
655 wiersze
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# radiosonde_auto_rx - SDR Abstraction
# Copyright (C) 2022 Mark Jessop <>
# Released under GNU GPL v3 or later
import logging
import os.path
import platform
import subprocess
import numpy as np
from .utils import rtlsdr_test, reset_rtlsdr_by_serial, reset_all_rtlsdrs, timeout_cmd
def test_sdr(
sdr_type: str,
rtl_device_idx = "0",
sdr_hostname = "",
sdr_port = 5555,
ss_iq_path = "./ss_iq",
ss_power_path = "./ss_power",
check_freq = 401500000
Test the prescence / functionality of a SDR.
sdr_type (str): 'RTLSDR', 'SpyServer' or 'KA9Q'
Arguments for RTLSDRs:
rtl_device_id (str) - Device ID for a RTLSDR
Arguments for KA9Q SDR Server / SpyServer:
sdr_hostname (str): Hostname of KA9Q Server
sdr_port (int): Port number of KA9Q Server
Arguments for SpyServer Client:
ss_iq_path (str): Path to spyserver IQ client utility.
ss_power_path (str): Path to spyserver power utility.
if sdr_type == "RTLSDR":
# Use the existing rtlsdr_test code, which tries to read some samples
# from the specified RTLSDR
_ok = rtlsdr_test(rtl_device_idx)
if not _ok:
logging.error(f"RTLSDR #{rtl_device_idx} non-functional.")
return _ok
elif sdr_type == "KA9Q":
# To be implemented
_ok = False
if not _ok:
logging.error(f"KA9Q Server {sdr_hostname}:{sdr_port} non-functional.")
return _ok
elif sdr_type == "SpyServer":
# Test connectivity to a SpyServer by trying to grab some samples.
if not os.path.isfile(ss_iq_path):
logging.critical("Could not find ss_iq binary! This may need to be compiled.")
return False
_cmd = (
f"{timeout_cmd()} 10 " # Add a timeout, because connections to non-existing IPs seem to block.
f"{ss_iq_path} "
f"-f {check_freq} "
f"-s 48000 "
f"-r {sdr_hostname} -q {sdr_port} -n 48000 - > /dev/null"
logging.debug(f"SpyServer - Testing using command: {_cmd}")
_output = subprocess.check_output(
_cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# Something went wrong...
f"SpyServer ({sdr_hostname}:{sdr_port}) - ss_iq call failed with return code {e.returncode}."
# Look at the error output in a bit more details.
_output = e.output.decode("ascii")
if "outside currently allowed range" in _output:
f"SpyServer ({sdr_hostname}:{sdr_port}) - SpyServer does not cover required frequency {check_freq}, please check your SpyServer configuration!"
return False
return True
logging.error(f"Test SDR: Unknown SDR Type {sdr_type}")
return False
def reset_sdr(
sdr_type: str,
rtl_device_idx = "0",
sdr_hostname = "",
sdr_port = 5555
Attempt to reset a SDR. Only used for RTLSDRs.
sdr_type (str): 'RTLSDR', 'Spyserver' or 'KA9Q'
Arguments for RTLSDRs:
rtl_device_id (str) - Device ID for a RTLSDR
Arguments for KA9Q SDR Server / SpyServer:
sdr_hostname (str): Hostname of KA9Q Server
sdr_port (int): Port number of KA9Q Server
if sdr_type == "RTLSDR":
# Attempt to reset the RTLSDR.
if rtl_device_idx == "0":
# If the device ID is 0, we assume we only have a single RTLSDR on this system.
# Otherwise, we reset the specific RTLSDR
logging.debug(f"No reset ability for SDR type {sdr_type}")
def get_sdr_name(
sdr_type: str,
rtl_device_idx = "0",
sdr_hostname = "",
sdr_port = 5555
Get a human-readable name of the currenrt SDR
sdr_type (str): 'RTLSDR', 'Spyserver' or 'KA9Q'
Arguments for RTLSDRs:
rtl_device_id (str) - Device ID for a RTLSDR
Arguments for KA9Q SDR Server / SpyServer:
sdr_hostname (str): Hostname of KA9Q Server
sdr_port (int): Port number of KA9Q Server
if sdr_type == "RTLSDR":
return f"RTLSDR {rtl_device_idx}"
elif sdr_type == "KA9Q":
return f"KA9Q {sdr_hostname}:{sdr_port}"
elif sdr_type == "SpyServer":
return f"SpyServer {sdr_hostname}:{sdr_port}"
return f"UNKNOWN {sdr_type}"
def shutdown_sdr(
sdr_type: str,
sdr_id: str
Function to trigger shutdown/cleanup of some SDR types.
