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`PyQSO <>`_ is a logging tool for amateur radio operators. It provides a
simple graphical interface through which users can manage information
about the contacts/QSOs they make with other operators on the air. All
information is stored in a light-weight SQL database. Other key features
- Customisable interface (e.g. only show callsign and frequency
- Import and export logs in ADIF format.
- Perform callsign lookups and auto-fill data fields using the and online databases.
- Sort the logs by individual fields.
- Print a hard-copy of logs, or print to PDF.
- Connect to Telnet-based DX clusters.
- Progress tracker for the DXCC award.
- Grey line plotter.
- Filter out QSOs based on the callsign field (e.g. only display
contacts with callsigns beginning with "M6").
- Remove duplicate QSOs.
- Basic support for the Hamlib library.
The source code for PyQSO, written in Python (version 3.x), is available for download from the `GitHub repository <>`_.
Data storage model
Many amateur radio operators choose to store all the contacts they ever
make in a single *logbook*, whereas others keep a separate logbook for
each year, for example. Each logbook may be divided up to form multiple
distinct *logs*, perhaps one for casual repeater contacts and another
for DX'ing. Finally, each log can contain multiple *records*. PyQSO is
based around this three-tier model for data storage, going from logbooks
at the top to individual records at the bottom.
Rather than storing each log in a separate file, a single database can
hold several logs together; in PyQSO, a database is therefore analogous
to a logbook. Within a database the user can create multiple tables
which are analogous to the logs. Within each table the user can
create/modify/delete records which are analogous to the records in each
PyQSO is free software, released under the `GNU General Public License <>`_. Please see the file called ``COPYING`` for more information. A copyright year range of the form YYYY-ZZZZ specifies every single year from YYYY to ZZZZ inclusive (for example, 2012-2016 means 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016).
If you have any comments or questions about PyQSO, please send them via email to Christian Jacobs (2E0ICL) at Bug reports and feature requests can be made via the `issue tracker <>`_.
Structure of this documentation
The structure of this documentation is as follows. The section on `Getting Started <getting_started.html>`_ provides information on the PyQSO installation process through to creating a new logbook (or opening an existing one). The `Log Management <log_management.html>`_ section explains how to create a log in the logbook, as well as the basic operations that users can perform with existing logs, such as printing, importing from/exporting to ADIF format, and sorting. The `Record Management <record_management.html>`_ section deals with the bottom layer of the three-tier model - the creation, deletion, and modification of QSO records in a log. The `Toolbox <toolbox.html>`_ section introduces the PyQSO toolbox which contains three tools that are useful to amateur radio operators: a DX cluster, a grey line plotter, and an awards progress tracker. Finally, the `Preferences <preferences.html>`_ section explains how users can set up Hamlib support and show/hide various fields in a log, along with several other user preferences that can be set via the Preferences dialog window. A `keyboard shortcuts list <shortcuts.html>`_ is also available for reference.