# Change Log ## [0.2] - unreleased ### Added - Travis CI configuration file for automated building and testing. - Buttons to add the current date and time. - Option to specify default values for the power and mode fields. - Allow UTC time to be used when creating records. - Allow prefixes/suffixes to be removed when looking up a callsign (e.g. "MYCALL" would be extracted from "EA3/MYCALL/M"). ### Changed - Migrated the documentation to a Sphinx-based setup. - Separate the Create and Open functionality for logbooks. ### Fixed - Logging debug messages to file. - 'Z' characters in callsigns were being ignored when importing ADIF files. This has now been fixed. - Specifed the Agg backend for matplotlib to workaround a bug in Ubuntu 14.10. - Sorting the date and time fields in the correct chronological order. - Removal of duplicate records. - Handling of ConfigParser.NoOptionError exceptions when trying to load preferences. - Handling of UnicodeDecodeError exceptions when parsing the output from DX cluster servers. ## [0.1] - 2014-03-22 ### Changed - The 'Notes' column is no longer automatically resized. - The BEL character is now handled properly in the DX cluster tool. - QSOs can now be sorted in the correct chronological order. ### Fixed - Fixed the ADIF export functionality. Previously, only markers were being written and the actual record data was being skipped. ## [0.1b] - 2013-10-04 ### Added - Basic logging functionality. - Import and export in ADIF format. - Log printing. - Basic support for Hamlib. - Telnet-based DX cluster support. - Progress tracker for the DXCC award. - Greyline plotter. - QSO filtering and sorting. - Duplicate record removal. [unreleased]: https://github.com/ctjacobs/pyqso/compare/v0.1...HEAD [0.1]: https://github.com/ctjacobs/pyqso/compare/v0.1b...v0.1