#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Christian Thomas Jacobs. # This file is part of PyQSO. # PyQSO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # PyQSO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with PyQSO. If not, see . from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk import logging import os try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser from datetime import datetime from os.path import expanduser import base64 try: import Hamlib have_hamlib = True except ImportError: logging.warning("Could not import the Hamlib module!") have_hamlib = False from pyqso.adif import * from pyqso.callsign_lookup import * from pyqso.auxiliary_dialogs import * from pyqso.calendar_dialog import CalendarDialog class RecordDialog: """ A dialog through which users can enter information about a QSO/record. """ def __init__(self, application, log, index=None): """ Set up the layout of the record dialog, populate the various fields with the QSO details (if the record already exists), and show the dialog to the user. :arg application: The PyQSO application containing the main Gtk window, etc. :arg log: The log to which the record belongs (or will belong). :arg int index: If specified, then the dialog turns into 'edit record mode' and fills the data sources (e.g. the Gtk.Entry boxes) with the existing data in the log. If not specified (i.e. index is None), then the dialog starts off with nothing in the data sources. """ logging.debug("Setting up the record dialog...") self.application = application self.builder = self.application.builder glade_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "res", "pyqso.glade") self.builder.add_objects_from_file(glade_file_path, ("record_dialog",)) self.dialog = self.builder.get_object("record_dialog") self.builder.get_object("record_dialog").connect("key-press-event", self.on_key_press) # Set dialog title if(index is not None): self.dialog.set_title("Edit Record %d" % index) else: self.dialog.set_title("Add Record") # Check if a configuration file is present, since we might need it to set up the rest of the dialog. config = configparser.ConfigParser() have_config = (config.read(expanduser('~/.config/pyqso/preferences.ini')) != []) # Create label:entry pairs and store them in a dictionary self.sources = {} # QSO INFORMATION # CALL self.sources["CALL"] = self.builder.get_object("qso_call_entry") self.builder.get_object("callsign_lookup").connect("clicked", self.callsign_lookup_callback) # DATE self.sources["QSO_DATE"] = self.builder.get_object("qso_date_entry") self.builder.get_object("select_date").connect("clicked", self.calendar_callback) # TIME self.sources["TIME_ON"] = self.builder.get_object("qso_time_entry") self.builder.get_object("current_datetime").connect("clicked", self.set_current_datetime_callback) # FREQ self.sources["FREQ"] = self.builder.get_object("qso_frequency_entry") (section, option) = ("records", "default_frequency_unit") if(have_config and config.has_option(section, option)): self.frequency_unit = config.get(section, option) self.builder.get_object("qso_frequency_label").set_label("Frequency (%s)" % self.frequency_unit) else: self.frequency_unit = "MHz" # BAND self.sources["BAND"] = self.builder.get_object("qso_band_combo") for band in BANDS: self.sources["BAND"].append_text(band) self.sources["BAND"].set_active(0) # Set an empty string as the default option. # MODE self.sources["MODE"] = self.builder.get_object("qso_mode_combo") for mode in sorted(MODES.keys()): self.sources["MODE"].append_text(mode) self.sources["MODE"].set_active(0) # Set an empty string as the default option. self.sources["MODE"].connect("changed", self.on_mode_changed) # SUBMODE self.sources["SUBMODE"] = self.builder.get_object("qso_submode_combo") self.sources["SUBMODE"].append_text("") self.sources["SUBMODE"].set_active(0) # Set an empty string initially. As soon as the user selects a particular MODE, the available SUBMODES will appear. # POWER self.sources["TX_PWR"] = self.builder.get_object("qso_power_entry") # RST_SENT self.sources["RST_SENT"] = self.builder.get_object("qso_rst_sent_entry") # RST_RCVD self.sources["RST_RCVD"] = self.builder.get_object("qso_rst_received_entry") # QSL_SENT self.sources["QSL_SENT"] = self.builder.get_object("qso_qsl_sent_combo") qsl_sent_options = ["", "Y", "N", "R", "Q", "I"] for option in qsl_sent_options: self.sources["QSL_SENT"].append_text(option) self.sources["QSL_SENT"].set_active(0) # Set an empty