Currently only required for the KA9Q server.
sdr_type (str): 'RTLSDR', 'Spyserver' or 'KA9Q'
sdr_id (str): The global ID of the SDR to be shut down.
if sdr_type == "KA9Q":
# TODO - KA9Q Server channel cleanup.
logging.debug(f"TODO - Cleanup for SDR type {sdr_type}")
logging.debug(f"No shutdown action required for SDR type {sdr_type}")
def get_sdr_iq_cmd(
sdr_type: str,
frequency: int,
sample_rate: int,
rtl_device_idx = "0",
rtl_fm_path = "rtl_fm",
fast_filter: bool = False,
dc_block: bool = False,
ppm = 0,
gain = None,
bias = False,
sdr_hostname = "",
sdr_port = 5555,
ss_iq_path = "./ss_iq"
Get a command-line argument to get IQ (signed 16-bit) from a SDR
for a given frequency and bandwidth.
sdr_type (str): 'RTLSDR', 'Spyserver' or 'KA9Q'
frequency (int): Centre frequency in Hz
sample_rate (int): Sample rate in Hz
Arguments for RTLSDRs:
rtl_device_idx (str) - Device ID for a RTLSDR
rtl_fm_path (str) - Path to rtl_fm. Defaults to just "rtl_fm"
ppm (int): SDR Frequency accuracy correction, in ppm.
gain (int): SDR Gain setting, in dB. A gain setting of -1 enables the RTLSDR AGC.
bias (bool): If True, enable the bias tee on the SDR.
fast_filter (bool): If true, drop the -F9 higher quality filter for rtl_fm
dc_block (bool): If true, enable a DC block step.
Arguments for KA9Q SDR Server / SpyServer:
sdr_hostname (str): Hostname of KA9Q Server
sdr_port (int): Port number of KA9Q Server
Arguments for SpyServer Client:
ss_iq_path (str): Path to spyserver IQ client utility.
# DC removal commmand, using rs1729's IQ_dec utility.
# This helps remove the residual DC offset in the 16-bit outputs from
# both rtl_fm and ss_iq.
# We currently only use this on narrowband sondes.
if sample_rate > 80000:
_dc_ifbw = f"--IFbw {int(sample_rate/1000)} "
_dc_ifbw = ""
_dc_remove = f"./iq_dec --bo 16 {_dc_ifbw}- {int(sample_rate)} 16 2>/dev/null |"
if sdr_type == "RTLSDR":
_gain = ""
_agc = ""
if gain:
if gain >= 0:
_gain = f"-g {gain:.1f} "
elif gain == -2:
_agc = f"-E agc "
_cmd = (
f"{rtl_fm_path} -M raw "
f"{'' if fast_filter else '-F9 '}"
f"{'-T ' if bias else ''}"
f"-p {int(ppm)} "
f"-d {str(rtl_device_idx)} "
f"-s {int(sample_rate)} "
f"-f {int(frequency)} "
f"- 2>/dev/null | "
if dc_block:
_cmd += _dc_remove
return _cmd
if sdr_type == "SpyServer":
_cmd = (
f"{ss_iq_path} "
f"-f {frequency} "
f"-s {int(sample_rate)} "
f"-r {sdr_hostname} -q {sdr_port} - 2>/dev/null|"
if dc_block:
_cmd += _dc_remove
return _cmd
logging.critical(f"IQ Source - Unsupported SDR type {sdr_type}")
return "false |"
def get_sdr_fm_cmd(
sdr_type: str,
frequency: int,
filter_bandwidth: int,
sample_rate: int,
highpass = None,
lowpass = None,
rtl_device_idx = "0",
rtl_fm_path = "rtl_fm",
ppm = 0,
gain = -1,
bias = False,
sdr_hostname = "",
sdr_port = 1234,
Get a command-line argument to get FM demodulated audio (signed 16-bit) from a SDR
for a given frequency and bandwidth.
sdr_type (str): 'RTLSDR', 'Spyserver' or 'KA9Q'
frequency (int): Centre frequency in Hz
filter_bandwidth (int): FM Demodulator filter bandwidth in Hz
sample_rate (int): Output sample rate in Hz
Optional arguments
highpass (int): If provided, add a high-pass filter after the FM demodulator.
lowpass (int): If provided, add a low-pass filter after the FM demodulator.
Arguments for RTLSDRs:
rtl_device_idx (str) - Device ID for a RTLSDR
rtl_fm_path (str) - Path to rtl_fm. Defaults to just "rtl_fm"
ppm (int): SDR Frequency accuracy correction, in ppm.
gain (int): SDR Gain setting, in dB. A gain setting of -1 enables the RTLSDR AGC.
bias (bool): If True, enable the bias tee on the SDR.
