$('#autorx_header').html('<h1>Radiosonde Auto-RX Status <small> Version: ' + data + '</small></h1>');
// Event handler for Log data.
socket.on('log_event', function(msg) {
// On receipt, add to the log table.
var log_entry = "<tr><td class='col-2'>"+msg.timestamp+"</td><td class='col-1'>"+msg.level+"</td><td class='col-9'>"+msg.msg+"</td></tr>";
$('#log_data > tbody').prepend(log_entry);
// Scroll to the bottom of the log table
//$("#log_data > tbody").scrollTop($("#log_data > tbody")[0].scrollHeight);
// Instantiate the scan result chart (scan_chart.js)
// Scan Event handler
socket.on('scan_event', function(msg) {
// There is Scan data ready for us!
// Grab the latest set of data.
$.getJSON("/get_scan_data", function(data){
scan_chart_spectra.columns[0] = ['x_spectra'].concat(data.freq);
scan_chart_spectra.columns[1] = ['Spectra'].concat(data.power);
scan_chart_peaks.columns[0] = ['x_peaks'].concat(data.peak_freq);
scan_chart_peaks.columns[1] = ['Peaks'].concat(data.peak_lvl);
scan_chart_threshold.columns[1] = ['Threshold'].concat([data.threshold+autorx_config.snr_threshold,data.threshold+autorx_config.snr_threshold]);
// Plot the updated data.
// Show the latest scan time.
$('#scan_results').html('<b>Latest Scan:</b> ' + data.timestamp);
// Task Update event handler.
socket.on('task_event', function(msg){
// Grab the latest task list.
$.getJSON("/get_task_list", function(data){
var task_info = "";
for (_task in data){
task_info += "SDR #" + _task + ": " + data[_task] + " ";
$('#task_status').html("<h2>Current Task: <small>"+task_info+"</small></h2>");
// Sonde position Map
// Setup a basic Leaflet map, with an OSM tileset.
var sondemap = L.map('sonde_map').setView([autorx_config.station_lat, autorx_config.station_lon], 8);
// Add map layers
var osm_map = L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
var esrimapLink =
'<a href="http://www.esri.com/">Esri</a>';
var esriwholink =
'i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the GIS User Community';
var esri_sat_map = L.tileLayer(
attribution: '© '+esrimapLink+', '+esriwholink,
maxZoom: 18,
sondemap.addControl(new L.Control.Layers({'OSM':osm_map, 'ESRI Satellite':esri_sat_map}));
// Home Icon.
var homeIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: '{{ url_for('static', filename='img/antenna-green.png') }}',
iconSize: [26, 34],
iconAnchor: [13, 34]
// Add a new marker, but set it to hidden initially.
var home_marker = L.marker(sondemap.getCenter(),
{title: 'Receiver Location', icon: homeIcon}
function mapMovedEvent(e){
// The user has panned the map, stop following things.
$("#sondeAutoFollow").prop('checked', false);
// Telemetry Data Table
// Using tabulator makes this *really* easy.
columns:[ //Define Table Columns
{title:"SDR", field:"sdr_device_idx", headerSort:false},
{title:"Age", field:"age", headerSort:false},
{title:"Type", field:"type", headerSort:false},
{title:'Freq (MHz)', field:"freq", headerSort:false},
{title:"ID", field:"id", formatter:'html', headerSort:false},
{title:"Time", field:"datetime", headerSort:false},
{title:"Frame", field:"frame", headerSort:false},
{title:"Latitude", field:"lat", headerSort:false},
{title:"Longitude", field:"lon", headerSort:false},
{title:"Alt (m)", field:"alt", headerSort:false},
{title:"Asc (m/s)", field:"vel_v", headerSort:false},
{title:"Temp (°C)", field:"temp", headerSort:false},
{title:"Az (°)", field:"azimuth", headerSort:false},
{title:"El (°)", field:"elevation", headerSort:false},
{title:"Range (km)", field:"range", headerSort:false},
{title:"Other", field:"other", headerSort:false}
function updateTelemetryTable(){
var telem_data = [];
if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(sonde_positions)){
telem_data = [{sdr_device_idx:'None'}];
for (sonde_id in sonde_positions){
var sonde_id_data = Object.assign({},sonde_positions[sonde_id].latest_data);
var sonde_id_age = Date.now() - sonde_positions[sonde_id].age;
if (sonde_id_age>180000){
sonde_id_data.sdr_device_idx = "";
sonde_id_data.age = "old";
sonde_id_data.age = (sonde_id_age/1000.0).toFixed(0) + " s";
// If we have a station lat/lon/alt set, calculate az/el/range.
