
375 wiersze
14 KiB

import random
from .EmbThread import EmbThread
from .EmbEncoder import Transcoder as Normalizer
from .EmbConstant import *
class EmbPattern:
def __init__(self):
self.stitches = [] # type: list
self.threadlist = [] # type: list
self.extras = {}
# filename, name, category, author, keywords, comments, are typical
self._previousX = 0 # type: float
self._previousY = 0 # type: float
def move(self, dx=0, dy=0):
"""Move dx, dy"""
self.add_stitch_relative(JUMP, dx, dy)
def move_abs(self, x, y):
"""Move absolute x, y"""
self.add_stitch_absolute(JUMP, x, y)
def stitch(self, dx=0, dy=0):
"""Stitch dx, dy"""
self.add_stitch_relative(STITCH, dx, dy)
def stitch_abs(self, x, y):
"""Stitch absolute x, y"""
self.add_stitch_absolute(STITCH, x, y)
def stop(self, dx=0, dy=0):
"""Stop dx, dy"""
self.add_stitch_relative(STOP, dx, dy)
def trim(self, dx=0, dy=0):
"""Trim dx, dy"""
self.add_stitch_relative(TRIM, dx, dy)
def color_change(self, dx=0, dy=0):
"""Color Change dx, dy"""
self.add_stitch_relative(COLOR_CHANGE, dx, dy)
def sequin_eject(self, dx=0, dy=0):
"""Eject Sequin dx, dy"""
self.add_stitch_relative(SEQUIN_EJECT, dx, dy)
def sequin_mode(self, dx=0, dy=0):
"""Eject Sequin dx, dy"""
self.add_stitch_relative(SEQUIN_MODE, dx, dy)
def end(self, dx=0, dy=0):
"""End Design dx, dy"""
self.add_stitch_relative(END, dx, dy)
def add_thread(self, thread):
"""Adds thread to design.
Note: this has no effect on stitching and can be done at any point."""
if isinstance(thread, EmbThread):
elif isinstance(thread, int):
thread_object = EmbThread()
thread_object.color = thread
elif isinstance(thread, dict):
thread_object = EmbThread()
if "name" in thread:
thread_object.description = thread["name"]
if "description" in thread:
thread_object.description = thread["description"]
if "desc" in thread:
thread_object.description = thread["desc"]
if "brand" in thread:
thread_object.brand = thread["brand"]
if "manufacturer" in thread:
thread_object.brand = thread["manufacturer"]
if "color" in thread or "rgb" in thread:
color = thread["color"]
except KeyError:
color = thread["rgb"]
if isinstance(color, int):
thread_object.color = thread["color"]
elif isinstance(color, str):
if color == "random":
thread_object.color = 0xFF000000 | random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF)
if color[0:1] == "#":
elif isinstance(color, tuple) or isinstance(color, list):
thread_object.color = (color[0] & 0xFF) << 16 | \
(color[1] & 0xFF) << 8 | \
(color[2] & 0xFF)
if "hex" in thread:
if "id" in thread:
thread_object.catalog_number = thread["id"]
if "catalog" in thread:
thread_object.catalog_number = thread["catalog"]
def metadata(self, name, data):
"""Adds select metadata to design.
Note: this has no effect on stitching and can be done at any point."""
self.extras[name] = data
def get_metadata(self, name, default=None):
return self.extras.get(name, default)
def extends(self):
min_x = float('inf')
min_y = float('inf')
max_x = -float('inf')
max_y = -float('inf')
for stitch in self.stitches:
if stitch[0] > max_x:
max_x = stitch[0]
if stitch[0] < min_x:
min_x = stitch[0]
if stitch[1] > max_y:
max_y = stitch[1]
if stitch[1] < min_y:
min_y = stitch[1]
return min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y
def count_stitch_commands(self, command):
count = 0
for stitch in self.stitches:
flags = stitch[2]
if flags == command:
count += 1
return count
def count_color_changes(self):
return self.count_stitch_commands(COLOR_CHANGE)
def count_stitches(self):
return len(self.stitches)
def count_threads(self):
return len(self.threadlist)
def get_random_thread():
thread = EmbThread()
thread.color = 0xFF000000 | random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF)
thread.description = "Random"
return thread
def get_thread_or_filler(self, index):
if len(self.threadlist) <= index:
return self.get_random_thread()
return self.threadlist[index]
def get_as_stitchblock(self):
stitchblock = []
thread = self.get_thread_or_filler(0)
thread_index = 1
for stitch in self.stitches:
flags = stitch[2]
if flags == STITCH:
if len(stitchblock) > 0:
yield (stitchblock, thread)
stitchblock = []
if flags == COLOR_CHANGE:
thread = self.get_thread_or_filler(thread_index)
thread_index += 1
if len(stitchblock) > 0:
yield (stitchblock, thread)
def get_as_command_blocks(self):
last_pos = 0
last_command = NO_COMMAND
for pos, stitch in enumerate(self.stitches):
command = stitch[2]
if command == last_command or last_command == NO_COMMAND:
last_command = command
last_command = command
yield self.stitches[last_pos:pos]
last_pos = pos
yield self.stitches[last_pos:]
def get_as_colorblocks(self):
thread_index = 0
last_pos = 0
for pos, stitch in enumerate(self.stitches):
if stitch[2] != COLOR_CHANGE:
thread = self.get_thread_or_filler(thread_index)
thread_index += 1
yield (self.stitches[last_pos:pos], thread)
last_pos = pos
thread = self.get_thread_or_filler(thread_index)
yield (self.stitches[last_pos:], thread)
def get_unique_threadlist(self):
return set(self.threadlist)
def get_singleton_threadlist(self):
singleton = []
last_thread = None
for thread in self.threadlist:
if thread != last_thread:
last_thread = thread
return singleton
def move_center_to_origin(self):
extends = self.extends()
cx = round((extends[2] - extends[0]) / 2.0)
cy = round((extends[3] - extends[1]) / 2.0)
self.translate(-cx, -cy)
def translate(self, dx, dy):
for stitch in self.stitches:
stitch[0] += dx
stitch[1] += dy
def fix_color_count(self):
"""Ensure the there are threads for all color blocks."""
