import pyembroidery from pyembroidery import ( CONTINGENCY_SEQUIN_UTILIZE, decode_embroidery_command, STITCH, COLOR_CHANGE, NEEDLE_SET, TRIM, JUMP, SEQUIN_MODE, SEQUIN_EJECT, STOP, SLOW, FAST, END, get_common_name_dictionary, COMMAND_MASK, ) from pyembroidery.WriteHelper import write_string_utf8 WRITES_SPEEDS = True SEQUIN_CONTINGENCY = CONTINGENCY_SEQUIN_UTILIZE def write(pattern, f, settings=None): writer = GenericWriter(pattern, f, settings) writer.write() class GenericWriter: """ Generic Writer will write generic data fit to a formatted set of strings. Blocks are established by the first segment. Colors are established by the first segment or the first segment after a color change or by a needle_set. Documents are established by the first segment, or the first segment after an end. Segment is the default for any-command. Specific commands override segment. stitch is the default stitch. stitch_first overrides stitch for the first stitch in a block. stitch_last overrides stitch for the last stitch in a block. trims and jumps occurring before a color change belong to the previous color. trims and jumps occurring after a color change belong to the next color. Missing segments are treated as if they never existed. Value properties will differ if segments are excluded. """ def __init__(self, pattern, f, settings): self.pattern = pattern self.f = f self.settings = settings self.metadata_entry = settings.get("metadata_entry", None) self.thread_entry = settings.get("thread_entry", None) self.pattern_start = settings.get("pattern_start", None) self.pattern_end = settings.get("pattern_end", None) self.document_start = settings.get("document_start", None) self.document_end = settings.get("document_end", None) self.color_start = settings.get("color_start", None) self.color_end = settings.get("color_end", None) self.color_join = settings.get("color_join", None) self.block_start = settings.get("block_start", None) self.block_end = settings.get("block_end", None) self.block_join = settings.get("block_join", None) self.segment_start = settings.get("segment_start", None) self.segment = settings.get("segment", None) self.segment_end = settings.get("segment_end", None) self.segment_join = settings.get("segment_join", None) self.stitch_first = settings.get("stitch_first", None) self.stitch_last = settings.get("stitch_last", None) self.stitch = settings.get("stitch", None) self.stop = settings.get("stop", None) self.jump = settings.get("jump", None) self.trim = settings.get("trim", None) self.needle_set = settings.get("needle_set", None) self.color_change = settings.get("color_change", None) self.sequin = settings.get("sequin", None) self.sequin_mode = settings.get("sequin_mode", None) self.slow = settings.get("slow", None) = settings.get("fast", None) self.end = settings.get("end", None) self.format_dictionary = {} self.pattern_established = False self.document_established = False self.color_established = False self.block_established = False self.document_index = -1 self.thread = None self.thread_index = -1 self.stitch_index = -1 self.color_index = -1 self.block_index = -1 self.dx = 0 self.dy = 0 self.xx = 0 self.yy = 0 self.last_x = 0 self.last_y = 0 self.z = 0.0 self.z_increment = settings.get("stitch_z_travel", 10.0) self.command_index = 0 self.current_stitch = None self.x = None self.y = None self.command = None self.cmd = None self.thread = None self.needle = None self.order = None self.cmd_str = None self.block_closing = False self.color_closing = False self.document_closing = False self.block_opening = False self.color_opening = False self.document_opening = False def write_opens(self): if self.document_opening: self.document_opening = False if self.document_start is not None: write_string_utf8(self.f, self.document_start.format_map(self.format_dictionary)) if self.color_opening: self.color_opening = False if self.color_join is not None and self.color_index != 0: write_string_utf8(self.f, self.color_join.format_map(self.format_dictionary)) if self.color_start is not None: write_string_utf8(self.f, self.color_start.format_map(self.format_dictionary)) if self.block_opening: self.block_opening = False if self.block_join is not None and self.block_index != 0: write_string_utf8(self.f, self.block_join.format_map(self.format_dictionary)) if self.block_start is not None: write_string_utf8(self.f, self.block_start.format_map(self.format_dictionary)) def write_closes(self): if self.block_closing: self.block_closing = False if self.block_end is not None: write_string_utf8(self.f, self.block_end.format_map(self.format_dictionary)) if self.color_closing: self.color_closing = False if self.color_end is not None: write_string_utf8(self.f, self.color_end.format_map(self.format_dictionary)) if self.document_closing: self.document_closing = False if self.document_end is not None: write_string_utf8(self.f, self.document_end.format_map(self.format_dictionary)) def get_write_segment(self, cmd): # SEQUIN_MODE if cmd == SEQUIN_MODE and self.sequin_mode is not None: return self.sequin_mode # SEQUIN if cmd == SEQUIN_EJECT and self.sequin is not None: return self.sequin # STITCH if cmd == STITCH and self.stitch is not None: return self.stitch # TRIM if cmd == TRIM and self.trim is not None: return self.trim # JUMP if cmd == JUMP and self.jump is not None: return self.jump # COLOR CHANGE if cmd == COLOR_CHANGE and self.color_change is not None: return self.color_change # NEEDLE SET if cmd == NEEDLE_SET and self.needle_set is not None: return self.needle_set # STOP COMMAND if cmd == STOP and self.stop is not None: return self.stop # SLOW COMMAND if cmd == SLOW and self.slow is not None: return self.slow # FAST COMMAND if cmd == FAST and is not None: return # END COMMAND if cmd == END and self.end is not None: return self.end # GENERIC SEGMENT return self.segment def set_document_statistics(self): pattern = self.pattern self.format_dictionary.update(pattern.extras) bounds = pattern.bounds() # convert to mm. width = bounds[2] - bounds[0] height = bounds[3] - bounds[1] stitch_counts = {} for s in pattern.stitches: command = s[2] & COMMAND_MASK if command in stitch_counts: stitch_counts[command] += 1 else: stitch_counts[command] = 1 names = get_common_name_dictionary() for name in names: value = names[name].lower() self.format_dictionary[value + "_count"] = stitch_counts.get(name,0) self.format_dictionary.update( { "stitch_total": pattern.count_stitches(), "thread_total": pattern.count_threads(), "extents_left": bounds[0], "extends_top": bounds[1], "extends_right": bounds[2], "extends_bottom": bounds[3], "extends_width": width, "extends_height": height, "extents_left_mm": bounds[0] / 10.0, "extends_top_mm": bounds[1] / 10.0, "extends_right_mm": bounds[2] / 10.0, "extends_bottom_mm": bounds[3] / 10.0, "extends_width_mm": width / 10.0, "extends_height_mm": height / 10.0, } ) def update_positions(self, x, y, cmd): self.dx = x - self.last_x self.dy = y - self.last_y idx = int(round(x - self.xx)) idy = int(round(y - self.yy)) self.xx += idx self.yy += idy self.format_dictionary.update( { "x": x, "y": y, "z": self.z, "_x": -x, "_y": -y, "dx": self.dx, "dy": self.dy, "idx": idx, "idy": idy, "_idx": -idx, "_idy": -idy, "ix": self.xx, "iy": self.yy, "_ix": -self.xx, "_iy": -self.yy, "last_x": self.last_x, "last_y": self.last_y, "_last_x": -self.last_x, "_last_y": -self.last_y, } ) if cmd == STITCH: self.z += self.z_increment self.last_x = x self.last_y = y def update_command(self): try: self.current_stitch = self.pattern.stitches[self.command_index] self.x, self.y, self.command = self.current_stitch self.cmd, self.thread, self.needle, self.order = decode_embroidery_command( self.command ) self.cmd_str = pyembroidery.get_common_name_dictionary()[self.cmd] except IndexError: self.current_stitch = None self.x = None self.y = None self.command = None self.cmd = None self.thread = None self.needle = None self.order = None self.cmd_str = None self.format_dictionary.update( { "index": self.command_index, "command": self.command, "cmd_str": self.cmd_str, "cmd": self.cmd, "cmd_thread": self.thread, "cmd_needle": self.needle, "cmd_order": self.order, } ) def open_pattern(self): if not self.pattern_established: self.pattern_established = True if self.pattern_start is not None: write_string_utf8( self.f, self.pattern_start.format_map(self.format_dictionary) ) def open_document(self): # DOCUMENT START if not self.document_established: self.document_established = True self.document_index += 1 self.document_opening = True self.color_index = 0 self.format_dictionary.update( { "document_index": self.document_index, "document_index1": self.document_index + 1, "color_index": self.color_index, "color_index1": self.color_index + 1, "block_index": self.block_index, "block_index1": self.block_index + 1, } ) def open_color(self): # COLOR START if not self.color_established: self.color_established = True self.thread_index += 1 self.color_opening = True self.thread = self.pattern.get_thread_or_filler(self.thread_index) self.block_index = 0 self.color_index += 1 self.format_dictionary.update( { "document_index": self.document_index, "document_index1": self.document_index + 1, "color_index": self.color_index, "color_index1": self.color_index + 