Arguments for KA9Q SDR Server / SpyServer:
sdr_hostname (str): Hostname of KA9Q Server
sdr_port (int): Port number of KA9Q Server
if sdr_type == "RTLSDR":
_gain = ""
if gain:
if gain >= 0:
_gain = f"-g {gain:.1f} "
_cmd = (
f"{rtl_fm_path} -M fm -F9 "
f"{'-T ' if bias else ''}"
f"-p {int(ppm)} "
f"-d {str(rtl_device_idx)} "
f"-s {int(filter_bandwidth)} "
f"-f {int(frequency)} "
f"2>/dev/null | "
# Add in resampling / convertion to wav using sox.
_cmd += f"sox -t raw -r {int(filter_bandwidth)} -e s -b 16 -c 1 - -r {int(sample_rate)} -b 16 -t wav - "
if highpass:
_cmd += f"highpass {int(highpass)} "
if lowpass:
_cmd += f"lowpass {int(lowpass)} "
_cmd += "2> /dev/null | "
return _cmd
logging.critical(f"FM Demod Source - Unsupported SDR type {sdr_type}")
return "false |"
def read_rtl_power_log(log_filename, sdr_name):
Read in a rtl_power compatible log output file.
log_filename (str): Filename to read
sdr_name (str): SDR name used for logging errors.
# OK, now try to read in the saved data.
# Output buffers.
freq = np.array([])
power = np.array([])
freq_step = 0
# Open file.
f = open(log_filename, "r")
# rtl_power log files are csv's, with the first 6 fields in each line describing the time and frequency scan parameters
# for the remaining fields, which contain the power samples.
for line in f:
# Split line into fields.
fields = line.split(",", 6)
if len(fields) < 6:
f"Scanner ({sdr_name}) - Invalid number of samples in input file - corrupt?"
raise Exception(
f"Scanner ({sdr_name}) - Invalid number of samples in input file - corrupt?"
start_date = fields[0]
start_time = fields[1]
start_freq = float(fields[2])
stop_freq = float(fields[3])
freq_step = float(fields[4])
n_samples = int(fields[5])
# freq_range = np.arange(start_freq,stop_freq,freq_step)
samples = np.fromstring(fields[6], sep=",")
freq_range = np.linspace(start_freq, stop_freq, len(samples))
# Add frequency range and samples to output buffers.
freq = np.append(freq, freq_range)
power = np.append(power, samples)
# Sanitize power values, to remove the nan's that rtl_power puts in there occasionally.
power = np.nan_to_num(power)
return (freq, power, freq_step)
def get_power_spectrum(
sdr_type: str,
frequency_start: int = 400050000,
frequency_stop: int = 403000000,
step: int = 800,
integration_time: int = 20,
rtl_device_idx = "0",
rtl_power_path = "rtl_power",
ppm = 0,
gain = None,
bias = False,
sdr_hostname = "",
sdr_port = 5555,
ss_power_path = "./ss_power"
Get power spectral density data from a SDR.
sdr_type (str): 'RTLSDR', 'Spyserver' or 'KA9Q'
frequency_start (int): Start frequency for the PSD, Hz
frequency_stop (int): Stop frequency for the PSD, Hz
step (int): Requested frequency step for the PSD, Hz. May not always be honoured.
integration_time (int): Integration time in seconds.
Arguments for RTLSDRs:
rtl_device_idx (str): Device ID for a RTLSDR
rtl_power_path (str): Path to rtl_power. Defaults to just "rtl_power"
ppm (int): SDR Frequency accuracy correction, in ppm.
gain (int): SDR Gain setting, in dB. A gain setting of -1 enables the RTLSDR AGC.
bias (bool): If True, enable the bias tee on the SDR.
Arguments for KA9Q SDR Server / SpyServer:
sdr_hostname (str): Hostname of KA9Q Server
sdr_port (int): Port number of KA9Q Server
Arguments for SpyServer Client:
ss_power_path (str): Path to spyserver power utility.
ss_iq_path (str): Path to spyserver IQ client utility.
(freq, power, step) Tuple
freq (np.array): Array of frequencies, in Hz
power (np.array): Array of uncalibrated power estimates, in Hz
step (float): Frequency step of the output data, in Hz.
Returns (None, None, None) if an error occurs.
