#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Christian Thomas Jacobs. # This file is part of PyQSO. # PyQSO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # PyQSO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with PyQSO. If not, see . from gi.repository import Gtk import logging import sqlite3 as sqlite import json from os.path import expanduser try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser from pyqso.adif import * from pyqso.cabrillo import * from pyqso.log import * from pyqso.auxiliary_dialogs import * from pyqso.log_name_dialog import LogNameDialog from pyqso.record_dialog import RecordDialog from pyqso.cabrillo_export_dialog import CabrilloExportDialog from pyqso.summary import Summary from pyqso.blank import Blank from pyqso.printer import Printer from pyqso.compare import compare_date_and_time, compare_default from pyqso.update_modes_dialog import UpdateModesDialog class Logbook: """ A Logbook object can store multiple Log objects. """ def __init__(self, application): """ Create a new Logbook object and initialise the list of Logs. :arg application: The PyQSO application containing the main Gtk window, etc. """ self.application = application self.builder = self.application.builder self.notebook = self.builder.get_object("logbook") self.connection = None self.logs = [] return def new(self, widget=None): """ Create a new logbook, and open it. :returns: True if the new logbook is successfully opened, and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ # Get the new file's path from a dialog. dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Create a New SQLite Database File", self.application.window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_SAVE, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) dialog.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(True) response = dialog.run() if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK): path = dialog.get_filename() else: path = None dialog.destroy() if(path is None): # If the Cancel button has been clicked, path will still be None. logging.debug("No file path specified.") return else: # Clear the contents of the file, in case the file exists already. open(path, 'w').close() # Open the new logbook, ready for use. opened = self.open(path=path) return opened def open(self, widget=None, path=None): """ Open a logbook, and render all the logs within it. :arg str path: An optional argument containing the database file location, if already known. If this is None, a file selection dialog will appear. :returns: True if the logbook is successfully opened, and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if(path is None): # If no path has been provided, get one from a "File Open" dialog. dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Open SQLite Database File", self.application.window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) response = dialog.run() if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK): path = dialog.get_filename() dialog.destroy() if(path is None): # If the Cancel button has been clicked, path will still be None. logging.debug("No file path specified.") return False connected = self.db_connect(path) if(connected): # If the connection setup was successful, then open all the logs in the database. self.path = path logging.debug("Retrieving all the logs in the logbook...") try: self.logs = self.get_logs() except (sqlite.Error, IndexError) as e: logging.exception(e) error(parent=self.application.window, message="Could not open logbook. Something went wrong when trying to retrieve the logs. Perhaps the logbook file is encrypted, corrupted, or in the wrong format?") return False logging.debug("All logs retrieved successfully.") logging.debug("Rendering logs...") # For rendering the logs. One treeview and one treeselection per Log. self.treeview = [] self.treeselection = [] self.sorter = [] self.filter = [] self.summary = Summary(self.application) self.blank = Blank(self.application) # FIXME: This is an unfortunate work-around. If the area around the "+/New Log" button # is clicked, PyQSO will change to an empty page. This signal is used to stop this from happening. self.notebook.connect("switch-page", self.on_switch_page) for i in range(len(self.logs)): self.render_log(i) logging.debug("All logs rendered successfully.") self.summary.update() self.application.toolbox.awards.count(self) context_id = self.application.statusbar.get_context_id("Status") self.application.statusbar.push(context_id, "Logbook: %s" % self.path) self.application.toolbar.set_logbook_button_sensitive(False) self.application.menu.set_logbook_item_sensitive(False) self.application.menu.set_log_items_sensitive(True) self.application.toolbar.filter_source.set_sensitive(True) self.notebook.show_all() else: logging.debug("Not connected to a logbook. No logs were opened.") return False return True def close(self, widget=None): """ Close the logbook that is currently open. :returns: True if the logbook is successfully closed, and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ disconnected = self.db_disconnect() if(disconnected): logging.debug("Closing all logs in the