
93 wiersze
3.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function, division
from PIL import Image
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from sys import stderr
from pysstv import color, grayscale
SSTV_MODULES = [color, grayscale]
def main():
module_map = build_module_map()
parser = ArgumentParser(
description='Converts an image to an SSTV modulated WAV file.')
parser.add_argument('img_file', metavar='image.png',
help='input image file name')
parser.add_argument('wav_file', metavar='output.wav',
help='output WAV file name')
'--mode', dest='mode', default='MartinM1', choices=module_map,
help='image mode (default: Martin M1)')
parser.add_argument('--rate', dest='rate', type=int, default=48000,
help='sampling rate (default: 48000)')
parser.add_argument('--bits', dest='bits', type=int, default=16,
help='bits per sample (default: 16)')
parser.add_argument('--vox', dest='vox', action='store_true',
help='add VOX tones at the beginning')
parser.add_argument('--fskid', dest='fskid',
help='add FSKID at the end')
parser.add_argument('--chan', dest='chan', type=int,
help='number of channels (default: mono)')
parser.add_argument('--resize', dest='resize', action='store_true',
help='resize the image to the correct size')
parser.add_argument('--keep-aspect-ratio', dest='keep_aspect_ratio', action='store_true',
help='keep the original aspect ratio when resizing (and cut off excess pixels)')
parser.add_argument('--resample', dest='resample', default='lanczos',
choices=('nearest', 'bicubic', 'lanczos'),
help='which resampling filter to use for resizing (see Pillow documentation)')
args = parser.parse_args()
image =
mode = module_map[args.mode]
if args.resize and any(i != m for i, m in zip(image.size, (mode.WIDTH, mode.HEIGHT))):
resample = getattr(Image, args.resample.upper())
if args.keep_aspect_ratio:
orig_ratio = image.width / image.height
mode_ratio = mode.WIDTH / mode.HEIGHT
crop = orig_ratio != mode_ratio
crop = False
if crop:
if orig_ratio < mode_ratio:
w = mode.WIDTH
h = int(w / orig_ratio)
h = mode.HEIGHT
w = int(orig_ratio * h)
w = mode.WIDTH
h = mode.HEIGHT
image = image.resize((w, h), resample)
if crop:
x = (image.width - mode.WIDTH) / 2
y = (image.height - mode.HEIGHT) / 2
image = image.crop((x, y, mode.WIDTH + x, mode.HEIGHT + y))
elif not all(i >= m for i, m in zip(image.size, (mode.WIDTH, mode.HEIGHT))):
print(('Image must be at least {m.WIDTH} x {m.HEIGHT} pixels '
'for mode {m.__name__}').format(m=mode), file=stderr)
raise SystemExit(1)
s = mode(image, args.rate, args.bits)
s.vox_enabled = args.vox
if args.fskid:
if args.chan:
s.nchannels = args.chan
def build_module_map():
from collections import OrderedDict
module_map = OrderedDict()
except ImportError:
module_map = {}
for module in SSTV_MODULES:
for mode in module.MODES:
module_map[mode.__name__] = mode
return module_map
if __name__ == '__main__':