# No support for getting spectrum data on any other SDR source right now.
# Override sdr selection.
if sdr_type == "RTLSDR":
# Use rtl_power to obtain power spectral density data
# Create filename to output to.
_log_filename = f"log_power_{rtl_device_idx}.csv"
# If the output log file exists, remove it.
if os.path.exists(_log_filename):
_timeout_cmd = f"{timeout_cmd()} {integration_time+10} "
_gain = ""
if gain:
if gain >= 0:
_gain = f"-g {gain:.1f} "
_rtl_power_cmd = (
f"{_timeout_cmd} {rtl_power_path} "
f"{'-T ' if bias else ''}"
f"-p {int(ppm)} "
f"-d {str(rtl_device_idx)} "
f"-f {frequency_start}:{frequency_stop}:{step} "
f"-i {integration_time} -1 -c 25% "
_sdr_name = get_sdr_name(
)"Scanner ({_sdr_name}) - Running frequency scan.")
f"Scanner ({_sdr_name}) - Running command: {_rtl_power_cmd}"
_output = subprocess.check_output(
_rtl_power_cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# Something went wrong...
f"Scanner ({_sdr_name}) - rtl_power call failed with return code {e.returncode}."
# Look at the error output in a bit more details.
_output = e.output.decode("ascii")
if "No supported devices found" in _output:
f"Scanner ({_sdr_name}) - rtl_power could not find device with ID {rtl_device_idx}, is your configuration correct?"
elif "illegal option" in _output:
if bias:
f"Scanner ({_sdr_name}) - rtl_power reported an illegal option was used. Are you using a rtl_power version with bias tee support?"
f"Scanner ({_sdr_name}) - rtl_power reported an illegal option was used. (This shouldn't happen... are you running an ancient version?)"
# Something else odd happened, dump the entire error output to the log for further analysis.
f"Scanner ({_sdr_name}) - rtl_power reported error: {_output}"
return (None, None, None)
return read_rtl_power_log(_log_filename, _sdr_name)
elif sdr_type == "SpyServer":
# Use a spyserver to obtain power spectral density data
# Create filename to output to.
_log_filename = f"log_power_spyserver.csv"
# If the output log file exists, remove it.
if os.path.exists(_log_filename):
_timeout_cmd = f"{timeout_cmd()} {integration_time+10} "
_frequency_centre = int(frequency_start + (frequency_stop-frequency_start)/2.0)
# Note we are using the '-o' option here, which allows us to still get
# spectrum data even if we have specified a frequency which is out of
# the range of a locked spyserver.
_ss_power_cmd = (
f"{_timeout_cmd} {ss_power_path} "
f"-f {_frequency_centre} "
f"-i {integration_time} -1 -o "
f"-r {sdr_hostname} -q {sdr_port} "
_sdr_name = get_sdr_name(
)"Scanner ({_sdr_name}) - Running frequency scan.")
f"Scanner ({_sdr_name}) - Running command: {_ss_power_cmd}"
_output = subprocess.check_output(
_ss_power_cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# Something went wrong...
f"Scanner ({_sdr_name}) - ss_power call failed with return code {e.returncode}."
# Look at the error output in a bit more details.
_output = e.output.decode("ascii")
if "outside currently allowed range" in _output:
f"Scanner ({_sdr_name}) - Centre of scan range ({_frequency_centre} Hz) outside of allowed SpyServer tuning range."
f"Scanner ({_sdr_name}) - Other Error: {_output}"
return (None, None, None)
return read_rtl_power_log(_log_filename, _sdr_name)
# Unsupported SDR Type
logging.critical(f"Get PSD - Unsupported SDR Type: {sdr_type}")
return (None, None, None)
if __name__ == "__main__":
format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG
_sdr_type = "RTLSDR"
#print(f"Test RTLSDR 0: {test_sdr(_sdr_type)}")
_freq = 401500000
_sample_rate = 48000
_fm_bw = 15000
_device_idx = "00000004"
print(f"RTLSDR IQ (AGC): {get_sdr_iq_cmd(_sdr_type, _freq, _sample_rate)}")
print(f"RTLSDR IQ (AGC + Fixed device): {get_sdr_iq_cmd(_sdr_type, _freq, _sample_rate, rtl_device_idx=_device_idx)}")
print(f"RTLSDR IQ (Fixed Gain): {get_sdr_iq_cmd(_sdr_type, _freq, _sample_rate, gain=30.0, bias=True)}")
print(f"RTLSDR FM (AGC): {get_sdr_fm_cmd(_sdr_type, _freq, _fm_bw, _sample_rate)}")
print(f"RTLSDR FM (Fixed Gain): {get_sdr_fm_cmd(_sdr_type, _freq, _fm_bw, _sample_rate, gain=30.0, bias=True, highpass=20)}")
# (freq, power, step) = get_power_spectrum(
# sdr_type="RTLSDR"
# )
(freq, power, step) = get_power_spectrum(