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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Vaisala vs Auto_rx Comparisons
# Copyright (C) 2019 Mark Jessop <>
# Released under GNU GPL v3 or later
# Compares the auto_rx calcuated temperature & humidity values with
# truth data produced by a Vaisala ground station.
# The 'truth' data must be in vaisalas 'metdata' tab-delimited text format.
# Run with:
# python3 originalmetdata_20190521_0418_R0230900.txt 20190521-042102_R0230900_RS41_402200_sonde.log
# [ ] Calculate temp/rh error vs altitude
# [ ] Calculate rh error vs temperature
import argparse
import datetime
import glob
import json
import os.path
import pytz
import sys
import traceback
import numpy as np
# NOTE - If running on a headless system with no display, the following two lines will need to be uncommented.
#import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dateutil.parser import parse
from math import radians, degrees, sin, cos, atan2, sqrt, pi
import metpy.calc as mpcalc
from metpy.plots import SkewT
from metpy.units import units
def read_vaisala_metdata(filename):
""" Read in a Vaisala 'metdata' tab-delimtied text file, as produced by the MW32 ground station """
_f = open(filename, 'r')
# Skip past the header.
for i in range(22):
output = []
# Read in lines of data.
# n Elapsed time HeightMSL Pc Pm Temp RH VirT Lat Lon HeightE Speed Dir
for line in _f:
_fields = line.split('\t')
_count = int(_fields[0])
_flight_time = int(_fields[1])
_height_msl = int(_fields[2])
_pressure_calc = float(_fields[3])
_pressure_meas = float(_fields[4])
_temp = float(_fields[5])
_relhum = int(_fields[6])
_virt = float(_fields[7])
_lat = float(_fields[8])
_lon = float(_fields[9])
_alt = float(_fields[10])
_vel_h = float(_fields[11])
_heading = float(_fields[12])
output.append([_count, _flight_time, _height_msl, _pressure_calc, _pressure_meas, _temp, _relhum, _virt, _lat, _lon, _alt, _vel_h, _heading])
return np.array(output)
# Earthmaths code by Daniel Richman (thanks!)
# Copyright 2012 (C) Daniel Richman; GNU GPL 3
def position_info(listener, balloon):
Calculate and return information from 2 (lat, lon, alt) tuples
Returns a dict with:
- angle at centre
- great circle distance
- distance in a straight line
- bearing (azimuth or initial course)
- elevation (altitude)
Input and output latitudes, longitudes, angles, bearings and elevations are
in degrees, and input altitudes and output distances are in meters.
# Earth:
radius = 6371000.0
(lat1, lon1, alt1) = listener
(lat2, lon2, alt2) = balloon
lat1 = radians(lat1)
lat2 = radians(lat2)
lon1 = radians(lon1)
lon2 = radians(lon2)
# Calculate the bearing, the angle at the centre, and the great circle
# distance using Vincenty's_formulae with f = 0 (a sphere). See
# and
# and
d_lon = lon2 - lon1
sa = cos(lat2) * sin(d_lon)
sb = (cos(lat1) * sin(lat2)) - (sin(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(d_lon))
bearing = atan2(sa, sb)
aa = sqrt((sa ** 2) + (sb ** 2))
ab = (sin(lat1) * sin(lat2)) + (cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(d_lon))
angle_at_centre = atan2(aa, ab)
great_circle_distance = angle_at_centre * radius
# Armed with the angle at the centre, calculating the remaining items
# is a simple 2D triangley circley problem:
# Use the triangle with sides (r + alt1), (r + alt2), distance in a
# straight line. The angle between (r + alt1) and (r + alt2) is the
# angle at the centre. The angle between distance in a straight line and
# (r + alt1) is the elevation plus pi/2.
# Use sum of angle in a triangle to express the third angle in terms
# of the other two. Use sine rule on sides (r + alt1) and (r + alt2),
# expand with compound angle formulae and solve for tan elevation by
# dividing both sides by cos elevation
ta = radius + alt1
tb = radius + alt2
ea = (cos(angle_at_centre) * tb) - ta
eb = sin(angle_at_centre) * tb
elevation = atan2(ea, eb)
# Use cosine rule to find unknown side.
distance = sqrt((ta ** 2) + (tb ** 2) - 2 * tb * ta * cos(angle_at_centre))
# Give a bearing in range 0 <= b < 2pi
if bearing < 0:
bearing += 2 * pi
return {
"listener": listener, "balloon": balloon,
"listener_radians": (lat1, lon1, alt1),
"balloon_radians": (lat2, lon2, alt2),
"angle_at_centre": degrees(angle_at_centre),
"angle_at_centre_radians": angle_at_centre,
"bearing": degrees(bearing),
"bearing_radians": bearing,
"great_circle_distance": great_circle_distance,
"straight_distance": distance,
"elevation": degrees(elevation),
"elevation_radians": elevation
def read_log_file(filename, decimation=10, min_altitude=100):
