#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2017 Christian Thomas Jacobs. # This file is part of PyQSO. # PyQSO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # PyQSO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with PyQSO. If not, see . import unittest from pyqso.log import * class TestLog(unittest.TestCase): """ The unit tests for the Log class. """ def setUp(self): """ Create a connection to a temporary database and set up the objects needed for the unit tests. """ self.connection = sqlite.connect(":memory:") self.connection.row_factory = sqlite.Row self.field_names = ["CALL", "QSO_DATE", "TIME_ON", "FREQ", "BAND", "MODE", "RST_SENT", "RST_RCVD"] self.fields_and_data = {"CALL": "TEST123", "QSO_DATE": "20130312", "TIME_ON": "1234", "FREQ": "145.500", "BAND": "2m", "MODE": "FM", "RST_SENT": "59", "RST_RCVD": "59"} c = self.connection.cursor() query = "CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT" for field_name in self.field_names: s = ", %s TEXT" % field_name.lower() query = query + s query = query + ")" c.execute(query) self.log = Log(self.connection, "test") def tearDown(self): """ Destroy the connection to the temporary database. """ self.connection.close() def test_add_missing_db_columns(self): """ Check that any missing columns in the database are added successfully. """ c = self.connection.cursor() # 'Before' state. column_names_before = [] c.execute("PRAGMA table_info(test)") result = c.fetchall() for t in result: column_names_before.append(t[1].upper()) # Add missing columns. self.log.add_missing_db_columns() # 'After' state. column_names_after = [] c.execute("PRAGMA table_info(test)") result = c.fetchall() for t in result: column_names_after.append(t[1].upper()) print("Column names before: ", column_names_before) print("Column names after: ", column_names_after) assert(len(column_names_before) == len(self.field_names) + 1) # Added 1 here because of the "id" column in all database tables. assert(len(column_names_after) == len(AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAMES_ORDERED) + 1) for field_name in AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAMES_ORDERED: assert(field_name in column_names_after) def test_add_record(self): """ Check that a single record can be successfully added. """ self.log.add_record(self.fields_and_data) c = self.connection.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM test") records = c.fetchall() assert len(records) == 1 # Check that all the data has been added to all the fields. for field_name in self.field_names: print(self.fields_and_data[field_name], records[0][field_name]) assert self.fields_and_data[field_name] == records[0][field_name] # Check consistency of index between Gtk.ListStore and the database. assert(records[0]["id"] == 1) iter = self.log.get_iter_first() row_index = self.log.get_value(iter, 0) assert(records[0]["id"] == row_index) def test_add_record_multiple(self): """ Check that multiple records can be successfully added in one go. """ self.log.add_record([self.fields_and_data]*5) c = self.connection.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM test") records = c.fetchall() assert len(records) == 5 def test_delete_record(self): """ Check that a record can be successfully deleted. """ query = "INSERT INTO test VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" c = self.connection.cursor() c.execute(query, (self.fields_and_data["CALL"], self.fields_and_data["QSO_DATE"], self.fields_and_data["TIME_ON"], self.fields_and_data["FREQ"], self.fields_and_data["BAND"], self.fields_and_data["MODE"], self.fields_and_data["RST_SENT"], self.fields_and_data["RST_RCVD"])) c.execute("SELECT * FROM test") records_before = c.fetchall() self.log.delete_record(1) c.execute("SELECT * FROM test") records_after = c.fetchall() assert(len(records_before) == 1) assert(len(records_after) == 0) def test_edit_record(self): """ Check that a record's fields can be successfully edited. """ query = "INSERT INTO test VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" c = self.connection.cursor() c.execute(query, (self.fields_and_data["CALL"], self.fields_and_data["QSO_DATE"], self.fields_and_data["TIME_ON"], self.fields_and_data["FREQ"], self.fields_and_data["BAND"], self.fields_and_data["MODE"], self.fields_and_data["RST_SENT"], self.fields_and_data["RST_RCVD"])) c.execute("SELECT * FROM test") record_before = c.fetchall()[0] self.log.edit_record(1, "CALL", "TEST456") self.log.edit_record(1, "FREQ", "145.450") c.execute("SELECT * FROM test") record_after = c.fetchall()[0] assert(record_before["CALL"] == "TEST123") assert(record_after["CALL"] == "TEST456") assert(record_before["FREQ"] == "145.500") assert(record_after["FREQ"] == "145.450") def