string as the default option. # QSL_RCVD self.sources["QSL_RCVD"] = self.builder.get_object("qso_qsl_received_combo") qsl_rcvd_options = ["", "Y", "N", "R", "I", "V"] for option in qsl_rcvd_options: self.sources["QSL_RCVD"].append_text(option) self.sources["QSL_RCVD"].set_active(0) # Set an empty string as the default option. # NOTES self.sources["NOTES"] = self.builder.get_object("qso_notes_textview").get_buffer() # STATION INFORMATION # NAME self.sources["NAME"] = self.builder.get_object("station_name_entry") # ADDRESS self.sources["ADDRESS"] = self.builder.get_object("station_address_entry") # STATE self.sources["STATE"] = self.builder.get_object("station_state_entry") # COUNTRY self.sources["COUNTRY"] = self.builder.get_object("station_country_entry") # DXCC self.sources["DXCC"] = self.builder.get_object("station_dxcc_entry") # CQZ self.sources["CQZ"] = self.builder.get_object("station_cq_entry") # ITUZ self.sources["ITUZ"] = self.builder.get_object("station_itu_entry") # IOTA self.sources["IOTA"] = self.builder.get_object("station_iota_entry") # Populate various fields, if possible. if(index is not None): # The record already exists, so display its current data in the input boxes. record = log.get_record_by_index(index) field_names = AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAMES_ORDERED for i in range(0, len(field_names)): data = record[field_names[i].lower()] if(data is None): data = "" if(field_names[i] == "BAND"): self.sources[field_names[i]].set_active(BANDS.index(data)) elif(field_names[i] == "FREQ" and self.frequency_unit != "MHz"): converted = self.convert_frequency(data, from_unit="MHz", to_unit=self.frequency_unit) self.sources[field_names[i]].set_text(str(converted)) elif(field_names[i] == "MODE"): self.sources[field_names[i]].set_active(sorted(MODES.keys()).index(data)) # Handle SUBMODE at the same time. submode_data = record["submode"] if(submode_data is None): submode_data = "" self.sources["SUBMODE"].set_active(MODES[data].index(submode_data)) elif(field_names[i] == "SUBMODE"): # Skip, because this has been (or will be) handled when populating the MODE field. continue elif(field_names[i] == "QSL_SENT"): self.sources[field_names[i]].set_active(qsl_sent_options.index(data)) elif(field_names[i] == "QSL_RCVD"): self.sources[field_names[i]].set_active(qsl_rcvd_options.index(data)) else: self.sources[field_names[i]].set_text(data) else: # Automatically fill in the current date and time self.set_current_datetime_callback() # Set up default field values # Mode (section, option) = ("records", "default_mode") if(have_config and config.has_option(section, option)): mode = config.get(section, option) else: mode = "" self.sources["MODE"].set_active(sorted(MODES.keys()).index(mode)) # Submode (section, option) = ("records", "default_submode") if(have_config and config.has_option(section, option)): submode = config.get(section, option) else: submode = "" self.sources["SUBMODE"].set_active(MODES[mode].index(submode)) # Power (section, option) = ("records", "default_power") if(have_config and config.has_option(section, option)): power = config.get(section, option) else: power = "" self.sources["TX_PWR"].set_text(power) # If the Hamlib module is present, then use it to fill in various fields if desired. if(have_hamlib): if(have_config and config.has_option("hamlib", "autofill") and config.has_option("hamlib", "rig_model") and config.has_option("hamlib", "rig_pathname")): autofill = (config.getboolean("hamlib", "autofill")) rig_model = config.get("hamlib", "rig_model") rig_pathname = config.get("hamlib", "rig_pathname") if(autofill): self.hamlib_autofill(rig_model, rig_pathname) # Do we want PyQSO to autocomplete the Band field based on the Frequency field? (section, option) = ("records", "autocomplete_band") if(have_config and config.has_option(section, option)): autocomplete_band = (config.getboolean(section, option)) if(autocomplete_band): self.sources["FREQ"].connect("changed", self.autocomplete_band) else: # If no configuration file exists, autocomplete the Band field by default. self.sources["FREQ"].connect("changed", self.autocomplete_band) self.dialog.show_all() logging.debug("Record dialog ready!") return def get_data(self, field_name): """ Return the data for a specified field from the Gtk.Entry/Gtk.ComboBoxText/etc boxes in the record dialog. :arg str field_name: The name of the field containing the desired data. :returns: The data in the specified field. :rtype: str """ logging.debug("Retrieving the data in field %s from the record dialog..." % field_name) if(field_name == "CALL"): # Always show the callsigns in upper case. return self.sources[field_name].get_text().upper() elif(field_name == "FREQ" and self.frequency_unit != "MHz"): converted = self.convert_frequency(self.sources[field_name].get_text(), from_unit=self.frequency_unit, to_unit="MHz") return str(converted) elif(field_name == "MODE"): return self.sources["MODE"].get_active_text() elif(field_name == "SUBMODE"): return self.sources["SUBMODE"].get_active_text() elif(field_name == "BAND" or field_name == "QSL_SENT" or field_name == "QSL_RCVD"): return self.sources[field_name].get_active_text() elif(field_name == "NOTES"): (start, end) = self.sources[field_name].get_bounds() text = self.sources[field_name].get_text(start, end, True) return text else: return self.sources[field_name].get_text() def on_mode_changed(self, combo): """ If the MODE field has changed its value, then fill the SUBMODE field with all the available SUBMODE options for that new MODE. """ self.sources["SUBMODE"].get_model().clear() mode = combo.get_active_text() for submode in MODES[mode]: self.sources["SUBMODE"].append_text(submode) self.sources["SUBMODE"].set_active(MODES[mode].index("")) # Set the submode to an empty string. return def on_key_press(self, widget, event): """ If the Return key is pressed, emit the "OK" response to record the QSO. """ child = widget.get_focus() if(not(isinstance(child, Gtk.ToggleButton) or isinstance(child, Gtk.Button) or isinstance(child, Gtk.TextView)) and event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Return): self.dialog.emit('response', Gtk.ResponseType.OK) return def autocomplete_band(self, widget=None): """ If a value for the Frequency is entered, this function autocompletes the Band field. """ frequency = self.sources["FREQ"].get_text() # Check whether we actually have a (valid) value to use. If not, set the BAND field to an empty string (""). try: frequency = float(frequency) except ValueError: self.sources["BAND"].set_active(0) return # Convert to MHz if necessary. if(self.frequency_unit != "MHz"): frequency = self.convert_frequency(frequency, from_unit=self.frequency_unit, to_unit="MHz") # Find which band the frequency lies in. for i in range(1, len(BANDS)): if(frequency >= BANDS_RANGES[i][0] and frequency <= BANDS_RANGES[i][1]): self.sources["BAND"].set_active(i) return self.sources["BAND"].set_active(0) # If we've reached this, then the frequency does not lie in any of the specified bands. return def hamlib_autofill(self, rig_model, rig_pathname): """ Set the various fields using data from the radio via Hamlib. :arg str rig_model: The model of the radio/rig. :arg str rig_pathname: The path to the rig (or rig control device). """ # Open a communication channel to the radio. try: Hamlib.rig_set_debug(Hamlib.RIG_DEBUG_NONE) rig = Hamlib.Rig(Hamlib.__dict__[rig_model]) # Look up the model's numerical index in Hamlib's symbol dictionary. rig.set_conf("rig_pathname", rig_pathname) rig.open() except: logging.error("Could not open a communication channel to the rig via Hamlib!") return # Frequency try: frequency = "%.6f" % (rig.get_freq()/1.0e6) # Converting to MHz here. # Convert to the desired unit, if necessary. if(self.frequency_unit != "MHz"): frequency = str(self.convert_frequency(frequency, from_unit="MHz", to_unit=self.frequency_unit)) self.sources["FREQ"].set_text(frequency) except: logging.error("Could not obtain the current frequency via Hamlib!") # Mode try: (mode, width) = rig.get_mode() mode = Hamlib.rig_strrmode(mode).upper() # Handle USB and LSB as special cases. if(mode == "USB" or mode == "LSB"): submode = mode mode = "SSB" self.sources["MODE"].set_active(sorted(MODES.keys()).index(mode)) self.sources["SUBMODE"].set_active(MODES[mode].index(submode)) else: self.sources["MODE"].set_active(sorted(MODES.keys()).index(mode)) except: logging.error("Could not obtain the current mode (e.g. FM, AM, CW) via Hamlib!") # Close communication channel. try: rig.close() except: logging.error("Could not close the communication channel to the rig via Hamlib!") return def callsign_lookup_callback(self, widget=None): """ Get the callsign-related data from an online database and store it in the relevant Gtk.Entry boxes, but return None. """ # Get the database name. config = configparser.ConfigParser() have_config = (config.read(expanduser('~/.config/pyqso/preferences.ini')) != []) try: if(have_config