Preferences =========== PyQSO user preferences are stored in a configuration file located at ``~/.pyqso.ini``, where ``~`` denotes the user’s home directory. General ------- Under the ``General`` tab, the user can choose to show the toolbox (see Chapter [chap:toolbox]) when PyQSO is started. The user can also enter their login details to access the database. Note that these details are currently stored in plain text (unencrypted) format. View ---- Not all the available fields have to be displayed in the logbook. The user can choose to hide a subset of them by unchecking them in the ``View`` tab. PyQSO must be restarted in order for any changes to take effect. Hamlib support -------------- PyQSO features rudimentary support for the Hamlib library. The name and path of the radio device connected to the user’s computer can be specified in the ``Hamlib`` tab of the preferences dialog. Upon adding a new record to the log, PyQSO will use Hamlib to retrieve the current frequency that the radio device is set to and automatically fill in the Frequency field. .. |The PyQSO main window, showing the records in a log called ``repeater_contacts``, and the awards tool in the toolbox below it.| image:: images/log_with_awards.png .. |Record dialog used to add new records and edit existing ones.| image:: images/edit_record.png .. |The DX cluster frame.| image:: images/dx_cluster.png .. |The grey line tool.| image:: images/grey_line.png .. |The award progress tracker.| image:: images/awards.png