
174 wiersze
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import logging
import requests
__version__ = '1.0'
RELS = {
'activity_streams': '',
'avatar': '',
'hcard': '',
'open_id': '',
'opensocial': '',
'portable_contacts': '',
'profile': '',
'webfist': '',
'xfn': '',
WEBFINGER_TYPE = 'application/jrd+json'
LEGACY_WEBFINGER_TYPES = ['application/json']
'': '',
'': '',
logger = logging.getLogger("webfinger")
class WebFingerException(Exception):
class WebFingerResponse(object):
""" Response that wraps an RD object. It provides attribute-style access
to links for specific rels, responding with the href attribute
of the matched element.
def __init__(self, jrd):
self.jrd = jrd
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in RELS:
return self.rel(RELS[name])
return getattr(self.jrd, name)
def subject(self):
return self.jrd.get('subject')
def aliases(self):
return self.jrd.get('aliases', [])
def properties(self):
return self.jrd.get('properties', {})
def links(self):
return self.jrd.get('links', [])
def rel(self, relation, attr='href'):
links = self.links
if links:
for link in links:
if link.get('rel') == relation:
return link.get(attr)
class WebFingerClient(object):
def __init__(self, timeout=None, official=False):
self.official = official
self.timeout = timeout
def jrd(self, host, resource, rel, raw=False):
""" Load resource at given URL and attempt to parse either XRD or JRD
based on HTTP response Content-Type header. The rel parameter
may be a single value or a list.
url = "https://%s/.well-known/webfinger" % host
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'python-webfinger/%s' % __version__,
params = {'resource': resource}
if rel:
params['rel'] = rel
resp = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=True)
logging.debug('fetching JRD from %s' % resp.url)
content_type = resp.headers.get('Content-Type', '').split(';', 1)[0].strip()
logging.debug('response content type: %s' % content_type)
if content_type != WEBFINGER_TYPE and content_type not in LEGACY_WEBFINGER_TYPES:
raise WebFingerException('Invalid response type from server')
if raw:
return resp.content
return resp.json()
def finger(self, resource, rel=None):
""" Perform a WebFinger query based on the given subject.
The `rel` parameter, if specified, will be passed to the provider,
but be aware that providers are not required to implement the
rel filter.
host = resource.split("@")[-1]
if host in UNOFFICIAL_ENDPOINTS and not self.official:
unofficial_host = UNOFFICIAL_ENDPOINTS[host]
logging.debug('host %s is not supported, using unofficial endpoint %s' % (host, unofficial_host))
host = unofficial_host
jrd = self.jrd(host, resource, rel)
return WebFingerResponse(jrd)
def finger(resource, rel=None, timeout=None, official=False):
""" Shortcut method for invoking WebFingerClient.
if ":" not in resource:
raise WebFingerException("scheme is required in subject URI")
client = WebFingerClient(timeout=timeout, official=official)
return client.finger(resource, rel=rel)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Simple webfinger client.")
parser.add_argument("acct", metavar="URI", help="account URI")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="print debug logging output to console")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--rel", metavar="REL", dest="rel", help="desired relation")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.debug:
wf = finger(args.acct, rel=args.rel)
print("--- %s ---" % wf.subject)
if args.rel:
link = wf.find_link(args.rel)
if link is None:
print("*** Link not found for rel=%s" % args.rel)
print("%s:\n\t%s" % (link.rel, link.href))
print("Activity Streams: ", wf.activity_streams)
print("Avatar: ", wf.avatar)
print("HCard: ", wf.hcard)
print("OpenID: ", wf.open_id)
print("Open Social: ", wf.opensocial)
print("Portable Contacts: ", wf.portable_contacts)
print("Profile: ", wf.profile)
print("WebFist: ", wf.webfist)
print("XFN: ", wf.rel(""))