and config.has_option("records", "callsign_database")): database = config.get("records", "callsign_database") if(database == ""): raise ValueError else: raise ValueError except ValueError: error(parent=self.dialog, message="To perform a callsign lookup, please specify the name of the callsign database in the Preferences.") return try: if(database == "qrz.com"): # QRZ.com callsign_lookup = CallsignLookupQRZ(parent=self.dialog) elif(database == "hamqth.com"): # HamQTH.com callsign_lookup = CallsignLookupHamQTH(parent=self.dialog) else: raise ValueError("Unknown callsign database: %s" % database) except ValueError as e: logging.exception(e) error(parent=self.dialog, message=e) return # Get username and password from configuration file. if(have_config and config.has_option("records", "callsign_database_username") and config.has_option("records", "callsign_database_password")): username = config.get("records", "callsign_database_username") password = base64.b64decode(config.get("records", "callsign_database_password")).decode("utf-8") if(not username or not password): details_given = False else: details_given = True else: details_given = False if(not details_given): error(parent=self.dialog, message="To perform a callsign lookup, please specify your username and password in the Preferences.") return # Get the callsign from the CALL field. full_callsign = self.sources["CALL"].get_text() if(not full_callsign): # Empty callsign field. error(parent=self.dialog, message="Please enter a callsign to lookup.") return # Connect to the database. connected = callsign_lookup.connect(username, password) if(connected): # Check whether we want to ignore any prefixes (e.g. "IA/") or suffixes "(e.g. "/M") in the callsign # before performing the lookup. if(have_config and config.has_option("records", "ignore_prefix_suffix")): ignore_prefix_suffix = (config.getboolean("records", "ignore_prefix_suffix")) else: ignore_prefix_suffix = True # Perform the lookup. fields_and_data = callsign_lookup.lookup(full_callsign, ignore_prefix_suffix=ignore_prefix_suffix) for field_name in list(fields_and_data.keys()): self.sources[field_name].set_text(fields_and_data[field_name]) return def calendar_callback(self, widget): """ Open up a calendar widget for easy QSO_DATE selection. Return None after the user destroys the dialog. """ c = CalendarDialog(self.application) response = c.dialog.run() if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK): self.sources["QSO_DATE"].set_text(c.date) c.dialog.destroy() return def set_current_datetime_callback(self, widget=None): """ Insert the current date and time. """ # Check if a configuration file is present. config = configparser.ConfigParser() have_config = (config.read(expanduser('~/.config/pyqso/preferences.ini')) != []) # Do we want to use UTC or the computer's local time? (section, option) = ("records", "use_utc") if(have_config and config.has_option(section, option)): use_utc = (config.getboolean(section, option)) if(use_utc): dt = datetime.utcnow() else: dt = datetime.now() else: dt = datetime.utcnow() # Use UTC by default, since this is expected by ADIF. self.sources["QSO_DATE"].set_text(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d")) self.sources["TIME_ON"].set_text(dt.strftime("%H%M")) return def convert_frequency(self, frequency, from_unit, to_unit): """ Convert a frequency from one unit to another. :arg float frequency: The frequency to convert. :arg str from_unit: The current unit of the frequency. :arg str to_unit: The desired unit of the frequency. :rtype: float :returns: The frequency in the to_unit. """ scaling = {"Hz": 1, "kHz": 1e3, "MHz": 1e6, "GHz": 1e9} # Check that the from/to frequency units are valid. try: if(from_unit not in scaling.keys()): raise ValueError("Unknown frequency unit '%s' in from_unit" % from_unit) if(to_unit not in scaling.keys()): raise ValueError("Unknown frequency unit '%s' in to_unit" % to_unit) except ValueError as e: logging.exception(e) return frequency # Cast to float before scaling. if(not isinstance(frequency, float)): try: if(frequency == "" or frequency is None): return frequency else: frequency = float(frequency) except(ValueError, TypeError): logging.exception("Could not convert frequency to a floating-point value.") return frequency # Do not bother scaling if the units are the same. if(from_unit == to_unit): return frequency coefficient = scaling[from_unit]/scaling[to_unit] return float("%.6f" % (coefficient*frequency))