added documentation

fkarg 2019-04-05 02:25:10 +02:00
rodzic e3ef9512a4
commit 217ece3ba7
1 zmienionych plików z 378 dodań i 9 usunięć

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@ -18,8 +18,18 @@ class NotFoundException(Exception):
class Organization:
""" Organization.
""" Represents an Organization in the Gitea-instance.
id: int
avatar_url: string
description: string
full_name: string
location: string
username: string
website: string
gitea: Gitea-instance.
# ORG_CREATE = """/admin/users/%s/orgs""" # <org>
# ORG_CREATE = """/orgs""" # <org>
ORG_REQUEST = """/orgs/%s""" # <org>
@ -28,34 +38,75 @@ class Organization:
ORG_TEAMS_CREATE = """/orgs/%s/teams""" # <org>
ORG_PATCH = """/orgs/%s""" # <org>
ORG_GET_MEMBERS = """/orgs/%s/members""" # <org>
ORG_DELETE = """/orgs/%s""" # <org>
def __init__(self, gitea, orgName: str, initJson: json = None):
""" Initialize Organization-Object. At least a name is required.
Will get this Organization, and fail if it does not exist.
gitea (Gitea): current instance.
orgName: Name of Organization.
initJson (dict): Optional, init information for Organization
Returns: Organization
The initialized Organization.
self.gitea = gitea
self.username = "UNINIT"
self.__initialize_org(orgName, initJson)
def __repr__(self):
""" Representation of an Organization. Consisting of username and id.
return "Organization: %s (%s)" % (self.username,
def get_repositories(self):
""" Get the Repositories of this Organization.
Returns: [Repository]
A list of Repositories this Organization is hosting.
results = self.gitea.requests_get(Organization.ORG_REPOS_REQUEST %
return [Repository(self.gitea, self, result["name"],
initJson=result) for result in results]
def get_teams(self):
""" Get the Teams in this Organization
Returns: [Team]
A list of Teams in this Organization.
results = self.gitea.requests_get(Organization.ORG_TEAMS_REQUEST %
return [Team(self, result["name"], initJson=result)
for result in results]
def get_members(self):
""" Get all members of this Organization
Returns: [User]
A list of Users who are members of this Organization.
results = self.gitea.requests_get(Organization.ORG_GET_MEMBERS %
return [User(self, result["username"], initJson=result)
for result in results]
def __initialize_org(self, orgName: str, result) -> None:
""" Initialize Organization.
orgName (str): Name of the Organization
result (dict): Optional, init information for Organization
Exception, if Organization could not be found.
if not result:
result = self.gitea.requests_get(Organization.ORG_REQUEST %
@ -67,12 +118,40 @@ class Organization:
logging.error("Did not find organisation: %s" % orgName)
def set_value(self, values: dict):
""" Setting a certain value for an Organization.
values (dict): Which values should be changed
description: string
full_name: string
location: string
website: string
result = self.gitea.requests_patch(Organization.ORG_PATCH %
self.username, data=values)
self.__initialize_org(self.username, result)
def delete(self):
""" Delete this Organization. Invalidates this Objects data.
Also deletes all Repositories, Teams and Users associated with this
Organization (except gitea-authenticated user).
# TODO: Delete Repos, Teams, Users (except authenticated user)
self.gitea.requests.delete(Organization.ORG_DELETE % self.username)
class User:
""" Represents a User in the Gitea-instance.
avatar_url: string
email: string
full_name: string
id: int
is_admin: bool
language: string
login: string
USER_REQUEST = """/users/%s""" # <org>
USER_REPOS_REQUEST = """/users/%s/repos""" # <org>
@ -80,19 +159,46 @@ class User:
ADMIN_DELETE_USER = """/admin/users/%s""" # <username>
def __init__(self, gitea, userName: str, initJson: json = None):
""" Initialize a User. At least a username is necessary.
This will only get a user, not create one.