thread_index = 0
init_color = True
for stitch in self.stitches:
data = stitch[2] & COMMAND_MASK
if data == STITCH or data == SEW_TO or data == NEEDLE_AT:
if init_color:
thread_index += 1
init_color = False
elif data == COLOR_CHANGE or data == COLOR_BREAK:
init_color = True
while len(self.threadlist) < thread_index:
def add_stitch_absolute(self, cmd, x=0, y=0):
"""Add a command at the absolute location: x, y"""
self.stitches.append([x, y, cmd])
self._previousX = x
self._previousY = y
def add_stitch_relative(self, cmd, dx=0, dy=0):
"""Add a command relative to the previous location"""
x = self._previousX + dx
y = self._previousY + dy
self.add_stitch_absolute(cmd, x, y)
def add_command(self, cmd, x=0, y=0):
"""Add a command, without treating parameters as locations
that require an update"""
self.stitches.append([x, y, cmd])
def add_stitchblock(self, stitchblock):
threadlist = self.threadlist
block = stitchblock[0]
thread = stitchblock[1]
if len(threadlist) == 0 or thread is not threadlist[-1]:
for stitch in block:
self.add_stitch_absolute(stitch.command, stitch.x, stitch.y)
except AttributeError:
self.add_stitch_absolute(stitch[2], stitch[0], stitch[1])
def get_pattern_interpolate_trim(self, jumps_to_require_trim):
"""Gets a processed pattern with untrimmed jumps merged
and trims added if merged jumps are beyond the given value.
The expectation is that it has core commands and not
middle-level commands"""
new_pattern = EmbPattern()
i = -1
ie = len(self.stitches) - 1
count = 0
trimmed = True
while i < ie:
i += 1
stitch = self.stitches[i]
command = stitch[2]
if command == STITCH or command == SEQUIN_EJECT:
trimmed = False
elif command == COLOR_CHANGE or command == TRIM:
trimmed = True
if trimmed or stitch[2] != JUMP:
while i < ie and command == JUMP:
i += 1
stitch = self.stitches[i]
command = stitch[2]
count += 1
if command != JUMP:
i -= 1
stitch = self.stitches[i]
if count >= jumps_to_require_trim:
count = 0
return new_pattern
def get_pattern_merge_jumps(self):
"""Returns a pattern with all multiple jumps merged."""
new_pattern = EmbPattern()
i = -1
ie = len(self.stitches) - 1
stitch_break = False
while i < ie:
i += 1
stitch = self.stitches[i]
if stitch[2] == JUMP:
if stitch_break:
stitch_break = True
return new_pattern
def get_stable_pattern(self):
"""Gets a stablized version of the pattern."""
stable_pattern = EmbPattern()
for stitchblock in self.get_as_stitchblock():
return stable_pattern
def get_normalized_pattern(self, encode_settings=None):
normal_pattern = EmbPattern()
transcoder = Normalizer(encode_settings)
transcoder.transcode(self, normal_pattern)
return normal_pattern
def append_translation(self, x, y):
"""Appends translation to the pattern.
All commands will be translated by the given amount,
including absolute location commands."""
self.add_stitch_relative(MATRIX_TRANSLATE, x, y, )
def append_enable_tie_on(self, x=0, y=0):
"""Appends enable tie on.
All starts of new stitching will be tied on"""
self.add_stitch_relative(OPTION_ENABLE_TIE_ON, x, y)
def append_enable_tie_off(self, x=0, y=0):
"""Appends enable tie off.
All ends of stitching will be tied off"""
self.add_stitch_relative(OPTION_ENABLE_TIE_OFF, x, y)
def append_disable_tie_on(self, x=0, y=0):
"""Appends disable tie on.
New stitching will no longer be tied on"""
self.add_stitch_relative(OPTION_DISABLE_TIE_ON, x, y)
def append_disable_tie_off(self, x=0, y=0):
"""Appends enable tie off.
Ends of stitching will no longer be tied off"""
self.add_stitch_relative(OPTION_DISABLE_TIE_OFF, x, y)