logbook...") while(self.notebook.get_n_pages() > 0): # Once a page is removed, the other pages get re-numbered, # so a 'for' loop isn't the best option here. self.notebook.remove_page(0) logging.debug("All logs now closed.") context_id = self.application.statusbar.get_context_id("Status") self.application.statusbar.push(context_id, "No logbook is currently open.") self.application.toolbar.set_logbook_button_sensitive(True) self.application.menu.set_logbook_item_sensitive(True) self.application.menu.set_log_items_sensitive(False) self.application.toolbar.filter_source.set_sensitive(False) else: logging.debug("Unable to disconnect from the database. No logs were closed.") return False return True def db_connect(self, path): """ Create an SQL database connection to the Logbook's data source. :arg str path: The path of the database file. """ logging.debug("Attempting to connect to the logbook database...") # Try setting up the SQL database connection. try: self.db_disconnect() # Destroy any existing connections first. self.connection = sqlite.connect(path) self.connection.row_factory = sqlite.Row except sqlite.Error as e: # Cannot connect to the database. logging.exception(e) error(parent=self.application.window, message="Cannot connect to the database. Check file permissions?") return False logging.debug("Database connection created successfully!") return True def db_disconnect(self): """ Destroy the connection to the Logbook's data source. :returns: True if the connection was successfully destroyed, and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ logging.debug("Cleaning up any existing database connections...") if(self.connection): try: self.connection.close() except sqlite.Error as e: logging.exception(e) return False else: logging.debug("Already disconnected. Nothing to do here.") return True def on_switch_page(self, widget, label, new_page): """ Handle a tab/page change, and enable/disable the relevant Record-related buttons. """ if(new_page == self.notebook.get_n_pages()-1): # The last (right-most) tab is the "New Log" tab. self.notebook.stop_emission("switch-page") # Disable the record buttons if a log page is not selected. if(new_page == 0): self.application.toolbar.set_record_buttons_sensitive(False) self.application.menu.set_record_items_sensitive(False) else: self.application.toolbar.set_record_buttons_sensitive(True) self.application.menu.set_record_items_sensitive(True) return def on_button_release_event(self, treeview, event): """ Show a popup menu when the user right-clicks a record in the logbook. """ if(event.button == 3): self.application.popup.menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event.button, event.time) self.application.popup.menu.show_all() return True def new_log(self, widget=None): """ Create a new log in the logbook. """ if(self.connection is None): return exists = True ln = LogNameDialog(self.application) while(exists): response = ln.dialog.run() if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK): log_name = ln.name try: with self.connection: c = self.connection.cursor() # NOTE: "id" is simply an alias for the "rowid" column here. query = "CREATE TABLE %s (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT" % log_name for field_name in AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAMES_ORDERED: s = ", %s TEXT" % field_name.lower() query = query + s query = query + ")" c.execute(query) exists = False except sqlite.Error as e: logging.exception(e) # Data is not valid - inform the user. error(parent=ln.dialog, message="Database error. Try another log name.") exists = True else: ln.dialog.destroy() return ln.dialog.destroy() # Instantiate and populate a new Log object. l = Log(self.connection, log_name) l.populate() self.logs.append(l) self.render_log(self.log_count-1) self.summary.update() self.notebook.set_current_page(self.log_count) return def delete_log(self, widget, page=None): """ Delete the log that is currently selected in the logbook. :arg Gtk.Widget page: An optional argument corresponding to the currently-selected page/tab. """ if(self.connection is None): return if(page is None): page_index = self.notebook.get_current_page() # Get the index of the selected tab in the logbook. if(page_index == 0): # If we are on the Summary page... logging.debug("No log currently selected!") return else: page = self.notebook.get_nth_page(page_index) # Get the Gtk.VBox of the selected tab in the logbook. log_index = self.get_log_index(name=page.get_name()) log = self.logs[log_index] # We also need the page's index in order to remove it using remove_page below. # This may not be the same as what get_current_page() returns. page_index = self.notebook.page_num(page) if(page_index == 0 or page_index == self.notebook.get_n_pages()-1): # Only the "New Log" tab is present (i.e. no actual logs in the logbook). logging.debug("No logs to delete!") return response = question(parent=self.application.window, message="Are you sure you want to delete log %s?" % log.name) if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.YES): try: with self.connection: c = self.connection.cursor() c.execute("DROP TABLE %s" % log.name) except sqlite.Error as e: