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Log management
**Note 1:** All the operations described below assume that a logbook is
already open.
**Note 2:** Any modifications made to the logs are permanent. Users
should make sure they keep up-to-date backups.
Creating a new log
To create a new log, click ``New Log`` in the ``Logbook`` menu and enter
the desired name of the log (e.g. repeater\_contacts, dx, mobile\_log).
Alternatively, use the shortcut key combination ``Ctrl + N``.
The log name must be unique (i.e. it cannot already exist in the
logbook). Furthermore, it can only be composed of alphanumeric
characters and the underscore character, and the first character in the
name must not be a number.
Note: When logs are stored in the database file, field/column names from
the ADIF standard are used. However, please note that only the following
subset of all the ADIF fields is considered: CALL, QSO\_DATE, TIME\_ON,
NOTES, NAME, ADDRESS, STATE, COUNTRY, DXCC, CQZ, ITUZ, IOTA. Visit the `ADIF website <>`_ for more information about these fields.
Renaming a log
To rename the currently selected log, click ``Rename Selected Log`` in
the ``Logbook`` menu. Remember that the log's new name cannot be the
same as another log in the logbook.
Deleting a log
To delete the currently selected log, click ``Delete Selected Log`` in
the ``Logbook`` menu. As with all database operations in PyQSO, this is
permanent and cannot be undone.
Importing and exporting a log
While PyQSO stores logbooks in SQL format, it is possible to export
individual logs in the well-known `ADIF <>`_ format. Select the log to export,
and click ``Export Log`` in the ``Logbook`` menu.
Similarly, records can be imported from an ADIF file. Upon importing,
users can choose to store the records in a new log, or append them to an
existing log in the logbook. To import, click ``Import Log`` in the
``Logbook`` menu.
Note that all data must conform to the ADIF standard, otherwise it will
be ignored.
Printing a log
Due to restrictions on the page width, only a selection of field names
will be printed: callsign, date, time, frequency, and mode.
Filtering by callsign
Entering an expression such as ``xyz`` into the ``Filter by callsign``
box will instantly filter out all records whose callsign field does not
contain ``xyz``.
Sorting by field
To sort a log by a particular field name, left-click the column header
that contains that field name. By default, it is the ``Index`` field
that is sorted in ascending order.