if (autorx_config.station_lat != 0.0){
// There is a station lat/lon set.
var _bal = {lat:sonde_id_data.lat, lon:sonde_id_data.lon, alt:sonde_id_data.alt};
var _station = {lat:autorx_config.station_lat, lon:autorx_config.station_lon, alt:autorx_config.station_alt};
var _look_angles = calculate_lookangles(_station, _bal);
sonde_id_data.azimuth = _look_angles.azimuth.toFixed(0);
sonde_id_data.elevation = _look_angles.elevation.toFixed(0);
sonde_id_data.range = (_look_angles.range/1000).toFixed(1);
} else{
// Insert blank data.
sonde_id_data.azimuth = "";
sonde_id_data.elevation = "";
sonde_id_data.range = "";
// Modify some of the fields to fixed point values.
sonde_id_data.lat = sonde_id_data.lat.toFixed(5);
sonde_id_data.lon = sonde_id_data.lon.toFixed(5);
sonde_id_data.alt = sonde_id_data.alt.toFixed(1);
sonde_id_data.vel_v = sonde_id_data.vel_v.toFixed(1);
// Add a link to HabHub if we have habitat enabled.
if ("habitat_enabled" in autorx_config){
if(autorx_config.habitat_enabled ==true){
sonde_id_data.id = "<a href='http://sondehub.org/" + sonde_id + "' target='_blank'>" + sonde_id + "</a>";
// Add data into the 'other' field.
sonde_id_data.other = "";
// Burst timer for RS41s
if (sonde_id_data.hasOwnProperty('bt')){
if ((sonde_id_data.bt >= 0) && (sonde_id_data.bt < 65535)) {
sonde_id_data.other += "BT " + new Date(sonde_id_data.bt*1000).toISOString().substr(11, 8) + " ";
$("#telem_table").tabulator("setData", telem_data);
// Deprecated. Left here for now in ase we need it later...
// function updateTelemetryText(){
// // Produce the text to go in the telemetry div.
// // Clear out the telemetry div ready for new data
// $('#telemetry').empty();
// // Generate the lines of telemetry information
// var telem_text = "";
// if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(sonde_positions)){
// telem_text = "No Sondes Tracked.";
// }else{
// for (sonde_id in sonde_positions){
// var msg = sonde_positions[sonde_id].latest_data;
// telem_text += '<b>Type: </b>' + msg.type + '<b> ID: </b>' + msg.id + ' <b>Timestamp: </b>' + msg.datetime + ' <b> Frame: </b> ' + msg.frame + '<b> Position: </b>' + msg.lat.toFixed(5) + ',' + msg.lon.toFixed(5) + '<b> Alt (m): </b>' + msg.alt.toFixed(1) + ' <b> Asc Rate (m/s): </b>' + msg.vel_v.toFixed(1) + ' <br>';
// }
// }
// // Update the div with the telemetry info.
// $('#telemetry').html(telem_text);
// }
// Grab the recent archive of telemetry data
// This should only ever be run once - on page load.
var initial_load_complete = false;
url: "/get_telemetry_archive",
dataType: 'json',
async: true,
success: function(data) {
// Populate sonde_positions with data from the telemetry archive.
for (sonde_id in data){
var telem = data[sonde_id].latest_telem;
sonde_positions[sonde_id] = {
latest_data: telem,
age: 0,
colour: colour_values[colour_idx]
// Create markers
sonde_positions[sonde_id].path = L.polyline(data[sonde_id].path,{title:telem.id + " Path", color:sonde_positions[sonde_id].colour}).addTo(sondemap);
sonde_positions[sonde_id].marker = L.marker([telem.lat, telem.lon, telem.alt],{title:telem.id, icon: sondeAscentIcons[sonde_positions[sonde_id].colour]})
if(autorx_config.station_lat != 0.0){
sonde_positions[sonde_id].los_path = L.polyline([],
if (telem.vel_v < 0){
colour_idx = (colour_idx+1)%colour_values.length;
// Update telemetry table
initial_load_complete = true;
// Telemetry event handler.
// We will get one of these with every line of telemetry decoded
socket.on('telemetry_event', function(msg) {
// Telemetry Event messages contain the entire telemetry dictionary, as produced by the SondeDecoder class.
