Rebase meisei demod, for RS11G PTU support

Mark Jessop 2023-02-04 09:27:41 +10:30
rodzic 8c7cc6a160
commit a162fcb518
3 zmienionych plików z 99 dodań i 4 usunięć

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Intermet Systems | iMet-4 | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_che
Intermet Systems | iMet-54 | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | Not Sent | :x:
Lockheed Martin | LMS6-400/1680 | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | :x: | Not Sent
Meisei | iMS-100 | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | Not Sent
Meisei | RS11G | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | :x: | Not Sent
Meisei | RS11G | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | Not Sent
Meteo-Radiy | MRZ-H1 (400 MHz) | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | Not Sent
Meteosis | MTS01 | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | Not Sent

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from queue import Queue
# MINOR - New sonde type support, other fairly big changes that may result in telemetry or config file incompatability issus.
# PATCH - Small changes, or minor feature additions.
__version__ = "1.6.0-beta25"
__version__ = "1.6.0-beta26"
# Global Variables

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@ -250,6 +250,31 @@ static int get_w16(ui8_t *subframe_bits, int j) {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int sanity_check_rs11g_config_temperature(gpx_t *gpx) {
int result = 1;
float R_old = 0;
float T_old = INFINITY;
int i;
// All resistance values in the R-T interpolation table must be positive and monotonically increasing
for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
if (gpx->cfg[37+i] <= R_old) {
result = 0;
R_old = gpx->cfg[37+i];
// All temperature values in the R-T interpolation table must be monotonically decreasing
for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
if (gpx->cfg[17+i] >= T_old) {
result = 0;
T_old = gpx->cfg[17+i];
return result;
static int sanity_check_ims100_config_temperature(gpx_t *gpx) {
int result = 1;
float R_old = 0;
@ -760,10 +785,72 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (err_blks == 0) // err_frm zu schwach
gpx.cfg[counter%64] = fw32;
gpx.cfg_valid |= 1uLL << (counter%64);
// SN
if (counter % 0x10 == 0) { sn = f32e2(w32); = f32e2(w32); gpx._sn = w32; }
if (counter % 16 == 0) { sn = fw32; = fw32; gpx._sn = w32; }
// freq
if (counter % 64 == 15) { freq = 403700+fw32*100.0; gpx.fq = freq; }
//PTU: Save reference frequency (sent in both even and odd frames)
if (counter % 4 == 0) {
gpx.f_ref = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+0*46+17, 16);
if (counter % 2 == 0) {
if (option_ptu) {
gpx.T = NAN;
gpx.RH = NAN;
if (gpx.f_ref != 0) { // must know the reference frequency
int T_cfg = ((gpx.cfg_valid & 0x0000FFFE0FFE0000LL) == 0x0000FFFE0FFE0000LL); // cfg[47:33,27:17]
int U_cfg = ((gpx.cfg_valid & 0x001E000000000000LL) == 0x001E000000000000LL); // cfg[52:49]
// Necessary parameters must exist and their values must meet the requirements
if (T_cfg && sanity_check_rs11g_config_temperature(&gpx)) {
ui16_t t_raw = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+2*46+17, 16);
float f = ((float)t_raw / (float)gpx.f_ref) * 4.0f;
if (f > 1.0f) {
// Use config coefficients to transform measured frequency to absolute resistance (kOhms)
f = 1.0f / (f - 1.0f);
float R = gpx.cfg[33] + gpx.cfg[34]*f + gpx.cfg[35]*f*f - gpx.cfg[36];
// iMS-100 sends known resistance (cfg[44:33]) for 12 temperature sampling points
// (cfg[28:17]). Actual temperature is found by interpolating in one of these
// 11 intervals.
if (R <= gpx.cfg[37]) { // R below min value?
gpx.T = gpx.cfg[17]; // --> Set T = highest temperature
} else if (R >= gpx.cfg[47]) { // R above max value?
gpx.T = gpx.cfg[27]; // --> Set T = lowest temperature
} else {
// We now know that R is inside the interpolation range. Sampling points are
// ordered by increasing resistance (decreasing temperature).
// (We have verified this in the sanity check above.)
// Search for the interval that contains R, then interpolate linearly
// (using log(R)).
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
if (R < gpx.cfg[38+j]) {
f = (logf(R) - logf(gpx.cfg[37+j])) / (logf(gpx.cfg[38+j]) - logf(gpx.cfg[37+j]));
gpx.T = gpx.cfg[17+j] - f*(gpx.cfg[17+j] - gpx.cfg[18+j]);
if (!isnan(gpx.T)) printf("T=%.1fC ", gpx.T); // better don't use -ffast-math here
else T_cfg = 0;
if (U_cfg) {
ui16_t u_raw = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+3*46, 16);
float f = ((float)u_raw / (float)gpx.f_ref) * 4.0f;
gpx.RH = gpx.cfg[49] + gpx.cfg[50]*f + gpx.cfg[51]*f*f + gpx.cfg[52]*f*f*f;
// Limit to 0...100%
gpx.RH = fmaxf(gpx.RH, 0.0f);
gpx.RH = fminf(gpx.RH, 100.0f);
printf("RH=%.0f%% ", gpx.RH);
if (T_cfg || U_cfg) printf(" ");
if (counter % 2 == 1) {
@ -794,6 +881,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("{ \"type\": \"%s\"", "MEISEI");
printf(", \"frame\": %d, \"id\": \"RS11G-%s\", \"datetime\": \"%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%06.3fZ\", \"lat\": %.5f, \"lon\": %.5f, \"alt\": %.5f, \"vel_h\": %.5f, \"heading\": %.5f, \"vel_v\": %.5f",
gpx.frnr, id_str, gpx.jahr, gpx.monat, gpx.tag, gpx.std, gpx.min, gpx.sek,, gpx.lon, gpx.alt, gpx.vH, gpx.vD, gpx.vV );
if (option_ptu) {
if (!isnan(gpx.T)) { // better don't use -ffast-math here
fprintf(stdout, ", \"temp\": %.1f", gpx.T );
if (!isnan(gpx.RH)) { // better don't use -ffast-math here
fprintf(stdout, ", \"humidity\": %.1f", gpx.RH );
printf(", \"subtype\": \"RS11G\"");
if (gpx.jsn_freq > 0) {
printf(", \"freq\": %d", gpx.jsn_freq);
@ -961,7 +1056,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (gpx.f_ref != 0) { // must know the reference frequency
int T_cfg = ((gpx.cfg_valid & 0x01E01FFE1FFE0000LL) == 0x01E01FFE1FFE0000LL); // cfg[56:53,44:33,28:17]
int U_cfg = ((gpx.cfg_valid & 0x001E000000000000LL) == 0x001E000000000000LL); // cfg[52:49]
// Necessary parameters must exist and their values must ´meet the requirements
// Necessary parameters must exist and their values must meet the requirements
if (T_cfg && sanity_check_ims100_config_temperature(&gpx)) {
ui16_t t_raw = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+2*46+17, 16);
float f = ((float)t_raw / (float)gpx.f_ref) * 4.0f;