1, "block_index": self.block_index, "block_index1": self.block_index + 1, } ) def open_block(self): # BLOCK START if not self.block_established: self.block_established = True self.block_index += 1 self.block_opening = True self.format_dictionary.update( { "document_index": self.document_index, "document_index1": self.document_index + 1, "color_index": self.color_index, "color_index1": self.color_index + 1, "block_index": self.block_index, "block_index1": self.block_index + 1, } ) def write_segment(self, segment): # SEGMENT if self.segment_start is not None: write_string_utf8(self.f, self.segment_start.format_map(self.format_dictionary)) write_string_utf8(self.f, segment.format_map(self.format_dictionary)) # SEGMENT JOIN if self.segment_join is not None: write_string_utf8(self.f, self.segment_join.format_map(self.format_dictionary)) # SEGMENT_END if self.segment_end is not None: write_string_utf8(self.f, self.segment_end.format_map(self.format_dictionary)) def close_pattern(self): if self.pattern_established: self.pattern_established = False if self.pattern_end is not None: write_string_utf8( self.f, self.pattern_end.format_map(self.format_dictionary) ) def close_document(self): # DOCUMENT END if self.document_established: self.document_established = False self.document_closing = True def close_color(self): # COLOR END if self.color_established: self.color_established = False self.color_closing = True def close_block(self): # BLOCK END if self.block_established: self.block_established = False self.block_closing = True def write(self): pattern = self.pattern f = self.f settings = self.settings if settings is None: return # DOCUMENT STATISTICS self.set_document_statistics() self.open_pattern() if self.metadata_entry is not None: for i, key in enumerate(pattern.extras): value = pattern.extras[key] self.format_dictionary.update({ "metadata_index": i, "metadata_key": str(key), "metadata_value": str(value), }) write_string_utf8( self.f, self.metadata_entry.format_map(self.format_dictionary) ) if self.thread_entry is not None: for i, thread in enumerate(pattern.threadlist): self.format_dictionary.update({ "thread_index": i, "thread_color": thread.hex_color(), "thread_description": thread.description, "thread_brand": thread.brand, "thread_catalog_number": thread.catalog_number, "thread_chart": thread.chart, "thread_details": thread.details, "thread_weight": thread.weight, "thread_red": thread.get_red(), "thread_green": thread.get_green(), "thread_blue": thread.get_blue(), }) write_string_utf8( self.f, self.thread_entry.format_map(self.format_dictionary) ) for self.command_index in range(0, len(pattern.stitches)): self.update_command() write_segment = self.get_write_segment(self.cmd) # MAIN CODE, there is something to write. if write_segment is not None: if isinstance(write_segment, dict): key, default = write_segment[None] key = key.format_map(self.format_dictionary) write_segment = write_segment.get(key,default) self.update_positions(self.x, self.y, self.cmd) if self.cmd == SEQUIN_MODE: self.open_document() self.open_color() self.open_block() # SEQUIN if self.cmd == SEQUIN_EJECT: self.open_document() self.open_color() self.open_block() # STITCH if self.cmd == STITCH: self.open_document() self.open_color() self.open_block() # TRIM if self.cmd == TRIM: self.open_document() self.open_color() # JUMP if self.cmd == JUMP: self.open_document() self.open_color() self.open_block() # COLOR CHANGE if self.cmd == COLOR_CHANGE: self.open_document() # NEEDLE SET if self.cmd == NEEDLE_SET: self.open_document() self.open_color() # STOP COMMAND if self.cmd == STOP: self.open_document() self.open_color() self.open_block() # SLOW COMMAND if self.cmd == SLOW: self.open_document() self.open_color() self.open_block() # FAST COMMAND if self.cmd == FAST: self.open_document() self.open_color() self.open_block() # END COMMAND if self.cmd == END: self.open_document() self.open_color() self.open_block() self.write_opens() self.write_segment(write_segment) if self.cmd == SEQUIN_MODE: pass # SEQUIN if self.cmd == SEQUIN_EJECT: pass # STITCH if self.cmd == STITCH: pass # TRIM if self.cmd == TRIM: self.close_block() # JUMP if self.cmd == JUMP: pass # COLOR CHANGE if self.cmd == COLOR_CHANGE: self.close_block() self.close_color() # NEEDLE SET if self.cmd == NEEDLE_SET: pass # STOP COMMAND if self.cmd == STOP: pass # SLOW COMMAND if self.cmd == SLOW: pass # FAST COMMAND if self.cmd == FAST: pass # END COMMAND if self.cmd == END: self.close_block() self.close_color() self.close_document() self.write_closes() self.close_block() self.close_color() self.close_document() self.close_pattern()