test_get_record_by_index(self): """ Check that a record can be retrieved using its index. """ query = "INSERT INTO test VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" c = self.connection.cursor() c.execute(query, (self.fields_and_data["CALL"], self.fields_and_data["QSO_DATE"], self.fields_and_data["TIME_ON"], self.fields_and_data["FREQ"], self.fields_and_data["BAND"], self.fields_and_data["MODE"], self.fields_and_data["RST_SENT"], self.fields_and_data["RST_RCVD"])) record = self.log.get_record_by_index(1) print("Contents of retrieved record: ", record) for field_name in list(record.keys()): if(field_name.upper() == "ID"): continue else: assert(record[field_name.upper()] == self.fields_and_data[field_name.upper()]) assert(len(record) == len(self.fields_and_data) + 1) def test_records(self): """ Check that all records in a log can be successfully retrieved. """ query = "INSERT INTO test VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" c = self.connection.cursor() # Add the same record twice c.execute(query, (self.fields_and_data["CALL"], self.fields_and_data["QSO_DATE"], self.fields_and_data["TIME_ON"], self.fields_and_data["FREQ"], self.fields_and_data["BAND"], self.fields_and_data["MODE"], self.fields_and_data["RST_SENT"], self.fields_and_data["RST_RCVD"])) c.execute(query, (self.fields_and_data["CALL"], self.fields_and_data["QSO_DATE"], self.fields_and_data["TIME_ON"], self.fields_and_data["FREQ"], self.fields_and_data["BAND"], self.fields_and_data["MODE"], self.fields_and_data["RST_SENT"], self.fields_and_data["RST_RCVD"])) records = self.log.records print("Contents of all retrieved records: ", records) assert(len(records) == 2) # There should be 2 records for field_name in self.field_names: assert(records[0][field_name] == self.fields_and_data[field_name]) assert(records[1][field_name] == self.fields_and_data[field_name]) def test_record_count(self): """ Check that the total number of records in a log is calculated correctly. """ query = "INSERT INTO test VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" c = self.connection.cursor() # Add the same record twice c.execute(query, (self.fields_and_data["CALL"], self.fields_and_data["QSO_DATE"], self.fields_and_data["TIME_ON"], self.fields_and_data["FREQ"], self.fields_and_data["BAND"], self.fields_and_data["MODE"], self.fields_and_data["RST_SENT"], self.fields_and_data["RST_RCVD"])) c.execute(query, (self.fields_and_data["CALL"], self.fields_and_data["QSO_DATE"], self.fields_and_data["TIME_ON"], self.fields_and_data["FREQ"], self.fields_and_data["BAND"], self.fields_and_data["MODE"], self.fields_and_data["RST_SENT"], self.fields_and_data["RST_RCVD"])) record_count = self.log.record_count print("Number of records in the log: ", record_count) assert(record_count == 2) # There should be 2 records def test_get_duplicates(self): """ Insert n records, n-1 of which are duplicates, and check that the duplicates are successfully identified. """ query = "INSERT INTO test VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" c = self.connection.cursor() n = 5 # The total number of records to insert. for i in range(0, n): c.execute(query, (self.fields_and_data["CALL"], self.fields_and_data["QSO_DATE"], self.fields_and_data["TIME_ON"], self.fields_and_data["FREQ"], self.fields_and_data["BAND"], self.fields_and_data["MODE"], self.fields_and_data["RST_SENT"], self.fields_and_data["RST_RCVD"])) assert(len(self.log.get_duplicates()) == n-1) # Expecting n-1 duplicates. def test_remove_duplicates(self): """ Insert n records, n-1 of which are duplicates, and check that the duplicates are successfully removed. """ n = 5 # The total number of records to insert. for i in range(0, n): self.log.add_record(self.fields_and_data) (number_of_duplicates, number_of_duplicates_removed) = self.log.remove_duplicates() print("Number of duplicates: %d" % number_of_duplicates) print("Number of duplicates removed: %d" % number_of_duplicates_removed) assert(number_of_duplicates == number_of_duplicates_removed) assert(number_of_duplicates == 4) assert(self.log.record_count == 1) def test_rename(self): """ Check that a log can be successfully renamed. """ old_name = "test" new_name = "hello" success = self.log.rename(new_name) assert(success) with self.connection: c = self.connection.cursor() c.execute("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE name=?)", [old_name]) exists = c.fetchone() assert(exists[0] == 0) # Old log name should no longer exist. c.execute("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE name=?)", [new_name]) exists = c.fetchone() assert(exists[0] == 1) # New log name should now exist. assert(self.log.name == new_name) if(__name__ == '__main__'): unittest.main()