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* File: M10Gtop.cpp
* Author: Viproz
* Used code from rs1729
* Created on December 13, 2018, 4:39 PM
#define stdFLEN 0x64 // pos[0]=0x64
#define pos_GPSlat 0x04 // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSlon 0x08 // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSalt 0x0C // 3 byte
#define pos_GPSvE 0x0F // 2 byte
#define pos_GPSvN 0x11 // 2 byte
#define pos_GPSvU 0x13 // 2 byte
#define pos_GPStime 0x15 // 3 byte
#define pos_GPSdate 0x18 // 3 byte
#define pos_SN 0x5D // 2+3 byte
#define pos_Check (stdFLEN-1) // 2 byte*/
#include "M10GtopParser.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
M10GtopParser::M10GtopParser() {
M10GtopParser::~M10GtopParser() {
void M10GtopParser::changeData(std::array<unsigned char, DATA_LENGTH> data, bool good) {
M10GeneralParser::changeData(data, good);
int i;
unsigned short bytes[4];
int val;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) bytes[i] = frame_bytes[0x15 + i];
val = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) val |= bytes[i] << (8 * (2 - i));
time = val;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) bytes[i] = frame_bytes[0x18 + i];
val = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) val |= bytes[i] << (8 * (2 - i));
date = val;
double M10GtopParser::getLatitude() {
int i;
unsigned short bytes[4];
int val;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
bytes[i] = frame_bytes[0x04 + i];
val = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
val |= bytes[i] << (8 * (3 - i));
return val / 1e6;
double M10GtopParser::getLongitude() {
int i;
unsigned short bytes[4];
int val;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
bytes[i] = frame_bytes[0x08 + i];
val = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
val |= bytes[i] << (8 * (3 - i));
return val / 1e6;
double M10GtopParser::getAltitude() {
int i;
unsigned short bytes[4];
int val;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
bytes[i] = frame_bytes[0x0C + i];
val = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
val |= bytes[i] << (8 * (2 - i));
if (val & 0x800000) val -= 0x1000000; // alt: signed 24bit?
return val / 1e2;
int M10GtopParser::getDay() {
return date / 10000;
int M10GtopParser::getMonth() {
return (date % 10000) / 100;
int M10GtopParser::getYear() {
return date % 100 + 2000;
int M10GtopParser::getHours() {
return time / 10000;
int M10GtopParser::getMinutes() {
return (time % 10000) / 100;
int M10GtopParser::getSeconds() {
return time % 100;
double M10GtopParser::getVerticalSpeed() {
int i;
unsigned short bytes[2];
short vel16;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
bytes[i] = frame_bytes[0x13 + i];
vel16 = bytes[0] << 8 | bytes[1];
return vel16 / 1e2; // up
double M10GtopParser::getHorizontalSpeed() {
int i;
unsigned short bytes[2];
short vel16;
double vx, vy;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
bytes[i] = frame_bytes[0x0F + i];
vel16 = bytes[0] << 8 | bytes[1];
vx = vel16 / 1e2; // east
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
bytes[i] = frame_bytes[0x11 + i];
vel16 = bytes[0] << 8 | bytes[1];
vy = vel16 / 1e2; // north
return sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
double M10GtopParser::getDirection() {
int i;
unsigned short bytes[2];
short vel16;
double vx, vy, dir;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
bytes[i] = frame_bytes[0x0F + i];
vel16 = bytes[0] << 8 | bytes[1];
vx = vel16 / 1e2; // east
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
bytes[i] = frame_bytes[0x11 + i];
vel16 = bytes[0] << 8 | bytes[1];
vy = vel16 / 1e2; // north
return sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
dir = atan2(vx, vy) * 180 / M_PI;
if (dir < 0) dir += 360;
return dir;
double M10GtopParser::getTemperature() {
return 0;
double M10GtopParser::getHumidity() {
return 0;
double M10GtopParser::getDp() {
return 0;
std::string M10GtopParser::getSerialNumber() {
int i;
unsigned byte;
unsigned short sn_bytes[5];
char SN[18];
for (i = 0; i < 17; i++)
SN[i] = ' ';
SN[17] = '\0';
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
byte = frame_bytes[0x5D + i];
sn_bytes[i] = byte;
* The serial number is in the form M10-A-BCC-D-EEEE
* - A is the frame type, T for Trimble, the original GPS used for this modulation
* G for Gtop GPS
* - B is the year of fabrication (8 = 2018)
* - CC is the month of fabrication
* - D is the product type, 2 is production type
* - EEEE is the RS serial number
byte = sn_bytes[2];
sprintf(SN, "M10-G-%1X%02u", (byte >> 4)&0xF, byte & 0xF);
byte = sn_bytes[3] | (sn_bytes[4] << 8);
sprintf(SN + 9, "-%1X-%1u%04u", sn_bytes[0]&0xF, (byte >> 13)&0x7, byte & 0x1FFF);
return SN;
std::string M10GtopParser::getdxlSerialNumber() {
int i;
unsigned byte;
unsigned short sn_bytes[5];
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
byte = frame_bytes[0x5D + i];
sn_bytes[i] = byte;
// The way used by dxlARPS used for compatibility.
uint32_t id;
char ids[9];
id = (uint32_t) (((uint32_t) ((uint32_t) (uint8_t)
sn_bytes[4] + 256UL * (uint32_t) (uint8_t)
sn_bytes[3] + 65536UL * (uint32_t) (uint8_t)
sn_bytes[2])^(uint32_t) ((uint32_t) (uint8_t)
sn_bytes[0] / 16UL + 16UL * (uint32_t) (uint8_t)
sn_bytes[1] + 4096UL * (uint32_t) (uint8_t)
i = 8UL;
ids[8U] = 0;
do {
ids[i] = (char) (id % 10UL + 48UL);
id = id / 10UL;
} while (i != 1UL);
ids[i] = 'E';
ids[i] = 'M';
return ids;
void M10GtopParser::printFrame() {
if (dispRaw) {
for (int i = 0; i < frameLength + 1; ++i) {
printf("%02X", frame_bytes[i]);
if (correctCRC)
printf(" [OK]");
printf(" [NO]");
} else {
setenv("TZ", "", 1); // Set local timezone to UTC
time_t frame = 0;
struct tm timeinfo;
timeinfo.tm_hour = getHours();
timeinfo.tm_min = getMinutes();
timeinfo.tm_sec = getSeconds();
timeinfo.tm_mday = getDay();
timeinfo.tm_mon = getMonth() - 1;
timeinfo.tm_year = getYear() - 1900;
timeinfo.tm_isdst = 0;
frame = mktime(&timeinfo);
printf("{ "
"\"sub_type\": \"%s\", "
"\"frame\": %ld, "
"\"id\": \"%s\", "
"\"dxlid\": \"%s\", "
"\"datetime\": \"%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ\", "
"\"lat\": %.5f, "
"\"lon\": %.5f, "
"\"alt\": %.2f, "
"\"vel_h\": %.5f, "
"\"heading\": %.5f, "
"\"vel_v\": %.2f, "
//"\"temp\": %.1f "
"\"crc\": %d "
"Gtop", frame, getSerialNumber().c_str(), getdxlSerialNumber().c_str(), getYear(), getMonth(), getDay(), getHours(), getMinutes(), getSeconds(), getLatitude(), getLongitude(),
getAltitude(), getHorizontalSpeed(), getDirection(), getVerticalSpeed()/*, getTemperature()*/, correctCRC);