// This includes the fields: ['frame', 'id', 'datetime', 'lat', 'lon', 'alt', 'temp', 'type', 'freq', 'freq_float']
if(initial_load_complete == false){
// If we have not completed our initial load of telemetry data, discard this data.
// Have we seen this sonde before?
if (sonde_positions.hasOwnProperty(msg.id) == false){
// Nope, add a property to the sonde_positions object, and setup markers for the sonde.
sonde_positions[msg.id] = {
latest_data : msg,
age : Date.now(),
colour : colour_values[colour_idx]
// Create markers
sonde_positions[msg.id].path = L.polyline([[msg.lat, msg.lon, msg.alt]],{title:msg.id + " Path", color:sonde_positions[msg.id].colour}).addTo(sondemap);
sonde_positions[msg.id].marker = L.marker([msg.lat, msg.lon, msg.alt],{title:msg.id, icon: sondeAscentIcons[sonde_positions[msg.id].colour]})
// If there is a station location defined, show the path from the station to the sonde.
if(autorx_config.station_lat != 0.0){
sonde_positions[msg.id].los_path = L.polyline([[autorx_config.station_lat, autorx_config.station_lon],[msg.lat, msg.lon]],
colour_idx = (colour_idx+1)%colour_values.length;
// If this is our first sonde since the browser has been opened, follow it.
if (Object.keys(sonde_positions).length == 1){
sonde_positions[msg.id].following = true;
} else {
// Yep - update the sonde_positions entry.
sonde_positions[msg.id].latest_data = msg;
sonde_positions[msg.id].age = Date.now();
sonde_positions[msg.id].path.addLatLng([msg.lat, msg.lon, msg.alt]);
sonde_positions[msg.id].marker.setLatLng([msg.lat, msg.lon, msg.alt]).update();
if (msg.vel_v < 0){
if(autorx_config.station_lat != 0.0){
sonde_positions[msg.id].los_path.setLatLngs([[autorx_config.station_lat, autorx_config.station_lon],[msg.lat, msg.lon]]);
// Update the telemetry table display
// Are we currently following any other sondes?
if (sonde_currently_following == "none"){
// If not, follow this one!
sonde_currently_following = msg.id;
// Is sonde following enabled?
if (document.getElementById("sondeAutoFollow").checked == true){
// If we are currently following this sonde, snap the map to it.
if (msg.id == sonde_currently_following){
// Sonde-Following Logic. May need to adjust timeouts.
var sonde_follow_timeout = 30000; // 30 Seconds - reasonable timeout.
// Every X seconds, check if the currently followed sonde is still getting regular data.
// If not, clear the currently_following flag to allow another sonde to be auto tracked.
window.setInterval(function () {
if (sonde_currently_following == "none"){
var now_time = Date.now();
if ( (now_time-sonde_positions[sonde_currently_following].age) > sonde_follow_timeout){
sonde_currently_following = "none";
}, sonde_follow_timeout);
// Update telemetry table every 5 seconds (this is mainly to update the age field)
}, 5000);
// Tell the server we are connected and ready for data.
socket.on('connect', function() {
socket.emit('client_connected', {data: 'I\'m connected!'});
// This will cause the server to emit a few messages telling us to fetch data.
// Callback function for Hide Scan Plot checkbox.
$( "#hideScanPlot" ).click(function() {
if (document.getElementById("hideScanPlot").checked == true){
} else {
// Callback function for Hide Map checkbox.
$( "#hideMap" ).click(function() {
if (document.getElementById("hideMap").checked == true){
} else {
<div id="autorx_header"><h1>Radiosonde Auto-RX Status</h1></div>
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class='col-12'>
<div id="task_status"><h2>Current Task:</h2></div>
<div class="row">
<div class='col-12' id="telem_table"></div>
<div class="row">
<div class='col-12'>
Auto-Follow Latest Sonde: <input type="checkbox" id="sondeAutoFollow" checked> Hide Map: <input type="checkbox" id="hideMap">
<div id="sonde_map" style="height:400px;width:100%"></div>
<div class="row" id='scan_column'>
<div class='col-12'>
<h2>Scan Results:</h2>
<div id='scan_results'>No scan data yet...</div>
Hide Scan Plot: <input type="checkbox" id="hideScanPlot">
<div id="scan_chart" style="width:100%;"></div>
<div class="row">
<div class='col-12'>
<table id="log_data" class="table table-fixed">
<th class="col-2">Time</th>
<th class="col-1">Level</th>
<th class="col-9">Message</th>