# CHANGELOG ## 0.9.4: - 2019-06-10 - parser: Added support for OGINREACH (Garmin inReach) beacons - parser: Added support for OGFLYM (Flymaster) beacons - parser: Added support for comments in tracker beacons (OGNTRK) - parser: Added support for OGCAPT (Capturs) beacons ## 0.9.3: - 2019-06-03 - parser: Added Generic parser for unknown formats ## 0.9.2: - 2019-05-07 - parser: Exception handling for bad OGNTRK beacons ## 0.9.1: - 2018-09-18 - parser: Fixed SPOT beacons and Tracker beacons - parser: Fixed kph to ms conversion - client: Catch ConnectionResetError ## 0.9.0: - 2018-05-14 - parser: Added support for OGNLT24 (LT24), OGSKYL (Skylines), OGSPID (Spider), OGSPOT (Spot) and OGNFNT (Fanet) - parser: Added support for (server) comments - parser: Added parser for local receiver output (port 50001) - parser: Changed unit for rotation from "half turn per minute" to "degrees/s" ## 0.8.2: - 2018-01-20 - parser: Better validation of timestamp, lat/lon and altitude ## 0.8.1: - 2018-01-12 - client: Ignore messages other than UTF-8 - parser: Allow IDs only with hexadecimal values ## 0.8.0 - 2017-10-02 - parser: Merged function 'parse_aprs' and 'parse_ogn_beacon' to 'parse' - parser: Added support for OGNSDR (receiver), OGNTRK (ogn tracker), OGNFLR (flarm) and OGNAV (Naviter) beacons - parser: Added support for RELAYed messages - parser: Added support for ddhhmm time format (eg. '312359z') - parser: Added support for heared aircrafts - client: Allow client to do sequential connect-disconnect ## 0.7.1 - 2017-06-05 - parser: Bugfix, error_count in aircraft beacon is a int ## 0.7.0 - 2017-06-04 - parser: Added support for OGN v0.2.6 aircraft and receiver beacons ## 0.6.0 - 2016-10-21 - parser: Added support for OGN v0.2.5 receiver beacons - parser: Changed keys to adopt naming from [ogn\_client-ruby](https://github.com/svoop/ogn_client-ruby) ## 0.5.0 - 2016-09-29 - Added aprs destination callsign as `dstcall` to aprs beacon keys (#9) - Changed aprs parser to allow other destination calls than `APRS` - Fixed parsing of APRS precision and datum option (#7) - Added optional `reference_time` argument to `parse_aprs` function and disabled magic date correction if this argument is missing ## 0.4.0 - 2016-03-29 - aprs client: Added the possibility of a timed callback - Added ogn.ddb submodule which provides the generator `get_ddb_devices` ## 0.3.0 - 2016-03-18 The repository ogn-python splitted up into two separate repositories: - python-ogn-client (the repository this Changelog belongs to), including an APRS- & OGN-Parser and an APRS-Client. - python-ogn-gateway, including a database, CLI, logbook. - Moved exceptions from `ogn.exceptions` to `ogn.parser.exceptions` - Moved parsing from `ogn.model.*` to `ogn.parser` - Renamed module `ogn.gateway` to `ogn.client` - Renamed class `ognGateway` to `AprsClient` - Simplified usage of the module: Imported parse functions at package level (`ogn.parser`) - Refined timstamp reconstruction to accept delayed packets (fixed glidernet/ogn-python#31) # Historic ogn-python releases ## 0.2.1 - 2016-02-17 First release via PyPi. - Added CHANGELOG. ## 0.2 - Changed database schema. - Changed aprs app name to 'ogn-gateway-python'. - Moved repository to github-organisation glidernet. - Added exception handling to the packet parser. - Added some tests for ogn.gateway.client. - Added setup.py to build this package. - Added configuration via python modules. - Added scheduled tasks with celery. - Renamed command line option `db.updateddb` to `db.import_ddb`. - Added command line options `db.drop`, `db.import_file`, `db.upgrade`, `logbook.compute` and `show.devices.stats`. ## 0.1 Initial version.