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Executable File

# Auto Sonde Decoder build script.
# TODO: Convert this to a makefile! Any takers?
# Auto_RX version number - needs to match the contents of autorx/
# This can probably be done automatically.
AUTO_RX_VERSION="\"$(python3 -m autorx.version 2>/dev/null || python -m autorx.version)\""
echo "Building for radiosonde_auto_rx version: $AUTO_RX_VERSION"
# Build rs_detect.
echo "Building dft_detect"
cd ../scan/
gcc dft_detect.c -lm -o dft_detect -DNOC34C50 -w -Ofast
# New demodulators
cd ../demod/mod/
echo "Building shared demod libraries."
gcc -c demod_mod.c -w -Ofast
gcc -c bch_ecc_mod.c -w -O3
echo "Building RS41 demod."
gcc rs41mod.c demod_mod.o bch_ecc_mod.o -lm -O3 -o rs41mod -w $VERS_FLAG
echo "Building DFM demod."
gcc dfm09mod.c demod_mod.o -lm -O3 -o dfm09mod -w $VERS_FLAG
echo "Building RS92 demod."
gcc rs92mod.c demod_mod.o bch_ecc_mod.o -lm -O3 -o rs92mod -w $VERS_FLAG
echo "Building LMS6-400 demod."
gcc lms6mod.c demod_mod.o bch_ecc_mod.o -lm -O3 -o lms6mod -w $VERS_FLAG
gcc lms6Xmod.c demod_mod.o bch_ecc_mod.o -lm -O3 -o lms6Xmod -w $VERS_FLAG
echo "Building Meisei demod."
gcc meisei100mod.c demod_mod.o bch_ecc_mod.o -lm -O3 -o meisei100mod -w $VERS_FLAG
echo "Building M10 demod."
gcc m10mod.c demod_mod.o -lm -O3 -o m10mod -w $VERS_FLAG
echo "Building M20 demod."
gcc mXXmod.c demod_mod.o -lm -O3 -o mXXmod -w $VERS_FLAG
echo "Building iMet-54 demod."
gcc imet54mod.c demod_mod.o -lm -O3 -o imet54mod -w $VERS_FLAG
echo "Building MRZ demod."
gcc mp3h1mod.c demod_mod.o -lm -O3 -o mp3h1mod -w $VERS_FLAG
# Build LMS6-1680 Decoder
echo "Building LMS6-1680 demod."
cd ../../mk2a/
gcc mk2a_lms1680.c -lm -O3 -o mk2a_lms1680 $VERS_FLAG
echo "Building iMet-4 demod."
cd ../imet/
# Note -O3 flag removed from this demodulator until Bus Error bug can be resolved.
gcc imet1rs_dft.c -lm -Ofast -o imet1rs_dft $VERS_FLAG
echo "Building fsk-demod utils from codec2"
cd ../utils/
# This produces a static build of fsk_demod
gcc fsk_demod.c fsk.c modem_stats.c kiss_fftr.c kiss_fft.c -lm -O3 -o fsk_demod
# Build tsrc - this is only required for the test/ script, so is not included in the standard build.
#gcc tsrc.c -o tsrc -lm -lsamplerate
# If running under OSX and using MacPorts, you may need to uncomment the following line to be able to find libsamplerate.
#gcc tsrc.c -o tsrc -lm -lsamplerate -I/opt/local/include -L/opt/local/lib
# Copy all necessary files into this directory.
echo "Copying files into auto_rx directory."
cd ../auto_rx/
cp ../scan/dft_detect .
cp ../utils/fsk_demod .
cp ../imet/imet1rs_dft .
cp ../mk2a/mk2a_lms1680 .
cp ../demod/mod/rs41mod .
cp ../demod/mod/dfm09mod .
cp ../demod/mod/m10mod .
cp ../demod/mod/mXXmod .
cp ../demod/mod/rs92mod .
cp ../demod/mod/lms6Xmod .
cp ../demod/mod/meisei100mod .
cp ../demod/mod/imet54mod .
cp ../demod/mod/mp3h1mod .
echo "Done!"