logging.exception(e) error(parent=self.application.window, message="Database error. Could not delete the log.") return self.logs.pop(log_index) # Remove the log from the renderers too. self.treeview.pop(log_index) self.treeselection.pop(log_index) self.sorter.pop(log_index) self.filter.pop(log_index) # And finally remove the tab in the Logbook. self.notebook.set_current_page(page_index - 1) self.notebook.remove_page(page_index) self.summary.update() self.application.toolbox.awards.count(self) return def filter_logs(self, widget=None): """ Re-filter all the logs when the user-defined expression is changed. """ for i in range(0, len(self.filter)): self.filter[i].refilter() return def filter_by_callsign(self, model, iter, data): """ Filter all the logs in the logbook by the callsign field, based on a user-defined expression. :arg Gtk.TreeModel model: The model used to filter the log data. :arg Gtk.TreeIter iter: A pointer to a particular row in the model. :arg data: The user-defined expression to filter by. :returns: True if a record matches the expression, or if there is nothing to filter. Otherwise, returns False. :rtype: bool """ value = model.get_value(iter, 1) callsign = self.application.toolbar.filter_source.get_text() if(callsign is None or callsign == ""): # If there is nothing to filter with, then show all the records! return True else: # This should be case insensitive. # Also, we could use value[:][0:len(callsign))] if we wanted to match from the very start of each callsign. return callsign.upper() in value or callsign.lower() in value def render_log(self, index): """ Render a Log in the Gtk.Notebook. :arg int index: The index of the Log (in the list of Logs) to render. """ self.filter.append(self.logs[index].filter_new(root=None)) # Set the callsign column as the column we want to filter by. self.filter[index].set_visible_func(self.filter_by_callsign, data=None) self.sorter.append(Gtk.TreeModelSort(model=self.filter[index])) self.sorter[index].set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING) self.treeview.append(Gtk.TreeView(model=self.sorter[index])) self.treeview[index].set_grid_lines(Gtk.TreeViewGridLines.BOTH) self.treeview[index].connect("row-activated", self.edit_record_callback) self.treeview[index].connect("button-release-event", self.on_button_release_event) self.treeselection.append(self.treeview[index].get_selection()) self.treeselection[index].set_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE) # Allow the Log to be scrolled up/down. sw = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.ETCHED_IN) sw.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) sw.add(self.treeview[index]) vbox = Gtk.VBox() vbox.set_name(self.logs[index].name) # Set a name for the tab itself so we can match it up with the associated Log object later. vbox.pack_start(sw, True, True, 0) # Add a close button to the tab hbox = Gtk.HBox(homogeneous=False, spacing=0) label = Gtk.Label(label=self.logs[index].name) hbox.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) hbox.show_all() self.notebook.insert_page(vbox, hbox, index+1) # Append the new log as a new tab. # The first column of the logbook will always be the unique record index. # Let's append this separately to the field names. renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Index", renderer, text=0) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_min_width(50) column.set_clickable(True) column.set_sort_order(Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING) column.set_sort_indicator(True) column.connect("clicked", self.sort_log, 0) self.treeview[index].append_column(column) # Set up column names for each selected field field_names = AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAMES_ORDERED for i in range(0, len(field_names)): renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() # Keep each row to a single line. renderer.set_property("single-paragraph-mode", True) column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAMES_FRIENDLY[field_names[i]], renderer, text=i+1) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_min_width(50) column.set_clickable(True) # Special cases if(field_names[i] == "NOTES"): # Give the 'Notes' column some extra space, since this is likely to contain some long sentences ... column.set_min_width(300) # ... but not too much extra space ... column.set_max_width(600) # ... and don't let the column automatically re-size itself. column.set_sizing(Gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing.FIXED) column.connect("clicked", self.sort_log, i+1) config = configparser.ConfigParser() have_config = (config.read(expanduser('~/.config/pyqso/preferences.ini')) != []) (section, option) = ("view", AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAMES_ORDERED[i].lower()) if(have_config and config.has_option(section, option)): column.set_visible(config.getboolean(section, option)) self.treeview[index].append_column(column) self.notebook.show_all() return def sort_log(self, widget, column_index): """ Sort the log (that is currently selected) with respect to a given field. :arg int column_index: The index of the column to sort by. """ log_index = self.get_log_index() column = self.treeview[log_index].get_column(column_index) if(AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAMES_ORDERED[column_index-1] == "QSO_DATE"): # If the field being sorted is the QSO_DATE, then also sort by the TIME_ON field so we get the # correct chronological order. # Note: This assumes that the TIME_ON field is always immediately to the right of the QSO_DATE field. self.sorter[log_index].set_sort_func(column_index, compare_date_and_time, user_data=[column_index, column_index+1]) else: self.sorter[log_index].set_sort_func(column_index, compare_default, user_data=column_index) # If we are operating on the currently-sorted column... if(self.sorter[log_index].get_sort_column_id()[0] == column_index): order = column.get_sort_order() # ...then check if we need to reverse the order of searching. if(order == Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING): self.sorter[log_index].set_sort_column_id(column_index, Gtk.SortType.DESCENDING) column.set_sort_order(Gtk.SortType.DESCENDING) else: self.sorter[log_index].set_sort_column_id(column_index, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING) column.set_sort_order(Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING) else: # Otherwise, change to the new sorted column. Default to ASCENDING order. self.sorter[log_index].set_sort_column_id(column_index, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING) column.set_sort_order(Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING) # Show an arrow pointing in the direction of the sorting. # (First we need to remove the arrow from the previously-sorted column. # Since we don't know which one that was, just remove the arrow from all columns # and start again. This only loops over a few dozen columns at most, so # hopefully it won't take too much time.) for i in range(0, len(AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAMES_ORDERED)): column = self.treeview[log_index].get_column(i) column.set_sort_indicator(False) column = self.treeview[log_index].get_column(column_index) column.set_sort_indicator(True) return def rename_log(self, widget=None): """ Rename the log that is currently selected. """ if(self.connection is None): return page_index = self.notebook.get_current_page() if(page_index == 0): # If we are on the Summary page... logging.debug("No log currently selected!") return page = self.notebook.get_nth_page(page_index) # Get the Gtk.VBox of the selected tab in the logbook. old_log_name = page.get_name() log_index = self.get_log_index(name=old_log_name) success = False ln = LogNameDialog(self.application, title="Rename Log", name=old_log_name) while(not success): response = ln.dialog.run() if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK): new_log_name = ln.name success = self.logs[log_index].rename(new_log_name) if(success): ln.dialog.destroy() else: # Unsuccessful rename attempt. Inform the user. error(parent=ln.dialog, message="Database error. Try another log name.") else: ln.dialog.destroy() return # Remember to change the page's name ... page.set_name(new_log_name) # ... and update the tab's label. hbox = Gtk.HBox(homogeneous=False, spacing=0) label = Gtk.Label(label=new_log_name) hbox.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) hbox.show_all() self.notebook.set_tab_label(page, hbox) # The number of logs will obviously stay the same, but # we want to update the logbook's modification date. self.summary.update() return def import_log(self, widget=None): """ Import a log from an ADIF file. """ # Get the path to the ADIF file. dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Import ADIF Log File", self.application.window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) filter = Gtk.FileFilter() filter.set_name("All ADIF files (*.adi, *.ADI)") filter.add_pattern("*.adi") filter.add_pattern("*.ADI") dialog.add_filter(filter) filter = Gtk.FileFilter() filter.set_name("All files") filter.add_pattern("*") dialog.add_filter(filter) response = dialog.run() if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK): path = dialog.get_filename() else: path = None dialog.destroy() if(path is None): logging.debug("No file path specified.") return # Read the records. adif = ADIF() try: records = adif.read(path) except IOError as e: error(parent=self.application.window, message="Could not import the log. I/O error %d: %s" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) return except Exception as e: error(parent=self.application.window, message="Could not import the log.") logging.exception(e) return # Get the new log's name (or the name of the existing log the user wants to import into). ln = LogNameDialog(self.application, title="Import Log") while(True): response = ln.dialog.run() if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK): log_name = ln.name # Check if the log name exists. try: exists = self.log_name_exists(log_name) except (sqlite.Error, IndexError) as e: # Could not determine if the log name exists. It's safer to stop here than to try to add a new log. logging.exception(e) error(parent=ln.dialog, message="Database error. Could not check if the log name exists.") ln.dialog.destroy() return