`Gitea.create_user` does that.
gitea (Gitea): current instance.
userName (str): login-name of the User.
initJson (dict): Optional, init information for User
NotFoundException, if User does not exist.
self.gitea = gitea
self.username = "UNINIT"
self.__initialize_user(userName, initJson)
def __repr__(self):
return "User: %s (%s)" % (self.username,
""" Representation of a User. Consisting of login-name and id.
return "User: %s (%s)" % (self.login,
def get_repositories(self):
""" Get all Repositories owned by this User.
Returns: [Repository]
A list of Repositories this user owns.
result = self.gitea.requests_get(User.USER_REPOS_REQUEST %
return [Repository(self.gitea, self, r["name"]) for r in result]
def __initialize_user(self, userName: str, result) -> None:
""" Initialize User.
userName (str): The name of the user.
result (dict): Optional, init information for User.
if not result:
result = self.gitea.requests_get(User.USER_REQUEST % userName)"Found User: '%s'" % result["login"])
@ -100,6 +206,16 @@ class User:
setattr(self, i, v)
def set_value(self, email: str, values: dict):
""" Set certain values of this user.
email (str): The actual email of the User.
values (dict): The (updated) values.
The email you get from the API might not be sufficient.
It needs to be the actual mail in the database.
# the request requires email to be set...
values["email"] = email
result = self.gitea.requests_patch(User.USER_PATCH % self.username,
@ -107,21 +223,61 @@ class User:
self.__initialize_user(self.username, result)
def delete(self):
""" Deletes this user. Also deletes all Repositories he owns.
# TODO: Delete all Repositories of this user.
# Might not be deleteable otherwise.
self.gitea.requests_delete(User.ADMIN_DELETE_USER % self.username)
class Repository:
""" Represents a Repository in the Gitea-instance.
archived: bool
clone_url: string
default_branch: string
id: int
empty: bool
owner: User/Organization
private: bool
REPO_REQUEST = """/repos/%s/%s""" # <ownername>,<reponame>
REPO_SEARCH = """/repos/search/%s""" # <reponame>
REPO_BRANCHES = """/repos/%s/%s/branches""" # <owner>, <reponame>
def __init__(self, gitea, repoOwner, repoName: str, initJson: json = None):
""" Initializing a Repository.
gitea (Gitea): current instance.
repoOwner (User/Organization): Owner of the Repository.
repoName (str): Name of the Repository
initJson (dict): Optional, init information for Repository.
This does not Create a Repository. `gitea.create_repo` does.
NotFoundException, if Repository has not been found.
self.gitea = gitea = "UNINIT"
self.__initialize_repo(repoOwner, repoName, initJson)
def __initialize_repo(self, repoOwner, repoName: str, result):
""" Initializing a Repository.
repoOwner (User/Organization): Owner of the Repository
repoName (str): Name of the Repository
result (dict): Optional, init information for Repository.
NotFoundException, if Repository has not been found.
if not result:
result = self.gitea.requests_get(Repository.REPO_REQUEST %
(repoOwner.username, repoName))
@ -132,23 +288,59 @@ class Repository:
self.owner = repoOwner
def __repr__(self):
""" Representation of a Repository. Consisting of path and id.
return "Repository: %s/%s (%s)" % (self.owner.username,,
def get_branches(self):
""" Get all the branches of this Repository.
Returns: [Branch]
A list of Branches of this Repository.
results = self.gitea.requests_get(Repository.REPO_BRANCHES %
return [Branch(self, result["name"], result) for result in results]
class Branch:
""" Represents a Branch in the Gitea-instance.
name: string
commit: Commit
REPO_BRANCH = """/repos/%s/%s/branches/%s""" # <owner>, <repo>, <ref>
def __init__(self, repo: Repository, name: str, initJson: json = None):
""" Initializes a Branch.
repo (Repository): The Repository of this Branch.
name (str): The name of this Branch.
initJson (dict): Optional, init information for Branch.
This does not create a Branch. <sth> does.
NotFoundException, if Branch could not be found.
self.gitea = repo.gitea
self.__initialize_branch(repo, name, initJson)
def __initialize_branch(self, repository, name, result):
""" Initializing a Branch.
repository (Repository): The Repository of this Branch.
name (str): The name of this Branch.
result (dict): Optional, init information for Branch.
