Removed -T indication from M10 serial number.

Mark Jessop 2019-09-21 17:55:13 +09:30
rodzic e10dc43bc7
commit cf9fc31b3b
1 zmienionych plików z 4 dodań i 2 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -336,12 +336,14 @@ std::string M10TrimbleParser::getSerialNumber() {
* - CC is the month of fabrication
* - D is the product type, 2 is production type
* - EEEE is the RS serial number
NOTE: Removed -T from callsign. 2019-09-21
byte = sn_bytes[2];
sprintf(SN, "M10-T-%1X%02u", (byte >> 4)&0xF, byte & 0xF);
sprintf(SN, "M10-%1X%02u", (byte >> 4)&0xF, byte & 0xF);
byte = sn_bytes[3] | (sn_bytes[4] << 8);
sprintf(SN + 9, "-%1X-%1u%04u", sn_bytes[0]&0xF, (byte >> 13)&0x7, byte & 0x1FFF);
sprintf(SN + 7, "-%1X-%1u%04u", sn_bytes[0]&0xF, (byte >> 13)&0x7, byte & 0x1FFF);
return SN;