if(exists): # Import into existing log. l = self.logs[self.get_log_index(name=log_name)] response = question(parent=ln.dialog, message="Are you sure you want to import into an existing log?") if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.YES): break else: # Create a new log with the name the user supplies. try: with self.connection: c = self.connection.cursor() query = "CREATE TABLE %s (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT" % log_name for field_name in AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAMES_ORDERED: s = ", %s TEXT" % field_name.lower() query = query + s query = query + ")" c.execute(query) l = Log(self.connection, log_name) break except sqlite.Error as e: logging.exception(e) # Data is not valid - inform the user. error(parent=ln.dialog, message="Database error. Try another log name.") else: ln.dialog.destroy() return ln.dialog.destroy() # Update new or existing Log object. l.add_record(records) l.populate() if(not exists): self.logs.append(l) self.render_log(self.log_count-1) # Update statistics, etc. self.summary.update() self.application.toolbox.awards.count(self) info(parent=self.application.window, message="Imported %d QSOs into log '%s'." % (len(records), l.name)) return def export_log_adif(self, widget=None): """ Export the log (that is currently selected) to an ADIF file. """ # Get the index of the selected tab in the logbook. try: log_index = self.get_log_index() if(log_index is None): raise ValueError("The log index could not be determined. Perhaps the Summary page is selected?") except ValueError as e: error(parent=self.application.window, message=e) return log = self.logs[log_index] dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Export Log as ADIF", self.application.window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_SAVE, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) dialog.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(True) filter = Gtk.FileFilter() filter.set_name("All ADIF files (*.adi, *.ADI)") filter.add_pattern("*.adi") filter.add_pattern("*.ADI") dialog.add_filter(filter) filter = Gtk.FileFilter() filter.set_name("All files") filter.add_pattern("*") dialog.add_filter(filter) response = dialog.run() if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK): path = dialog.get_filename() else: path = None dialog.destroy() if(path is None): logging.debug("No file path specified.") else: # Retrieve the log's records from the database. try: records = log.records except sqlite.Error as e: logging.exception(e) error(parent=self.application.window, message="Could not retrieve the records from the SQL database. No records have been exported.") return # Write the records. adif = ADIF() try: adif.write(records, path) info(parent=self.application.window, message="Exported %d QSOs to %s in ADIF format." % (len(records), path)) except IOError as e: error(parent=self.application.window, message="Could not export the records. I/O error %d: %s" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) except Exception as e: # All other exceptions. logging.exception(e) error(parent=self.application.window, message="Could not export the records.") return def export_log_cabrillo(self, widget=None): """ Export the log (that is currently selected) to a Cabrillo file. """ # Get the index of the selected tab in the logbook. try: log_index = self.get_log_index() if(log_index is None): raise ValueError("The log index could not be determined. Perhaps the Summary page is selected?") except ValueError as e: error(parent=self.application.window, message=e) return log = self.logs[log_index] dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Export Log as Cabrillo", self.application.window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_SAVE, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) dialog.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(True) filter = Gtk.FileFilter() filter.set_name("All Cabrillo files (*.log, *.LOG)") filter.add_pattern("*.log") filter.add_pattern("*.LOG") dialog.add_filter(filter) filter = Gtk.FileFilter() filter.set_name("All files") filter.add_pattern("*") dialog.add_filter(filter) response = dialog.run() if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK): path = dialog.get_filename() else: path = None dialog.destroy() if(path is None): logging.debug("No file path specified.") else: # Get Cabrillo-specific fields, such as the callsign used during a contest and the contest's name. ced = CabrilloExportDialog(self.application) response = ced.dialog.run() if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK): contest = ced.contest mycall = ced.mycall else: ced.dialog.destroy() return ced.dialog.destroy() # Retrieve the log's records from the database. try: records = log.records except sqlite.Error as e: logging.exception(e) error(parent=self.application.window, message="Could not retrieve the records from the SQL database. No records have been exported.") return # Write the records. cabrillo = Cabrillo() try: cabrillo.write(records, path, contest=contest, mycall=mycall) info(parent=self.application.window, message="Exported %d QSOs to %s in Cabrillo