
106 wiersze
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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

2018-08-12 02:24:21 +00:00
from .ReadHelper import read_int_8, read_int_16le
def find_extends(stitches):
min_x = float('inf')
min_y = float('inf')
max_x = -float('inf')
max_y = -float('inf')
for stitch in stitches:
if stitch[0] > max_x:
max_x = stitch[0]
if stitch[0] < min_x:
min_x = stitch[0]
if stitch[1] > max_y:
max_y = stitch[1]
if stitch[1] < min_y:
min_y = stitch[1]
return min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y
def read_pmv_stitches(f, out, settings=None):
"""PMV files are stitch files, not embroidery."""
px = 0
# stitches = []
while True:
stitch_count = read_int_16le(f)
block_length = read_int_16le(f)
if block_length is None:
if block_length >= 256:
if stitch_count == 0:
for i in range(0, stitch_count):
x = read_int_8(f)
y = read_int_8(f)
if y > 16:
y = -(32 - y) # This is 5 bit signed number.
if x > 32:
x = -(64 - x) # This is a 6 bit signed number.
x *= 2.5
y *= 2.5
dx = x
out.stitch_abs(px + x, y) # This is a hybrid relative, absolute value.
px += dx
# stitches.append((x, y))
#, 1) # 16 bytes
# block_end = read_int_16le(f)
# if block_end != 256:
# return
# steps = []
# dunno0 = read_int_8(f)
# dunno1 = read_int_8(f)
# length_steps = read_int_8(f)
# steps_size = read_int_8(f)
# for i in range(0, steps_size):
# x = read_int_16le(f)
# y = read_int_16le(f)
# if x is None or y is None:
# break
# steps.append((x, y))
# width_units = read_int_8(f)
# steps2_size = read_int_8(f)
# steps2 = []
# for i in range(0, steps2_size):
# x = read_int_16le(f)
# y = read_int_16le(f)
# if x is None or y is None:
# break
# steps2.append((x, y))
# dunno4 = read_int_16le(f) # seems to be 0x12.
#, 1) # 16 bytes
# # EOF - This should be End of File.
# none_bytes = read_int_8(f)
# if none_bytes is None:
# pass
# extends = find_extends(stitches)
# print(f)
# print("Stitches: Total ", len(stitches), " : ", stitches)
# print("Unknown0:", dunno0)
# print("Unknown1:", dunno1)
# print("Length Position:", length_steps)
# print("Length Lookup: ", len(steps), " : ", steps)
# print("Length value:", steps[length_steps])
# length_max = extends[2] - extends[0]
# width_max = extends[3] - extends[1]
# print("Max Length:", length_max)
# print("Max dx+:", extends[2])
# print("Max dx-:", extends[0])
# print("Width Position:", width_units)
# print("Width Lookup:", len(steps2), " : ", steps2)
# print("Width value:", steps2[width_units])
# print("Max Width:", width_max)
# print("Unknown4:", dunno4)
def read(f, out, settings=None):, 0)
read_pmv_stitches(f, out)