NotFoundException, if Branch could not be found.
if not result:
result = self.gitea.requests_get(Branch.REPO_BRANCH %
@ -161,6 +353,8 @@ class Branch:
class Team:
""" Represents a Team in the Gitea-instance.
# GET_TEAM = """/orgs/%s/teams"""
GET_TEAM = """/teams/%s""" # <id>
@ -168,10 +362,33 @@ class Team:
ADD_REPO = """/teams/%s/repos/%s/%s""" # <id, org, repo>
def __init__(self, org: Organization, name: str, initJson: json = None):
""" Initializes Team.
org (Organization): Organization this team is part of.
name (str): Name of the Team.
initJson (dict): Optional, init information for Team.
This does not create a Team. `gitea.create_team` does.
NotFoundException, if Team could not be found.
self.gitea = org.gitea
self.__initialize_team(org, name, initJson)
def __initialize_team(self, org, name, result):
""" Initializes Team.
org (Organization): Organization this team is part of.
name (str): Name of the Team.
result (dict): Optional, init information for Team.
NotFoundException, if Team could not be found.
if not result:
for team in org.get_teams():
if == name:
@ -186,16 +403,33 @@ class Team:
self.organization = org
def __repr__(self):
""" Representation of a Team. Consisting of name and id.
return "Team: %s (%s)" % (,
def add_user(self, user: User):
""" Adding a User to this Team.
user (User): User to be added.
self.gitea.requests_put(Team.ADD_USER % (, user.login))
def add_repo(self, repo: Repository):
""" Adding a Repository to this Team.
repo (Repository): Repository to be added.
self.gitea.requests_put(Team.ADD_REPO % (, self.organization.username,
class Gitea():
""" Has Gitea-authenticated session. Can Create Users/Organizations/Teams/...
A few. Look at them.
ADMIN_CREATE_USER = """/admin/users"""
ADMIN_REPO_CREATE = """/admin/users/%s/repos""" # <ownername>
@ -204,26 +438,58 @@ class Gitea():
CREATE_ORG = """/admin/users/%s/orgs""" # <username>
CREATE_TEAM = """/orgs/%s/teams""" # <orgname>
@:param url: url of Gitea server without .../api/<version>
def __init__(self, url, token):
""" Initializing Gitea-instance.
url (str): URL of Gitea-server.
token (str): Token of acting User.
self.headers = {"Authorization": "token " + token,
"Content-type": "application/json"}
self.url = url
self.requests = requests
def get_url(self, endpoint):
""" Returns the full API-URL.
endpoint (str): Path to be added on API-Path.
Returns: str
Combined total API endpoint.
url = self.url + "/api/v1" + endpoint
logging.debug('Url: %s' % url)
return url
def parse_result(self, result):
def parse_result(result):
""" Parses the result-JSON to a dict.
result (str): Result-Object from requests (library).
Returns: dict
Parsed from JSON
if (result.text and len(result.text) > 3):
return json.loads(result.text)
return {}
def requests_get(self, endpoint):
""" Get parsed result from API-endpoint.
endpoint (str): Endpoint to request from.
Returns: (dict)
Parsed JSON-answer from the API.
Exception, if answer status code is not ok.
request = self.requests.get(self.get_url(endpoint),
if request.status_code not in [200, 201]:
@ -236,6 +502,14 @@ class Gitea():
return self.parse_result(request)
def requests_put(self, endpoint):
""" Get parsed result from API-endpoint.
endpoint (str): Endpoint to request from.
Exception, if answer status code is not ok.
request = self.requests.put(self.get_url(endpoint),
if request.status_code not in [204]:
@ -246,6 +520,14 @@ class Gitea():
def requests_delete(self, endpoint):
""" Get parsed result from API-endpoint.
endpoint (str): Endpoint to request from.
Exception, if answer status code is not ok.
request = self.requests.delete(self.get_url(endpoint),
if request.status_code not in [204]:
@ -255,6 +537,19 @@ class Gitea():
(request.status_code, request.url))
def requests_post(self, endpoint, data):
""" Post data to API-endpoint.
endpoint (str): endpoint of API to send data to
data (dict): Data to send.