format." % (len(records), path)) except IOError as e: error(parent=self.application.window, message="Could not export the records. I/O error %d: %s" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) except Exception as e: # All other exceptions. logging.exception(e) error(parent=self.application.window, message="Could not export the records.") return def print_log(self, widget=None): """ Print all the records in the log (that is currently selected). Note that only a few important fields are printed because of the restricted width of the page. """ # Get the index of the selected tab in the logbook. try: log_index = self.get_log_index() if(log_index is None): raise ValueError("The log index could not be determined. Perhaps the Summary page is selected?") except ValueError as e: error(parent=self.application.window, message=e) return log = self.logs[log_index] # Retrieve the records. try: records = log.records except sqlite.Error as e: logging.exception(e) error(parent=self.application.window, message="Could not retrieve the records from the SQL database. No records have been printed.") return # Print the records. printer = Printer(self.application) printer.print_records(records, title="Log: %s" % log.name) return def add_record_callback(self, widget): """ A callback function used to add a particular record/QSO. """ # Get the index of the selected tab in the logbook. try: log_index = self.get_log_index() if(log_index is None): raise ValueError("The log index could not be determined. Perhaps the Summary page is selected?") except ValueError as e: error(parent=self.application.window, message=e) return log = self.logs[log_index] # Keep the dialog open after adding a record? config = configparser.ConfigParser() have_config = (config.read(expanduser('~/.config/pyqso/preferences.ini')) != []) (section, option) = ("general", "keep_open") if(have_config and config.has_option(section, option)): keep_open = config.getboolean("general", "keep_open") else: keep_open = False adif = ADIF() exit = False while not exit: rd = RecordDialog(application=self.application, log=log, index=None) all_valid = False # Are all the field entries valid? # Shall we exit the while loop (and therefore close the Add Record dialog)? if keep_open: exit = False else: exit = True while not all_valid: # This while loop gives the user infinite attempts at giving valid data. # The add/edit record window will stay open until the user gives valid data, # or until the Cancel button is clicked. all_valid = True response = rd.dialog.run() if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK): fields_and_data = {} field_names = AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAMES_ORDERED for i in range(0, len(field_names)): # Validate user input. fields_and_data[field_names[i]] = rd.get_data(field_names[i]) if(not(adif.is_valid(field_names[i], fields_and_data[field_names[i]], AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAMES_TYPES[field_names[i]]))): # Data is not valid - inform the user. error(parent=rd.dialog, message="The data in field \"%s\" is not valid!" % field_names[i]) all_valid = False break # Don't check the other data until the user has fixed the current one. if(all_valid): # All data has been validated, so we can go ahead and add the new record. try: log.add_record(fields_and_data) except (sqlite.Error, IndexError) as e: logging.exception(e) error(parent=self.application.window, message="Could not add the record to the log.") # Scroll to the new record's row in the treeview (but don't select it). try: record_count = log.record_count treepath = Gtk.TreePath(record_count-1) self.treeview[log_index].scroll_to_cell(treepath) except (sqlite.Error, IndexError) as e: logging.exception(e) # Update summary, etc. self.summary.update() self.application.toolbox.awards.count(self) else: exit = True break rd.dialog.destroy() return def delete_record_callback(self, widget): """ A callback function used to delete a particular record/QSO. """ # Get the log index. try: log_index = self.get_log_index() if(log_index is None): raise ValueError("The log index could not be determined. Perhaps the Summary page is selected?") except ValueError as e: error(parent=self.application.window, message=e) return log = self.logs[log_index] (sort_model, path) = self.treeselection[log_index].get_selected_rows() # Get the selected row in the log. try: sort_iter = sort_model.get_iter(path[0]) filter_iter = self.sorter[log_index].convert_iter_to_child_iter(sort_iter) # ...and the ListStore model (i.e. the log) is a child of the filter model. child_iter = self.filter[log_index].convert_iter_to_child_iter(filter_iter) row_index = log.get_value(child_iter, 0) except IndexError: logging.debug("Trying to delete a record, but there are no records in the log!") return response = question(parent=self.application.window, message="Are you sure you want to delete record %d?" % row_index) if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.YES): # Deletes the record with index 'row_index' from the Records list. # 'iter' is needed to remove the record from the ListStore itself. try: log.delete_record(row_index, iter=child_iter) except (sqlite.Error, IndexError) as e: logging.exception(e) error(parent=self.application.window, message="Could not delete the record from the log.") # Update summary, etc. self.summary.update() self.application.toolbox.awards.count(self) return def edit_record_callback(self, widget, path=None, view_column=None): """ A callback function used to edit a particular record/QSO. Note that the widget, path and view_column arguments are not used, but need to be passed in since they are associated with the row-activated signal which is generated when the user double-clicks on a record. """ # Get the log index. try: log_index = self.get_log_index() if(log_index is None): raise ValueError("The log index could not be determined. Perhaps the Summary page is selected?") except ValueError as e: error(parent=self.application.window, message=e) return log = self.logs[log_index] (sort_model, path) = self.treeselection[log_index].get_selected_rows() # Get the selected row in the log. try: sort_iter = sort_model.get_iter(path[0]) filter_iter = self.sorter[log_index].convert_iter_to_child_iter(sort_iter) # ...and the ListStore model (i.e. the log) is a child of the filter model. child_iter = self.filter[log_index].convert_iter_to_child_iter(filter_iter) row_index = log.get_value(child_iter, 0) except IndexError: logging.debug("Could not find the selected row's index!") return rd = RecordDialog(application=self.application, log=self.logs[log_index], index=row_index) all_valid = False # Are all the field entries valid? adif = ADIF() while(not all_valid): # This while loop gives the user infinite attempts at giving valid data. # The add/edit record window will stay open until the user gives valid data, # or until the Cancel button is clicked. all_valid = True response = rd.dialog.run() if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK): fields_and_data = {} field_names = AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAMES_ORDERED for i in range(0, len(field_names)): # Validate user input. fields_and_data[field_names[i]] = rd.get_data(field_names[i]) if(not(adif.is_valid(field_names[i], fields_and_data[field_names[i]], AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAMES_TYPES[field_names[i]]))): # Data is not valid - inform the user. error(parent=rd.dialog, message="The data in field \"%s\" is not valid!" % field_names[i]) all_valid = False break # Don't check the other fields until the user has fixed the current field's data. if(all_valid): try: # Get the record in its current state from the database. record = log.get_record_by_index(row_index) # Iterate over all fields and check whether the data has actually changed. Database updates can be expensive. for i in range(0, len(field_names)): if(record[field_names[i].lower()] != fields_and_data[field_names[i]]): # Update the record in the database and then in the ListStore. # We add 1 onto the column_index here because we don't want to consider the index column. log.edit_record(row_index, field_names[i], fields_and_data[field_names[i]], iter=child_iter, column_index=i+1) except(sqlite.Error, IndexError) as e: logging.exception(e) error(parent=rd.dialog, message="Could not edit record %d." % row_index) # Update summary, etc. self.summary.update() self.application.toolbox.awards.count(self) rd.dialog.destroy() return def remove_duplicates_callback(self, widget=None): """ A callback function used to remove duplicate records in a log. Detecting duplicate records is done based on the CALL, QSO_DATE, and TIME_ON fields. """ logging.debug("Removing duplicate records...") # Get the log index. try: log_index = self.get_log_index() if(log_index is None): raise ValueError("The log index could not be determined. Perhaps the Summary page is selected?") except ValueError as e: error(parent=self.application.window, message=e) return log = self.logs[log_index] (number_of_duplicates, number_of_duplicates_removed) = log.remove_duplicates() info(parent=self.application.window, message="Found %d duplicate(s). Successfully removed %d duplicate(s)." % (number_of_duplicates, number_of_duplicates_removed)) if(number_of_duplicates_removed > 0): # Update statistics. self.summary.update() self.application.toolbox.awards.count(self) return def record_count_callback(self, widget=None): """ A callback function used to show the record count for the selected log. """ # Get the log index. try: log_index = self.get_log_index() if(log_index is None): raise ValueError("The log index could not be determined. Perhaps the Summary page is selected?") except ValueError as e: error(parent=self.application.window, message=e) return # Get the number of records. log = self.logs[log_index] try: record_count = log.record_count info(parent=self.application.window, message="Log '%s' contains %d records." % (log.name, record_count)) except sqlite.Error as e: logging.exception(e) error(parent=self.application.window, message="Could not get the record count for '%s' because of a database error." % log.name) return def pinpoint_callback(self, widget=None, path=None): """ A callback function used to pinpoint the callsign on the world map. """ try: log_index = self.get_log_index() row_index = self.get_record_index() if(log_index is None