# Load in the file.
# data = np.genfromtxt(filename,delimiter=',', dtype=None)
# # Extract fields.
# times = data['f0']
# latitude = data['f3']
# longitude = data['f4']
# altitude = data['f5']
# temperature = data['f6']
# humidity = data['f7']
times = []
latitude = []
longitude = []
altitude = []
temperature = []
humidity = []
with open(filename, 'r') as _file:
for line in _file:
_fields = line.split(',')
# Attempt to parse the line
_time = _fields[0]
_lat = float(_fields[3])
_lon = float(_fields[4])
_alt = float(_fields[5])
_temp = float(_fields[6])
_hum = float(_fields[7])
# Append data to arrays.
except Exception as e:
print("Error reading line: ")
print("Read %d data points from %s." % (len(times), filename))
_output = [] # Altitude, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Temperature, Dew Point
# First entry, We assume all the values are unknown for now.
_output.append([altitude[0], np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN])
_burst = False
_startalt = altitude[0]
i = decimation
while i < len(times):
if altitude[i] < min_altitude:
i += decimation
# Check if we are descending. If so, break.
if altitude[i] < _output[-1][0]:
_burst = True
print("Detected burst at %d metres." % altitude[i])
# If we have valid PTU data, calculate the dew point.
if temperature[i] != -273:
T = temperature[i]
RH = humidity[i]
DP = 243.04*(np.log(RH/100)+((17.625*T)/(243.04+T)))/(17.625-np.log(RH/100)-((17.625*T)/(243.04+T)))
# Otherwise we insert NaNs, so data isn't plotted.
T = np.NaN
DP = np.NaN
RH = np.NaN
# Calculate time delta between telemetry frames.
_time = parse(times[i])
_time_old = parse(times[i-decimation])
_delta_seconds = (_time - _time_old).total_seconds()
# Calculate the movement direction and distance, and then calculate the movement speed.
_movement = position_info((latitude[i], longitude[i], altitude[i]), (latitude[i-decimation], longitude[i-decimation], altitude[i-decimation]))
_heading = _movement['bearing']
_velocity = _movement['great_circle_distance']/_delta_seconds
_output.append([altitude[i], _velocity, _heading, T, DP, RH])
i += decimation
# Convert our output data into something we can process easier.
return (np.array(_output), _burst, _startalt, times[-1])
def comparison_plots(vaisala_data, autorx_data, serial):
_vaisala_alt = vaisala_data[:,2]
_vaisala_temp = vaisala_data[:,5]
_vaisala_rh = vaisala_data[:,6]
_autorx_alt = autorx_data[:,0]
_autorx_temp = autorx_data[:,3]
_autorx_rh = autorx_data[:,5]
# Interpolation
_interp_min_alt = max(np.min(_vaisala_alt), np.min(_autorx_alt))
_interp_max_alt = min(np.max(_vaisala_alt), np.max(_autorx_alt))
# Define the altitude range we interpolate over.
_interp_x = np.linspace(_interp_min_alt, _interp_max_alt, 2000)
# Produce interpolated temperature and humidity data.
_vaisala_interp_temp = np.interp(_interp_x, _vaisala_alt, _vaisala_temp)
_vaisala_interp_rh = np.interp(_interp_x, _vaisala_alt, _vaisala_rh)
_autorx_interp_temp = np.interp(_interp_x, _autorx_alt, _autorx_temp)
_autorx_interp_rh = np.interp(_interp_x, _autorx_alt, _autorx_rh)
# Calculate the error in auto_rx's calculations.
_autorx_temp_error = _autorx_interp_temp - _vaisala_interp_temp
_autorx_rh_error = _autorx_interp_rh - _vaisala_interp_rh
plt.plot(_vaisala_alt, _vaisala_temp, label="Vaisala")
plt.plot(_autorx_alt, _autorx_temp, label="auto_rx")
plt.xlabel("Altitude (m)")
plt.ylabel("Temperature (degC)")
plt.title("Temperature - %s" % serial)
plt.plot(_vaisala_alt, _vaisala_rh, label="Vaisala")
plt.plot(_autorx_alt, _autorx_rh, label="auto_rx")
plt.xlabel("Altitude (m)")
plt.ylabel("Relative Humidity (%)")
plt.title("Relative Humidity - %s" % serial)
plt.plot(_interp_x, _autorx_temp_error)
plt.xlabel("Altitude (m)")
plt.ylabel("Error (degC)")
plt.title("auto_rx RS41 Temperature Calculation Error - %s" % serial)
plt.plot(_interp_x, _autorx_rh_error)
plt.xlabel("Altitude (m)")
plt.ylabel("Error (% RH)")
plt.title("auto_rx RS41 Humidity Calculation Error - %s" % serial)
plt.plot(_vaisala_interp_temp, _autorx_rh_error)
plt.xlabel("Temperature (degC)")
plt.ylabel("Error (% RH)")
plt.title("auto_rx RS41 Humidity Calculation Error - %s" % serial)
if __name__ == "__main__":
_vaisala_filename = sys.argv[1]
_autorx_filename = sys.argv[2]
_serial = _autorx_filename.split('_')[1]
vaisala_data = read_vaisala_metdata(_vaisala_filename)
(autorx_data, burst, startalt, lasttime) = read_log_file(_autorx_filename, decimation=1)
comparison_plots(vaisala_data, autorx_data, _serial)