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import pytest
import uuid
from gitea import Gitea, User, Organization, Team, Repository, Issue
from gitea import NotFoundException, AlreadyExistsException
# put a ".token" file into your directory containg only the token for gitea
def instance(scope="module"):
g = Gitea("http://localhost:3000", open(".token", "r").read().strip())
print("Gitea Version: " + g.get_version())
print("API-Token belongs to user: " + g.get_user().username)
return g
assert (
), "Gitea could not load. \
- Instance running at http://localhost:3000 \
- Token at .token \
# make up some fresh names for the tests run
test_org = "org_" + uuid.uuid4().hex[:8]
test_user = "user_" + uuid.uuid4().hex[:8]
test_team = "team_" + uuid.uuid4().hex[:8] # team names seem to have a rather low max lenght
test_repo = "repo_" + uuid.uuid4().hex[:8]
def test_list_repos(instance):
user = instance.create_user(test_user, test_user + "", "abcdefg1.23AB", send_notify=False)
org = instance.create_org(user, test_org, "some Description for longtests")
repos = org.get_repositories()
assert len(repos) == 0
# test a number of repository listings larger than the pagination number (default 30)
for i in range(1, 34):
instance.create_repo(org, test_repo + "_" + str(i), str(i))
repos = org.get_repositories()
assert len(repos) >= 33
def test_list_issue(instance):
org = Organization.request(instance, test_org)
repo = instance.create_repo(org, test_repo, "Testing a huge number of Issues and how they are listed")
for x in range(0, 100):
Issue.create_issue(instance, repo, "TestIssue" + str(x), "We will be to many to be listed on one page")
issues = repo.get_issues()
assert len(issues) > 98