or row_index is None): raise ValueError("Could not determine the log and/or record index.") r = self.logs[log_index].get_record_by_index(row_index) except ValueError as e: logging.error(e) return self.application.toolbox.world_map.pinpoint(r) return def copy_callback(self, widget=None, path=None): """ A callback function used to copy selected logs. """ try: log_index = self.get_log_index() row_index = self.get_record_index() if(log_index is None or row_index is None): raise ValueError("Could not determine the log and/or record index.") r = self.logs[log_index].get_record_by_index(row_index) except ValueError as e: logging.error(e) return d = {} for key in r.keys(): d[key.upper()] = r[key] j = json.dumps(d) self.application.clipboard.set_text(j, len(j)) return def clipboard_text_received(self, clipboard, text, log): r = json.loads(text) log.add_record(r) return def paste_callback(self, widget=None, path=None): """ A callback function used to paste selected logs. """ try: log_index = self.get_log_index() if(log_index is None): raise ValueError("Could not determine the log index.") l = self.logs[log_index] except ValueError as e: logging.error(e) return self.application.clipboard.request_text(self.clipboard_text_received, l) return def update_modes_callback(self, widget=None, path=None): umd = UpdateModesDialog(self.application) response = umd.dialog.run() if(response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK): modes = Modes() modes.update(url=umd.url) umd.dialog.destroy() return @property def log_count(self): """ Return the total number of logs in the logbook. :returns: The total number of logs in the logbook. :rtype: int """ return len(self.logs) @property def record_count(self): """ Return the total number of QSOs/records in the whole logbook. :returns: The total number of QSOs/records in the whole logbook. :rtype: int """ return sum([log.record_count for log in self.logs]) def log_name_exists(self, table_name): """ Determine whether a Log object with a given name exists in the SQL database. :arg str table_name: The name of the log (i.e. the name of the table in the SQL database). :returns: True if the log name already exists in the logbook; False if it does not already exist. :rtype: bool :raises sqlite.Error: If a database error occurs. """ with self.connection: c = self.connection.cursor() c.execute("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE name=?)", [table_name]) exists = c.fetchone() if(exists[0] == 1): return True else: return False def get_log_index(self, name=None): """ Given the name of a log, return its index in the list of Log objects. :arg str name: The name of the log. If None, use the name of the currently-selected log. :returns: The index of the named log in the list of Log objects. Returns None if the log cannot be found. :rtype: int """ if(name is None): # If no page name is supplied, then just use the currently selected page. page_index = self.notebook.get_current_page() # Get the index of the selected tab in the logbook. if(page_index == 0 or page_index == self.notebook.get_n_pages()-1): # We either have the Summary page, or the "+" (add log) blank/dummy page. logging.debug("No log currently selected!") return None name = self.notebook.get_nth_page(page_index).get_name() # If a page of the logbook (and therefore a Log object) gets deleted, # then the page_index may not correspond to the index of the log in the self.logs list. # Therefore, we have to search for the tab with the same name as the log. log_index = None for i in range(0, len(self.logs)): if(self.logs[i].name == name): log_index = i break return log_index def get_record_index(self): """ Return the index of the currently selected record. :returns: The index of the currently selected record in the currently selected log. Returns None if the record or log cannot be found. :rtype: int """ # Get the index of the selected log. try: log_index = self.get_log_index() if(log_index is None): raise ValueError("The log index could not be determined. Perhaps the Summary page is selected?") except ValueError as e: logging.error(e) return None log = self.logs[log_index] # Get the selected row in the log. (sort_model, path) = self.treeselection[log_index].get_selected_rows() try: sort_iter = sort_model.get_iter(path[0]) filter_iter = self.sorter[log_index].convert_iter_to_child_iter(sort_iter) # ...and the ListStore model (i.e. the log) is a child of the filter model. child_iter = self.filter[log_index].convert_iter_to_child_iter(filter_iter) row_index = log.get_value(child_iter, 0) except IndexError: logging.error("Could not find the selected row's index!") return None return row_index def get_logs(self): """ Retrieve all the logs in the logbook file, and create Log objects that represent them. :returns: A list containing all the logs in the logbook. :rtype: list :raises sqlite.Error: If the log names could not be determined from the sqlite_master table in the database. """ logs = [] with self.connection: c = self.connection.cursor() c.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name NOT GLOB 'sqlite_*'") for name in c: l = Log(self.connection, name[0]) l.populate() logs.append(l) return logs