Returns: (dict)
Parsed JSON-answer from the API.
AlreadyExistsException, if 'already exists' in answer
Exception, if status code not ok
request =,
@ -275,6 +570,18 @@ class Gitea():
return self.parse_result(request)
def requests_patch(self, endpoint, data):
""" Patch data to API-endpoint.
endpoint (str): endpoint of API to send data to
data (dict): Data to patch.
Returns: (dict)
Parsed JSON-answer from the API. Usually it is empty.
Exception, if status code not ok.
request = self.requests.patch(self.get_url(endpoint),
headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(data))
if request.status_code not in [200, 201]:
@ -284,7 +591,7 @@ class Gitea():
(request.status_code, request.url, request.text))
return self.parse_result(request)
def get_users_search(self, ):
def get_users_search(self):
path = '/users/search'
return self.requests_get(path)
@ -399,6 +706,23 @@ class Gitea():
def create_user(self, userName: str, email: str, password: str,
change_pw=True, sendNotify=True, sourceId=0) \
-> User:
""" Create User.
userName (str): Name of the User that should be created.
email (str): Email of the User that should be created.
password (str): Password of the User that should be created.
change_pw (bool): Optional, True, if the User should change his Password
sendNotify (bool): Optional, True, if the User should be notified by Mail.
sourceId (int): Optional, 0, source by which the User can authentificate himself against.
Returns: User
The newly created User.
AlreadyExistsException, if the User exists already
Exception, if something else went wrong.
result = self.requests_post(Gitea.ADMIN_CREATE_USER,
data={'source_id': sourceId,
'login_name': userName,
@ -420,6 +744,26 @@ class Gitea():
# private: bool=False, autoInit=True, gitignores='C#',
private: bool=False, autoInit=True, gitignores=None,
license=None, readme="Default") -> Repository:
""" Create a Repository.
repoOwner (User/Organization): The owner of this Repository.
repoName (str): The name of this Repository.
description (str): Optional, None, short description of this Repository.
private (bool): Optional, False, if this Repository should be private.
autoInit (bool): Optional, True, if this Repository should auto-initialize.
gitignores ([str]): Optional, None, list of gitignores to add.
license (str): Optional, None, what sort of License to add.
readme (str): Optional, 'Default', which Readme to initialize with.
Returns: Repository
The newly created Repository
AlreadyExistsException, if Repository exists already.
Exception, if something else went wrong.
# although this only says user in the api, this also works for
# organizations
assert(isinstance(repoOwner, User) or
@ -444,6 +788,23 @@ class Gitea():
def create_org(self, owner: User, orgName: str, description: str,
location="", website="", full_name="") -> Organization:
""" Creates Organization.
owner (User): The User that will own this Organization.
orgName (str): The name of the new Organization.
description (str): Short description of the Organization.
location (str): Optional, where the Organization is located.
website (str): Optional, a website of this Organization.
full_name (str): Optional, the full name of the Organization.
Returns: Organization
The newly created Organization.
AlreadyExistsException, if this Organization already exists.
Exception, if something else went wrong.
assert (isinstance(owner, User))
result = self.requests_post(Gitea.CREATE_ORG % owner.username,
data={"username": orgName,
@ -462,11 +823,19 @@ class Gitea():
return Organization(owner, orgName, initJson=result)
def create_team(self, org: Organization, name: str, description: str,
def create_team(self, org: Organization, name: str, description: str = '',
permission: str = "read",
units = ["repo.code", "repo.issues", "repo.ext_issues",
"", "repo.pulls", "repo.releases",
"repo.ext_wiki"]) -> Team:
""" Creates a Team.
org (Organization): Organization the Team will be part of.
name (str): The Name of the Team to be created.
description (str): Optional, None, short description of the new Team.
permission (str): Optional, 'read', What permissions the members
result = self.requests_post(Gitea.CREATE_TEAM % org.username,
data={"name": name,
"description": description,